Monday, May 18, 2015

Statoil gets refs after sick man jumped out of the helicopter – Aftenposten

The 37-year-old patient was acutely mentally ill while he was at work offshore. He was to be flown from Troll A to country for treatment, but came out of the helicopter while it was in the air. Fylkeslegen found failures in multiple joints in Statoil. It reports TV2.

It was July 2 last year, just before 8:45, that a 37-year-old man was taken in an EC-225 helicopter from the Troll A platform in the North Sea, writes Eve magazine. no.

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The man, a Swedish citizen, was employed by a subcontractor companies that provide services on the Statoil-operated platform. He had prior to transport been in contact with health services on the platform, and eventually became acutely ill. The duty doctor decided to send him to land by helicopter.

But heading towards land, it went wrong. 600 meters up in the air, he stood up inside the helicopter, his heels in the stretcher he had been lying on and jumped out of the helicopter window. Just over an hour later the patient was found in the sea off Sotra.

scrutinized by several

The case was investigated by many, including the PSA and the CAA. Also police investigated also matter, but let it gradually away because they did not find that criminal violations were committed.

Now exists County Physician conclusion, and it is pointed out routine failure of multiple joints in Statoil.

For poor routines

In its report on the conclusion report describes Fylkeslegen failure in detail:

  • Health in Statoil did not set aside enough time to capture significant problem in the patient.
  • It was not allowed enough time to ensure that his condition was stabilized before departure from Troll-A.
  • The procedures intended to ensure proper transport of mentally unstable patients was not adequate .

Fylkeslegen also comes with several specific input to both Statoil and the industry. Fylkeslegen mean among other things that patients in the future must be positioned so that the helicopter crew has the ability to intervene if something unexpected happens.

TV 2 has been in contact with the press contact in Statoil, Oliver Heradstveit. He says that the group has not received any formal conclusions from Fylkeslegen, and therefore can not comment on the matter. The report was posted early last week.

Heradstveit say they eventually want to comment on the matter after they have undergone report.

Published: 18 May. 2015 2:00 p.m.


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