Tuesday, September 30, 2014

- All options open – Todays Business

- All options open – Todays Business

<- [if (lte IE 9) & (! IEMobile)]>  Mange MULIGHETER. Kjell Inge R & oslash; kkes eldste s & oslash; NNN Kristian Monsen R & oslash; KKE er styreleder i Aker Phila & shy; delphia Shipyard. Photo: pontus H & ouml; & ouml; k <- [yew! ((lte IE 9) & (! IEMobile))]> <->


Far og sønn Røkke camp komme til å SLA sammen rate of American Shipping Company kursrakettene OGG Aker Philadelphia Shipyard Før en eventuell exit.

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I Aker USA Two rate «Amerikanske» selskapene i Kjell Inge Røkkes Aker-GATT system har som en Kule på Oslo Borse kjølvannet i av i skiferoljeboomen USA. Oct. oljeproduksjon Forte til bytes Rater for Transport av oljen mellom Amerikanske havner og etter Oct. etterspørsel undeniable, amerikanskbygde skip, slicks Jones Act-loven krever.

Rederiet American Shipping Company Aker Philadelphia Shipyard skipsverftet og er nå priset til snaut fem milliarder Kröner.

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Røsland: – Participating villages make up the difference – Fædrelandsvennen

Røsland: – Participating villages make up the difference – Fædrelandsvennen

Oslo (NTB): Det er utgiftene til deltakerlandsbyene i Oslo og Lillehammer som utgjør differansen på de to «billig-OL»-budsjettene, sier lederen av arrangementskomiteen for et OL i Oslo.


Krone Rally Norges Bank stunt – HegnarOnline

Krone Rally Norges Bank stunt – HegnarOnline

Norges Bank announced on Tuesday that the central bank will sell foreign currency equivalent to 250 million per day in connection with the sale to the fund in October. It means that money is being purchased.

Norges Bank has confirmed to E24 that it is the first time it happens.

– 250 million per day in itself is not large enough to enable it will have a direct effect on the crown, but it is obviously a positive signal that Norges Bank is on the buyer side. We are already the market interprets the positive, says chief strategist Erica Blomgren SEB to the site.

“The central bank has long alternated parts of the crown revenue currency because oil revenues in foreign currencies have been lower than transfers to the Government Pension Fund Global . now the picture has improved. revenues from the petroleum sector is declining and the use of oil revenues over the budget has increased. then arises a need to switch part of foreign currency earnings into Norwegian kroner to cover the budget deficit. This need will become progressively larger in the years ahead, “writes DNB Markets comments.

The krone appreciated and widely. In minutes were key currencies 0.6-0.8 percent cheaper.

Now the dollar costs 6.40 million, while the euro is in 8.11. Swedish Crown is as low as 0.88 million.

Follow the currency market LIVE on Hegnar.no


While Oslo crafted “inexpensive Olympics” came the new requirements of the IOC – Today’s Business

While Oslo crafted "inexpensive Olympics" came the new requirements of the IOC – Today's Business

Nyheter 2022 OL i

Mens Oslo2022 jobbet kuttplaner med, med cum IOC denies tall og chough. Derfor blir ikke “billig-OL” This billig likevel.

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Debatten ohm “mulighetsrommet” – også kalt “billig-OL- har preget debatten Oslo 2022-ohm prosjektet two siste ukene .

I 20-tiden tirsdag kveld publiserte Kulturdepartementet omsider tall fra regjeringens EGET kvalitetssikringsutvalg. Disse tallene hevder at “mulighetsrommet” slett ikke er like stort Somme-2022 Oslo Kampanjen hevdet 4.september.

OL-Kampen Mente at statsgarantien kunne kuttes med 8,8 milliarder Kröner. Regjeringens egne tallknusere conducting debt Tallet caught er 4,8 milliarder Kröner.

-Vi registrerer at two det ikke deler vår vurdering når gjelder Noen av tiltakene life har sett på Somme mulige. Vi gleder oss til å ha en gjennomgang med dette kvalitetssikrerne ohms, Sier-Oslo2022 sjef Elijah Grimsby til DN.

Avviket på fire milliarder skyldes hovedsakelig at regjeringsutvalget tviler by AT Oslo-OL klarer å HAVE inn extra sponsormilliard. viktigst But er det at utvalget conducting Oslo-OL har overdrevet mulighetene hefty Spare No deltaker- OGG medielandsbyer. avviket Her er 2,3 milliarder Kröner.

Prosjektleder hefty regjeringens kvalitetssikringsutvalg, Anders Loken i DNVGL, forklarer debt blant annet meds at IOC oppdatert sine chough og har tall nylig – og thin Oslo2022 jobbet med sine kuttplaner.

Deut gjelder hefty eksempel kravet til deltakerlandsbyer. Dette var foreslått redusert til 4500 Senger, thin fra det denies kravet aim IOC 4900, Sier Loken.

Det samme gjelder Oslo2022s forventninger ohms at undeniable tv-avtaler skulle Skaffe en milliard extra i sponsorinntekter. But i IOCs “Host City Contract” gjenspeiles ikke debt.

– Når ment ser på verdien direktebidragene av, er det er ingen nesten endring fra det fra ment visste hefty, Sier Loken.

Innen mange av de andre innsparingene – som i kutt idrettsanlegg OGG mediesenter – er regjeringens kvalitetssikringsutvalg Oslo2022 og på samme linje.

Deut var ingen hemmelighet at life gjorde et stort arbeid på kort tid, Sier Elijah Grimsby ohms kuttplanene Somme blue gjennomført tidligere i Host.

-Selv Views er godt om dette materialet inn i, var Views tydelige by AT det ikke den som hadde samme Kvalitet opprinnelige søknaden var. Ash sett med at det er er Views fornøyd sammenfallende vurderinger på mange punkter, Sier Grimsby.

Byrådsleder og leder hefty søkerkomiteen, Stian Berger Røsland (H), Sier at han nå bruke town of Neste dagene på Ga inn til i begrunnelsen regjeringens tallknusere.

