Friday, February 10, 2017

The Norwegian lifted the stock exchange – ABC News

Shares of the airline Norwegian rose by 2.7 per cent on Friday, the fourth day in a row with the increase of the company after Trump spokesman Sean Spicer expressed himself positively on the subsidiary’s Norwegian Air Shuttles flytillatelse between Europe and the united STATES.

the Exchange was also the promise of petroleumsgiganten Statoil and aluminiumsgiganten Norsk Hydro. The indekstunge companies were the most and third most traded, and step with respectively 0,74 and 1.9 percent after a weak opening.

Yara shares picked up slightly in after Thursday’s clear decline after a weak fjerdekvartalsresultat in 2016, and step 0,94 per cent. It did not, however, the River, which continued to burden the stock exchange with a decline of 1.7 per cent.

Arrows pointing also upwards at all the most important european stock exchanges on Friday. CAC 40 index in Paris was up 0.1 per cent, while the DAX 30 in Frankfurt and the FTSE 100 in London increased by 0.2 and 0.5 per cent.

According to the DN got the oil price a solid jumped on Friday afternoon after The international energy agency (IEA) wrote that adherence to the produksjonskuttavtalene between Opec countries and the eleven other oljelandene was around 90 percent in January.

the Prices for both nordsjøolje and american light oil went up by in excess of a dollar, and traded for, respectively, 56,7 and 54 dollars a barrel.


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