Saturday, May 2, 2015

Will take the battle internally – HegnarOnline

The management and officers of Innovation Norway will even solve the state enterprise’s challenges. They do not want the central intervention, writes DN.

CEO Anita Krohn Traaseth says she is proud and touched by how the union representatives and management have failed to resolve the situation with downsizing and restructuring together.

Deputy Managing Director Toril Bariusdotter Ressem emphasizes that extensive restructuring and downsizing naturally creates frustration.

– It creates concerns. That employees believe they have not received enough information is completely natural and nothing to be expected. It is never good enough in such reorganization. It is also difficult to communicate the same across the country and internationally. Now we solve this internally and in close cooperation. Top climate conference, as we call it, stressed willingness to just that, she says to DN, referring to a meeting between the employee elected Board, Ove Haaversen-West Hassel, management and union representatives this week.

Traaseth adding that Innovation Norway has spent eight months preparing restructuring process.

– We have completed an extensive competence mapping. All 766 employees have described their own skills profile and has had interviews with management. The background is a ten-year summary and analysis of customer needs. Meanwhile, we have received a reduction in management costs in the state budget. The number of managers is for instance reduced from 69 to 43, she says to DN.


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