-Vi sisters at two seg fra skiller oss på ett vesentlig punkt – hvorvidt det er å mulig redusere deltaker- OGG medielandsbyene. Der conducting life at camp life Gå ned til IOC-standard.

-Mener dere altså at two tar Feil

-Vi har ikke sinker begrunnelsen deres. Det blir vanskelig uten å diskutere at lifestyle vet hvorfor two conducting IOC og life tarball Feil. Det er det som er i hovedskillet vurderingen. This view is får hva er det.

Kulturminister Thorhild Widvey har ikke tilgjengelig vært hefty Kommentar but Sier i en pressemelding at Den siste gjennomgangen town være med til i underlagsmaterialet regjeringen.

Tromsøs Drom ohms Fa i vinter-OL 2018 kollapset da en tilsvarende Gruppe med eksperter offentliggjorde milliardavvik slutten i av september 2008 Det offentliges bidrag OGG statsgarantisummen blue anslått å være dobbelt this Hoyt Somme Tromsøs søkergruppe Anslo. Også den gangen var det GL DNV (Det Norske Veritas) for som sto kvalitetsgjennomgangen. Den kritiske rapporten, kombinert med stor motstand i befolkningen, Forte til at Tromsøs søknad blue trukket.


These apartments fell 3.5 percent in September – Todays Business

These apartments fell 3.5 percent in September – Todays Business

News Home

– Not surprisingly, with a correction, says property state.

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Prices of condominium apartments conveyed Guarantee Real Estate was 3.5 percent lower in September 2014 compared with August 2014

Average price per square meter for condominium apartments were in September 2014 at 29,124 million, while the corresponding figure in August 2014 were at 30,191 dollars.

Over the past 12 months, prices have risen by 2.9 percent. For 12 months sidenvar average price per square meter condominium apartments 28.299 million.

The statistics of Guarantee Real Estate, showed much stronger growth in August than was the gold standard in the landsomfattens used housing statistics of brokers.

– A correction of the price level

– After the very strong rise last month, it is not surprising with an adjustment of the price level in September. This we also saw last year with inflation in August and a corresponding correction of prices in September. The interesting thing here is that we have a nice rise in the longer term. Prices are now almost three percent higher than twelve months ago, and nearly five percent higher than at the beginning of the year, says CEO Stein Drog Seth Guarantee Real Estate said in a statement.

More bids and bidders per property

Compared with the previous month, the number of bids this month. In September 2014 it

average of 5.0 bids per condominium property conveyed Guarantee Real Estate. This is an increase of 0.7 bids from August 2014, an increase of 0.6 bids compared with the same period last year. Number of bidders per dwelling is 2.0 in September 2014, an increase of 0.2 bidders from the previous month and up 0.1 bidders compared to the same period last year.

– Insert light of the moderate inflation in August, it will be exciting to see how the market has developed in September, says CEO Christian Vammervold Dreyer in Real Estate Norway.

In a press release says Dreyer there is normally a lot of activity in housing market in September.

Friday at 11 he presents the nationwide spent dwelling statistics for Norway. See the figures first DN.no

Guarantee Real Estate is the real estate housing chain and consists of 35 housing associations that manage over 100,000 homes, mostly in cooperatives affiliated housing cooperatives. Around 60 percent of the managed properties are flats, while the others are various forms of dwellings solutions.

To the coup he luxury property for 70 million

Cutting the price of cottage with 25 million.


Nav defrauded of nearly 180 million – Aftenposten

Nav defrauded of nearly 180 million – Aftenposten

The majority of the reviews – specifically 622 – applies to fraud of unemployment benefits and work assessment allowance, said Nav in a statement. The totals for these benefits are respectively 60 and 71 million.

– We are continuing to prioritize the biggest cases to the police, but people who have defrauded smaller amount also risk the police, said Labour and Welfare Director Joakim Lystad .

It is also revealed moonlighting for 23 million. The biggest single issue is the construction industry and is about 2.2 million.

– To uncover labor crime, we are totally dependent on close collaboration with other agencies. This type of crime is a growing problem in society and we are going to prioritize this work in the future, says Lystad. One person is reported to have worked for black employer while he was receiving disability benefits.

Published: 30.sep. 2,014 24:46


Mining Stock gravel Tuesday – Rokke company aloft – HegnarOnline

Mining Stock gravel Tuesday – Rokke company aloft – HegnarOnline

Oslo Børs has remained in positive territory Tuesday, after rising 0.3 percent from the start.

The main index ended at 609.38, up 0.36 percent.

Oil prices above $ 97
The price of North Sea oil falling 0.45 percent to $ 96.76 a barrel. When the stock market closed Monday, the price was $ 96.74 a barrel.

Read also: Statoil awarded land license in Algeria

Statoil ended up 0.34 percent to 175.20 kroner.

Rokke considers exit from the stock rocket
Converto Capital Fund, which Kjell Inge Rokke-controlled Aker owns 99.8 percent, considering an exit from American Shipping Company ASA, which has risen 1,262 percent over the past two years.

Converto During the last week had conversations with a number of financial and industrial investors. It concluded, however, that potential strategic alternatives may create greater value than an exit from the company now.

You will now see the possibilities, including also public offering in the United States.

Converto think AMSC and AKPS is at a crossroads when it comes to opportunities.

– All options are open, said communications director Atle Kigen Aker, who is a major shareholder in both companies through Converto, TDN Finans Tuesday.

American Shipping rose today 3.74 percent to 47.20 dollars, while Aker Philadelphia Shipyard ended up 6.16 percent to 155 million.

– Sell AKSO , hold AKA
After former Aker Solutions has been split into two separate companies, Aker Solutions and Akastor, taking DNB Markets coverage of the two new shares respectively. a sale and a hold recommendation.

It appears from brokerage house’s morning report Tuesday.

– When it comes to Aker Solutions, we expect that a slowing growth in the order book within subsea, still pressure on earnings in the MMO business (maintenance, modifications and operations) and execution risk in the backlog will dampen price movements, it says.

DNB Markets has a target for Aker Solutions 54 million.

