Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Starting oil adventure in Notodden – NRK

The fledgling enterprise Optime Subsea Services will provide installation and service for the oil industry at a lower price.

– industry looking for new technologies

– The low oil price makes this good timing, says CEO Jan Fredrik Carlsen.

He believes that the oil industry must look for new technologies when times are bad.

– Now we have established an office at Notodden and Houston, and the next step is out and meet customers and tell about the technology we have developed, says Carlsen.

So what makes this company? The answer is maybe for the technically savvy of us:

– We have taken forward a technology and service that reduces the price and cost to install subsea trees, and to draw these Xmas trees. We can do the work of lighter, smaller vessels than from rigs, says Carlsen.

– Not the end of the oil age

Technical director in Optime Subsea Services, Trond Løkka, agrees with Carlsen that this is the right time to start for themselves in the oil industry.

– This is not the end of the oil age. There is a change. We want to contribute to this change.

But why

stop four men in their secure jobs to go into the unknown?

– This is a dream we’ve gone with all Four – to start his own company and try to make a difference. And it’s motivating to have a private company to do it in, say Løkka.

– Good for Telemark

Telemark county mayor Terje Riis-Johansen, was formerly Petroleum and Energy, and puts a the fledgling firm’s capabilities in perspective:

– This technology can save up to $ 50 million on a project. In practice this means that field before been regarded as unprofitable, might be it.

And he states:

– This is good for Telemark and Notodden.


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