RS Platou Markets start while coverage of new Aker Solutions purchase recommendation and target price of NOK 90.

Read also: Recommend Røkke- and Fredriksen shares

When it comes Akastor, see DNB Markets in the long term a significant potential in connection with an M & A scenario, ie mergers and acquisitions.

Hold recommendation included a price target of 26 million.

AKSO eventually fell 2.07 percent to 64 million, while AKA ended up 0.54 percent to 25.85 dollars.

Yara on up
Liberum upgrades its recommendation on Yara International from hold to buy, according to TDN Finans.

Yara target in Fond Finance raised simultaneously from 302 to 334 dollars on higher estimates for the second half and in 2015.

The stock rose 1.22 percent to new 322.60 million in heavy trading. So far this year, the stock is up just under 24 percent.

Northland pleads creditors
Investment Director Stig Myrseth in Dovre Administration wrote in his latest weekly check that falling prices for iron ore may be the final nail in the coffin for Northland Resources.

In a stock exchange announcement Tuesday the company admits himself that the fall in prices, in addition to revised production targets, adding further pressure on liquidity.

Since the reorganization process was initiated In June, the benchmark price of iron ore, according to the message fell more than $ 15 per ton.

The stock fell today 7.76 percent to 1.07 million.

Records PGS
UBS upgrade Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) from sales to neutral recommendation, but meglerhust cuts, however, the price target from 45 to 41 million.

The brokerage has noted the recent passage of fall shares and downward adjustments in market consensus, and cite this as the primary reasons for the change.

PGS step to end 5.58 percent to 40.70 dollars.

Seadrill Partners obtains 1.6 billion
Seadrill Partners announced Monday night that the previously announced private placement of eight million shares closed at a price of $ 30.68 per share (197.60 million). The company thus obtained in around 1.6 billion.

The company is partly owned by John Fredriksen’s Seadrill Ltd..

Seadrill Ltd ended down 0.4 percent to 172.30 kroner.

ståltro in English
Monday it was announced that manages Albert Collett in the Arctic Fund Management takes into English share in its ukeportefølje.

– People flying like never before, but we do not think either SAS or Norwegian earn money at the moment. Both offer airline market too much capacity and we believe that they must take some of this capacity. If they do, it will make sense, and consequently they can raise prices slightly, says Collett DN.

English rose in Dagg 1.54 percent to 224.10 kroner.

Northern Offshore vessels in operation again
Northern Offshore announced Monday night that the drillship “Energy Searcher”, which are operating in Nigeria, resumed normal operation on September 23.

Repairs were completed ahead of schedule.

The stock ended up 1.9 to 10.75 million.

Norwegian Hydro
Norwegian Hydro has been subject to some upward adjustments in the past, most recently by SEB, which jacked up the price target yesterday.

Tuesday reports Street Insider according TDN Finans Hydro-rival Alcoa Upgraded by Bank of America-Merrill Lynch (BoA -Do) from neutral to buy.

Classes aim jacked up from 16 to 18 dollars.

Hydro rose today 1.13 percent to 35.94 dollars.

EMAS ex dividend
EMAS Offshore Limited tops the list of losers with minus 17.34 percent to 5.10 million. The decline, however, is completely undramatic. The shares will be traded ex dividend of NOK 1.12 per share


DNB may lose 80,000 customers – Hegnar Online

DNB may lose 80,000 customers – Hegnar Online

Academics have a total of 180,000 highly educated members in medicine, economics and law, through 13 associations. 11 of these have offers from the same bank, which applies to 113,000 people.

Now select the banker away at DNB. In comes instead Danske Bank and Storebrand with an offer that is applicable from January, Finance writes newspaper.

Academics is an umbrella organization that brings together 13 different labor unions. Danske Bank claims 80,000 members have used the DNB as a bank, and that they had lent a total of 80 billion.

– In the second quarter we stated that we have ambitions to win more retail customers . Before the summer came the tender of Academics, and then we decided internally that the contract should we win, says Tone Lunde Bakker, head of Danske Bank in Norway, the financial newspaper.

Total lending in Danish Bank was at 180 billion as of the second quarter.

– We are large enough to handle all these members, but also hungry enough to want to work to get them as customers, says Lunde Bakker said.

DNB has previously formulated offered to members of Academics who best mortgage rate minus 0.2 percentage points.

– We delivered a very competitive offer. Therefore I assume that Danske Bank must be priced very low, although I do not know the conditions, says executive director for retail DNB, Trond Bentestuen, Finance newspaper.

He adds that he would like to thank you for your cooperation through 17 years.

Read the full story in Tuesday’s edition of the Financial Newspaper


Nordea puts down mortgage rates – Aftenposten

Nordea puts down mortgage rates – Aftenposten

In a press release informs Nordea that they put down the interest rate on housing loan by 0.2 percentage points for all their customers.

The best floating rate for home loans in the bank is thus 3.3 percent from October when the changes take effect.

DNB will not say if they follow, but tells Aftenposten that they continually evaluate the market.

– We follow closely the competition and record the things that happen in the market. It is important for us to be competitive on price, says vice president of DNB, Even Westerveld.

DNB cut its mortgage rate in April this year. It is the second time Nordea puts down mortgage interest rates in 2014.

Published: 29.sep. 2,014 9:51 p.m.


This will affect the Oslo Stock Exchange – HegnarOnline

This will affect the Oslo Stock Exchange – HegnarOnline

The worst stock market decline in two years. Once again, the red color that dominates the stock exchanges in Asia. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index is down 0.9 per cent, which means that September is the return of minus 5.4 percent. According to Bloomberg, it will be the biggest monthly drop since May 2012.

The excitement of Hong Jong and weaker manufacturing numbers than expected in China contributes to the downturn.

Hang Seng in Hong Kong are less 1.2 per cent. CSI 300 in Shanghai falls 0.1 percent, while the Straits Times in Singapore is down 0.7 percent. Kospi in South Korea fall 0.5 percent.

So far the Nikkei index in Japan down 1.1 percent. The broader Topix index falling 1.2 percent.

The price of oil. A barrel of Brent crude traded now for $ 97.24, up 0.04 percent. That’s 50 cents more than at the close of trading on Monday.

Decline on Wall Street. Dow Jones fell 0.25 percent to 17,071.22 and may be in the process of developing a small head and shoulder formation that threatens to signal a correction back towards 16.550.

S & amp; P 500 followed the Dow Jones with a similar percentage fall to 1,977.80 while a head-shoulder formation may be starting to signal that the index may fall back towards 1900 levels.

Nasdaq fell 0.14 percent to 4,505.85 and this threatens a possible head and shoulder formation with signal correction back to the 4320 level.

A little less than three stocks fell for every two shares that rose on the NYSE and the Nasdaq fell slightly more than one share for every one that rose.

The Nasdaq fell four of the ten most traded shares, with Apple down 0.64 percent to $ 100.11 after focusing the company pays too little tax in the EU donor country.

Tesla fell 0.54 percent on talk that may have peaked, while Yahoo fell 0.34 percent after Alibaba fell 1.9 percent to $ 88.75.

GoPro however, rose 10.8 percent to $ 90.94 after the company launched a more advanced GoPro 4 and a new budget model.

Look what happened to the Norwegian shares in the United States and Canada.

Step slightly to end. Oslo Stock Exchange opened as expected on Monday morning and spent most of the day in positive territory.

In the afternoon cooled the atmosphere, however, before the main index again rose. Finally, the increase was 0.06 percent to 607.22.

Unrest in Hong Kong, as well as the excitement around the week’s many macroeconomic figures dragged down stock markets in Asia and the United States Monday.

Statoil rose to end 0.23 percent to 174.60 kroner. The shares were the most traded 310 million today.

Akastor was eventually traded to 25.71 million, while Aker Solutions was last traded at 65.35 dollars. At the peak of the shares as high as 28 and 70 respectively. TGS fell today 0.06 percent to 156.50 kroner. Read full exchange your comment.

This happens today:

  • Japan: Unemployment Numbers, August
  • Japan: Retail, August
  • Japan: Industrial Production, August
  • China: HSBC PMI Manufacturing, September
  • France PPI, August, 8:45
  • Germany Unemployment Numbers, september 9:55
  • Norway: credit indicator C2, august 10:00
  • Norway: Retail, august 10:00
  • Norway: commodity consumption, August 10 : 00
  • Italy Vacancy yet, august 10:00
  • United Kingdom: GDP finally, Q2 10:30
  • EMU: Unemployment Numbers, August, 11:00
  • EMU: CPI estimate, Sept 11:00
  • Italy CPI yet, september 11:00
  • Italy PPI, august 24:00
  • Massachusetts Case Shiller house prices, July 3 p.m.
  • USA: Chicago PMI, September 3:45 p.m.
  • USA: Consumer confidence index, September 4 p.m.

Source: TDN Finans


Monday, September 29, 2014

Menn with child still earn more – Daily Commercial

Menn with child still earn more – Daily Commercial

The more kids men get, the better they serve. The pay disparity has become stronger over time, according to a recent research report.

The article is added to your reading list.

-Men whose children go from other men in terms of wages, says researcher Kjersti Misje Østbakken at the Institute for Social Research.

She looked at what children mean to hourly wage levels for women and men, in the period 2002-2011. The results are published in the magazine “Focus on work.”

711519.jpg – Are two men about the same age, have similar education and work in the same industry, the man with the child on average earn more than the childless man says Østbakken.

The wage difference between fathers and childless men have also increased during the period surveyed.


- It can be terribly lonely – Today’s Business

- It can be terribly lonely – Today's Business

Business and Management Management

In his first year as CEO was industry veteran Harald Norvik lonesome as CEO. Now he wants to help others to become more confident in the leadership role.

The article is added to your reading list.

Name: Harald Norvik

Age: 68 years

Current: Mentor in CMI

Background: After graduating as an MBA from the Norwegian School Handelshøy Harald Norvik

group-Secretary of Labor and parliamentary private secretary to the Prime Minister.

In 1979, Norvik State Secretary Ole and Energy and in 1988 he became group chief by Arve Johnsen. The Ap-past got Norvik great influence over the design of the party’s oil policy. In addition to the top job in the group got Norvik directorships in NHO, Orkla and SAS.

Norvik set as group manager for over ten years before a billion overruns on Åsgard tore him down from power peak in 1999.

With him on the trip got Norvik a large severance package of 29 million. It was described by some as a “backpack of shame.” Norvik was later pressured to give up ten million.

Norvik to leave this role for SAS in 2001, when it became known that SAS had had an illicit cooperation with Danish Maersk Air.

Norvik was also chairman for TV 2 from 2000 to 2005 and has also been Chairman of the Oslo Stock Exchange. He has also been Chairman of Telenor ASA from 2007 until 2012 and were up until August 2014 Chairman of the publisher Aschehoug.

Have currently a director of Petroleum Geo-Services ASA, Umoe AS, Havgul Clean Energy and the Future Investment Group.

Norvik has for years served as a mentor for other business leaders. He has helped Anita Krohn Traaseth, Head of Innovation Norway.

– It can be terribly lonely to be senior. Even if you have a large organization around them, there are many issues that can not be discussed with colleagues or Chairman. You must take responsibility for yourself. It requires a strong psyche.

Harald Norvik crosses his legs in leather chair. On the other side of the office windows at Aker Brygge is the view of the Oslo Fjord to Skyline. Industry leader has political leadership experience as Undersecretary of Labor in MPE. He has also been CEO of Statoil, a position he held for over ten years before a billion overruns on the Åsgard field led him to retire in 1999.

– When I look back to my time as CEO Statoil, so I think I’d have benefited from having a mentor. I had been served by discussing the lead role with a person who has made mistakes and who knows where the shoe pinches, he said.

– I had taught myself better to know if someone could mirror me and told me the weaknesses I had to work with. On them the way it had been easier to avoid all stumbled advice, he continued.

Read more on DN.no today:

Geilo alone on price-top

A “toxic combination” can provide global financial crisis

Studying five hours more – get more job offers and higher salary

International mentor program

Norvik is one of 45 mentors from 13 countries affiliated with the London-based mentoring organization CMI. The mentors have extensive experience in senior management and board positions, and has served a total of 353 listed boards across 23 jurisdictions. Since its inception nine years ago CMI has had 150 mentor assignments in ten European countries. The program is aimed at experienced business leaders who need sparring partners to evolve to become better managers.

– Many of the participants are leaders intended for even greater responsibilities within the company, and will prepare for the transition, says Elin Hurva partner in CMi.

A common theme during mentoring conversations is how to deal with crises and conflicts in the workplace.

CMI is an abbreviation for Chairman Mentor International.

The organization is based in London, and was created nine years ago by Krister Svensson.

Have 45 mentors, primarily from Europe, all with the Chairman of experience from large, global corporations.

CMI provide mentoring to all industries and economic sectors.

A mentor course can last from a number of months to several years.

partner page are international leaders Ignacio Gasset Anna Joseph, Tor Krusell Bengt Lejsved and Norwegian Elin Hurva.

Among the prominent mentors are: Dame Helen Alexander, Dr Göran Ando, Daniel Bernard, Sir Winfried Bischoff, Sir Peter Bonfield, Eric Bourdais de Charbonnière, Sir Richard Broadbent Gunnar Brock, Sir John Buchanan, Dame Alison Carnwath, Sir Roger Carr, Dr Bertrand Collomb and Dr Pascal Colombani.

Norvik During his career ended in more demanding kite battles both as CEO and Chairman. In 2012 he was fired as Chairman of Telenor after a long conflict with the then Industry Minister Trond Giske.

– Most managers fall into acrimonious disputes that must be resolved at some point in their career. It may involve conflicts at work, or conflicts between work and private life. My task is thus to make the person more confident in the role. They must know themselves well to weather the storm, says Norvik.

He points to the cost cutting, restructuring and downsizing processes other issues in mentoring conversations.

– Making the decision to cut or downsize is not necessarily difficult, but it is often the implementation of such processes that distinguish good and bad leaders. The process must be gentle, and you must show neatness and “fairness.”

Confidence crucial

Norvik is currently mentoring five participants in the international mentoring program. He believes that trust is a prerequisite for the program to work. The mentor acts as an independent sounding board – not an advisor in specific subject matters. You have to have long business experience and be curious about people. A mentor should be personal but not private. Challenging, but not bothersome.

– It’s not always so easy not to have an opinion on individual cases, but I try to avoid it. I am not a consultant or an adviser, I am an independent interlocutor. With me, the most high-profile executives be small and vulnerable. Although there are companies that engage us, we do not report to the company.

Read more on DN.no today:

Geilo alone on price-top

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Studying five hours more – get more job offers and higher salary

OSLO: Odd Arild Grefstad, CEO of Storebrand ASA, has been through CMI mentor program.

 PUT UP PACE. Storebrand chief Odd Arild Grefstad. Foto: Thomas Haugersveen

PUT UP PACE. Storebrand Manager Odd Arild Grefstad. Foto: Thomas Haugersveen

– When I was appointed CEO of Storebrand in July 2012, I had extensive experience as a manager for large businesses and as CFO, but this was my first senior management role. I got the opportunity to work with two very experienced, international mentors, Franz Humer Chairman of Diageo and Roche and President of INSEAD and His Dalborg from Nordea – both with extensive international management experience, says Grefstad

– What did you learn?

– I did use their insight and wisdom while I made my own agenda – both were proactive and challenged me to consider different aspects of myself and senior leadership roles. program helped me set up the pace of change in Storebrand in my first year as CEO .

OSLO: Michael Treschow, Swedish industry veteran and mentor, said the transition from CFO to CEO is challenging for many managers.

LEADER AND MENTOR. Michael Treschow.

LEADER AND MENTOR. Michael Treschow.

– You go from having responsibility for a sector or division to be responsible for all operations. On top of it all, one is much more visible externally and must deal with the media attention, says Treschow.

Michael Treschow started his career at Atlas Copco AB 1975, and became CEO of the company in 1991 In 1997 he was CEO of Electrolux, a position he held until 2002, he currently has a number of chairman positions, including companies such as Supervisory Board of ABB Ltd, Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences.


- We want to avoid speculation – Today’s Business

- We want to avoid speculation – Today's Business

Finance Telenor

Telenors styreformann forklarer omstendighetene rundt Jon Fredrik Baksaas syn Rolle denies i Telenor.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

Styreleder Svein Aaser i Telenor Jon Fredrik Baksaas Sier at konsernsjef, i henhold til syn kontrakt, skulle GATT av med pensjon når tunnel fyller 60 år i november. Han fortsetter nå i 2015 og ut stillingen deretter går inn i en stilling Somme spesialrådgiver hefty styret, skriver TDN Finance.

-Vi ønsker å skape forutsigbarhet OGG unngå Noen som Retro Pixel Racers spekulasjoner i forbindelse med hans 60-årsdag, Sier Aaser til TDN Finance.

It is a pressemelding mandag fremgår at styret i det har Telenor Jon Fredrik Baksaas bedt konsernsjef urn is forlenge syn ansettelse UTG 2015 Baksaas har akseptert.


Fra 1. Januar 2016 town Baksaas fortsette Somme spesialrådgiver for Telenor i ytterligere 12 måneder. I doze stillingen spesialrådgiver town tunnel rapportere til styret, fremgår det videre.

– Dette er et klassisk eksempel by AT View ønsker å beholde relasjonen, Sier Aaser.

– Poenget er at Jon Fredrik Baksaas syn avtale var at han skulle pensjonere sec 60 blue da han han blir 60 slutten i av november i år og styret ønsket DA forlenge avtalen med Baksaas fordi conducting life at Telenor går og godt at ledelsen gjør wholesale dildos Jobb, Sier tunnel videre.

har ikke på tenkt erstatter

No spørsmål ohms hvordan prosessen med eventuell fremtidig erstatter hefty Baksaas blir videre, hvilke kandidater som er aktuelle og hvor disse camp komme fra Sier Aaser at:

– Det har ikke View begynt tenke på å enna, Na har life god tid på dette og ro rundt ledelsen i Telenor. Det edges det også være fordi Views Star overfor store oppgaver og life gleder oss over det.

Les også:
– Hong Kong som er en slagmark
Ikke fornøyd med 102 siders svar
Tåpenes sammensvergelse


Telenor burdened stock – oil stock sailed up – HegnarOnline

Telenor burdened stock – oil stock sailed up – HegnarOnline

Oslo Stock Exchange opened as expected on Monday morning, and spent much of the day in positive territory.

During the afternoon cooled, however, the mood before main index rose again. Finally, the increase was 0.06 percent to 607.22.

Unrest in Hong Kong, as well as the excitement around the week’s many macroeconomic figures dragged down stock markets in Asia and the United States Monday.

Oil prices slightly down
November Brent oil traded at the close of trading for $ 96.74 a barrel, down 0.27 percent, while the price was $ 96.82 a barrel when the exchange closed Friday. The American WTI oil is up 0.18 percent to $ 93.51 a barrel.

Statoil rose to end 0.23 percent to 174.60 kroner. The shares were the most traded 310 million today.

Aker Solutions and Akastor on a stock exchange
Aker Solutions was listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. Representatives from Aker Solutions and Akastor ring the bell at 09:00.

Aker Solutions Holding ASA listed on Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker AKSO, and change the name to Aker Solutions ASA. Meanwhile, the remaining business of Aker Solutions ASA change its name to Akastor ASA. Akastor will be listed under the ticker AKA.

AKOFS Offshore, part of Akastor ASA announces a five-year contract extension for Skandi Santos. Skandi Santos is owned by DOF Subsea and Offshore hired to AKOFS.

The contract, signed with Petrobras, is around 2.5 billion.

Akastor was eventually traded for 25 , 71 million, while Aker Solutions was last traded at 65.35 dollars. At the peak of the shares as high as 28 and 70 respectively.

TGS surveys
TGS announces two seabed surveys in the United States Gulf of Mexico. This is done in collaboration with Fairfield Odal.

TGS fell today 0.06 percent to 156.50 kroner.

New product in Navamedic`s portfolio
Navamedic, according to a notice expanded its product portfolio with the antithrombotic drug Arixtra. The product has a sales potential of one million euros in the Nordic markets.

The stock rose Monday 1.62 percent to 12.40 dollars.

baksaas continues Telenor end of 2015
Board of Telenor ASA has asked CEO Jon Fredrik Baksaas, who turns 60 in November, to extend his employment from 2015 baksaas accepted.

From 1 January 2016 will baksaas continue as special advisor to Telenor for a further 12 months. In his position as special adviser he will report to the Board.

Read also: Telenor roll out 4G in Hungary

Telenor ended down 1.26 percent to 141.20 kroner.

Orkla exchange notes Gränges
Orkla has decided to publicly traded Swedish Grange. The company priced at 3.1 to 3.7 billion Swedish crowns.

Orkla rose 0.7 percent to 57.80 kroner.

Yara second most traded
Yara ended near the top of the sales list Monday.

With a turnover of 299 million, the stock rose 0.54 percent to 318.70 kroner.

The brokerage Berenberg raises price target on Yara to 315 million shares from 290 million previously and repeats a hold recommendation. The upgrade is due to rising prices and lower European gas costs, where both changes are unrelated to the merger discussions with CF Industries.

Recommend DNO
DNO rose 2 percent to 19.90 million, and was thus one of the stocks that moved most of the sales peak today.

The development occurred after Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BoA-ML) has made DNO new Top Picks in E & amp; P segment.

the broker raises the price target by 10 percent to 32.50 million, and the purchase recommendation repeated.

The argument goes according to TDN Finans on the significant growth in oil exports from Kurdistan.

Clean Smell in Seadrill
Oil Companies in save mode gives weak outlook for oil.

This also turns into lower activity in the Norwegian high yield market, according to TDN Finans.

– In Norway, high-yield subsided significantly. Investors are uncertain now when oil goes as it goes. Investors are generally frightened, said credit analyst Alexander Jost SEB.

He points out Seadrill bonds as an example.

John Fredriksen’s shares fell today by 0.12 percent to 173 million and is down 30.13 percent so far this year.

It was just before the close of trading on Monday known that Fredriksen’s daughter Cecilie Astrup Fredriksen is proposed as a director of Norwegian Property.

The stock fell 0.21 percent to end at 9.68 million.

Fredriksen share Frontline step otherwise powerful today without there having been no specific news from the company.

The stock ended up 6.46 percent to 8.24 million.

Stig Myrseth warned today that low ore prices may be the nail in the coffin for Northland Resources.

The stock plunged 4.13 also prosemt to 1.16 million today. So far this year, the stock is thus down 76.18 percent.


Synnb’ve Finden primer convicted of fraud – E24

Synnb've Finden primer convicted of fraud – E24

Saken oppdateres.

Dag Swanstrøm er funnet skyldig i Oslo tingrett, og dømt for grovt bedrageri på 400.000 kroner og fem tilfeller av grov økonomisk utroskap på totalt over én million kroner.

Fire av de åtte månedene med fengselstraff Swanstrøm er idømt, er ubetinget.

Swanstrøm erkjente under rettsaken ikke straffskyld.

Dagens Næringsliv var de som først omtalte den ferske dommen. 

Baksaas retires Telenor CEO in 2016 – E24

Baksaas retires Telenor CEO in 2016 – E24

Baksaas har akseptert tilbudet om å forlenge ansettelsen, kommer det frem i en børsmelding.

Telenor-toppen kunne i utgangspunktet pensjonere seg ved fylte 60 år, og dette jubileet finner sted i november i år.

Han er imidlertid ønsket med videre.

- Bakgrunnen for at vi ønsker å forlenge, er at han gjør en god jobb. Telenor fungerer bra, og vi ønsker å skape ro og forutsigbarhet rundt ledersituasjonen, sier styreleder Svein Aaser til E24.

Dermed kommer Baksaas til å gi seg som konsernsjef for den norske telegiganten 1. januar 2016. Han vil fortsette som spesialrådgiver for Telenor i 12 måneder etter at han går av som konsernsjef.

- Har god tid

Aaser medgir at 59-åringen fremdeles er en sprek mann, men ønsker ikke å spekulere for mye i hvorvidt det er aktuelt med ytterligere utvidelser av avtalen.

- Baksaas har et betydelig verv som formann i GSMA (den internasjonale foreningen for mobiloperatører, journ. anm.) og gjør der en god jobb. Målet nå er å skape ro rundt forutsetningene og hans virke i Telenor og GSMA, sier Aaser.

Han vil ikke kommentere hvorvidt styret allerede har begynt å sondere terrenget etter Baksaas etterfølger.

- Hva vi gjør og ikke gjør, vil jeg nødig si så mye om. Det at vi nå sender ut melding om at det ikke blir noen avgang for Baksaas i november, betyr at vi har god tid, sier styrelederen.

Pen pensjon

Jon Fredrik Baksaas har vært i telekombransjen i 25 år, og har vært konsernsjef i Telenor siden 2002.

Han har i tillegg styreverv i Vimpelcom, Svenska Handelsbanken og Det Norske Veritas, foruten ledervervet i GSMA.

Finansavisen skrev i april om gullpensjonen til Baksaas. Sistnevnte kan vente seg tre millioner kroner i året i ytelsespensjon, noe som vil gi en månedlig utbetaling på rundt 126.000 kroner, frem til fylte 70 år. Deretter vil pensjonen falle noe.


Baksaas blir i Telenor – digi.no

Baksaas blir i Telenor – digi.no

It is the Board of Telenor’s asked Jon Fredrik Baksaas (59) to extend the employment contract, the company said.

baksaas accepted. CEO turns 60 in November and could then chose to retire. Instead, he is now sitting out the next calendar year.

If the advisor
On 1 January 2016 he goes down as CEO. At the same time he goes into a role as a special advisor to Telenor for 12 months, where he will continue to report to the board, according to a press release.

Jon Fredrik Baksaas has joined Telenor in 1989 and took over as CEO Tormod Hermansen in 2002 Telecom giant has under his direction rapidly expanded internationally.

– Do a good job
Board of Telenor, according to NTB the following to say about the desired about the long baksaas:

– The reason why we want to extend, is that he is doing a good job. Telenor is working well and we want to create calm and predictability around the head situation, says chairman Svein Aaser.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

The family goes to court to get Taiman home – NRK

The family goes to court to get Taiman home – NRK

– Familien til Taiman syns vedtaket frå UNE urettferdig og urimeleg. Dei vil at ein domstol skal sjå på det som har skjedd, seier Taimans advokat, Asgeir Thomassen.

Tysdag denne veka kom brevet frå Utlendingsnemda (UNE). Der kom det fram at den siste søknaden til 27 år gamle Taiman Agid Fatah er blitt avvist.

Sidan februar i år har Taiman oppheldt seg i Irak etter at han blei utvist frå Norge. Utvisinga skjedde 13 år etter at han kom til Norge då Taiman var 14 år gamal. Resten av familien fekk opphald.

Etter at 27-åringen blei sendt ut av landet tidlegare i år blei det bestemt at saka skulle til retten. Dei planane blei derimot avblåst då UNE i april varsla at dei ville sjå på saka på nytt.

– Har tapt tid

– At den opprinnelge rettssaka blei utsett fordi UNE valte å behandle saka på nytt har gjort at Taiman og familien har tapt mykje tid, meiner advokat Thomassen.

– Det har gått nesten fire månader. Etter samråd med familien ber me no om at saka blir tatt opp igjen for tingretten.

Sidan avslaget frå UNE kom denne veka har advokaten gått gjennom det 27 sider lange vedtaket med familien.

– Dei bestemte seg med ein gong for å halde fram kampen og få Taiman heim, seier advokaten.

– REAGERER PÅ VEDTAKET: Ann-Magrit Austenå i Noas meiner det er eit godt grunnlag for å få ei anna avgjerd i

Foto: Bendiksby

Har tru på nytt vedtak

Ann-Magrit Austenå, leiar i Norsk organisasjon for asylsøkarar (Noas), meiner det framleis er store sjansar for at Taiman får kome tilbake til Noreg.

– Eg forstår godt om dei går til retten. I utgangspunktet trur eg dei har eit godt grunnlag for å få ei anna avgjerd, seier ho.

Ho fortel at Noas reagerer sterkt på UNE sitt vedtak.

– Det er fullstendig urimeleg. Han var del av ein familie som fekk bli, og norske myndigheiter har hatt moglegheita til å la det vege tyngre. I tillegg har situasjonen i Nord-Irak eksplodert etter at han blei sendt ut, sa Austenå til NRK då vedtaket blei kjent.

Det har ikkje lukkast NRK å kome i kontakt med UNE, men kommunikasjonssjef Bjørn Lyster har tidlegare uttalt at UNE ikkje vil kommentere innhaldet i vedtaket før dei pårørande har gitt media tilgang på vedtaket og UNE har fått fritak frå teieplikta.

Stort engasjement

Taiman-saka har vakt stort engasjement både i Bergen og nasjonalt. Mellom anna trekte eitt av UNE-medlemmene seg i protest mot at Taiman vart sendt ut.

Thomassen meiner det framleis er håp for å få Taiman tilbake til Noreg.

– Han har rett på familiegjenforeining, me satsar alt på at han skal få kome tilbake. Forhåpentlegvis ser tingretten at UNE har gjort ein feil.

– Dette har vore ei enorm belastning for familien. Eit mareritt rett og slett, seier advokaten.

MASSIV STØTTE: Mange har engasjert seg i saka til Taiman Agid Fatah. Baywar Nader Akid (biletet) var ein av fleire hundre møtte opp ein av demonstrasjonane på Torgallmenningen i Bergen på eit støttearrangement for 27-åringen.

Foto: Jon Bolstad


Norwegian contracts pushing the Russian gas prices – Aftenposten

Norwegian contracts pushing the Russian gas prices – Aftenposten

First, Lithuania signed a long term contract with Hoegh LNG on a floating terminal for importing natural gas. And then came a new agreement with Statoil earlier this year for the supply of significant quantities of gas.

Norway’s increasing role in the energy sector in the Baltic States, particularly Lithuania, has already contributed to that Gazprom has lowered their gas prices to Lithuanian customers . It says Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Antanas Linkevičius.

Migrant workers

In Norway, Lithuania has often received attention in recent years because Lithuanian immigrant workers followed by Poles to the Norwegian labor market. Lithuanians have become one of the major groups in the Norwegian labor migration since the millennium.

In Lithuania, however, it is Norway’s role as an energy superpower in Europe and as an investor in Lithuania growing industry that is becoming increasingly important.

The Norwegian vessel “Independence” is used in the Lithuanian port city Klaipeda in the end of next month. The name was chosen by management in Lithuania to highlight that the Norwegian delivery also provides independence for Lithuania in the continuous gas agreements with big brother Russia.

Good timing

Höegh agreement with Lithuania was signed in March 2012 For 30 months ago no one could predict that the tension in Eastern Europe in the meantime would increase so sharply during the change of power, rebellion and Russian intervention in Ukraine. Now comes the Norwegian agreement in the nick of time for Lithuania, where the population is more nervous than ever after Russia’s actions, according to Foreign Minister Linkevičius.

“Independence” is an import terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG), says CEO Sveinung Støhle in Hoegh LNG, which is listed both in Oslo and New York.

– Our agreement with the Lithuanian government company that is our customer, Lithuania provides two key cards. The country may in the future purchase gas from around the world, while Lithuania’s energy authorities are better able to negotiate commercial terms as those in the future to deal with Russia’s Gazprom, said Støhle.

– Lithuania has hitherto been entirely dependent of gas from Russia. It is not easy to handle a situation where you are totally dependent on a monopoly. In Lithuania we have not been satisfied with this situation. In agreement with Statoil and the new LNG terminal, we see, however, that the new realities affecting the entire energy policy situation for us, including prices. It helps us, said Mr Linkevičius.

Hoegh LNG will be responsible for the operation of “Independence”. The agreement is for a period of 10 years. The lease provides probably Hoegh a three-digit millions in annual income. The new building, however, cost the owner approximately $ 350 million (1.8 billion).

Large capacity

The terminal will have a capacity to receive four billion cubic meters of gas per year, while the total the need for such energy in Lithuania is estimated at 2.7 billion cubic meters.

The terminal will thus exceed the domestic demand by a wide margin. It can allow for that gas can also be transported from Lithuania to neighbors who want alternative energy sources for Russian gas. Lithuania’s government does not deny that the country wants to get in a position where one can convey gas to neighboring countries in the Baltic States or Poland for example.

Published: 28.sep. 2,014 9:49 p.m.


- It’s not just anyone – Today’s Business

- It's not just anyone – Today's Business

Næringsliv Industri

Kristiansand-selskap Somme Somme utvikler masking omdanner Varme til Strom, har inngått syn første kontrakt. Sluttkunden er U.S. Marines.

Artikkelen lagt er til i din leseliste.

Viking Heat Engines i Kristiansand har brukt over 150 Millioner Kröner utviklingen av på en som masking omdanner Varme til elektrisk kraft. Na er den første kontrakten inngått. Sluttkunden er den Amerikanske marinated.

– Det er en Fantastisk milepæl for oss, Sier investoren Tore Hansen-Tangen (72) om det med kontrakten børsnoterte Amerikanske selskapet B / E Aerospace.

Sammenlignet hva med Viking Heat Engines langt this har investert i maskinen Craftengine, er på kontrakten snaut 15 Millioner Kröner relativt beskjeden.

– But her life har en non fatt usigelig profesjonell OGG kompetent Kunde Somme verdsetter produktet og ser potensialet. Og det er jo ikke som Hvem Retro Pixel Racers er som da sluttkunden Heller. Det er U.S. Marines. Debt betyr enormt better for oss, Sier Hansen-Tangen.

Tidligere Nho-sjef John G. Bernander rådgiver er, i styremedlem OGG Investors Viking Heat Engines.

Les også : – Nærmer oss grensen hefty hva fysikken tillater (Krever innlogging)

Viking Heat Engines har inng & aring; tt en produksjonsavtale med det tyske motordesignselskapet AVL Schrick. Her er utviklingssjef Harald Nes Risl & aring; (i midten) i samtale med programsjef Andreas M & uuml; ck i AVL Schricks lokaler i Remscheid i mai i & aring; r. Photo: Fartein Rudjord <- [yew! ((lte IE 9) & (! IEMobile))]> <->


Viking Heat Engines inngått har det med en produksjonsavtale tyske motordesignselskapet AVL Schrick. Utviklingssjef Her er Harald Nes Rislå (i midten) i samtale med programsjef Andreas Mück i AVL Schricks lokaler i Remscheid i mai i år. Photo: Fartein Rudjord

Kontrakten med B / E Aerospace er på 12 såkalte «powerpack» som av hver Bestar fire CraftEngines. Maskinene critical stop leveres i 2015 og 2016 og critical stop blant annet brukes til å produsere Strom fra i forbrenningsanlegg insulators.

Viking Heat Engines inngått Samtidig har det med en avtale tyske motordesignselskapet AVL Schrick hefty produksjon videreutvikling av og Slike powerpacks slicks at disse er Klare hefty installering i felt Neste var. AVL har en historie innen utvikling language, design og av produksjon motorer hefty blant annet OGG Ferrari Lamborghini. AVL cum også Inn by eiersiden i Viking Heat Engines ifjor med en av prising selskapet på 335 Millioner Kröner.

Kontrakten AVL Schrick er med på 55 Millioner Kröner.

– Det er better penger for oss, but life tror jo debt overtakes begynnelsen er på et stort eventyr. Vi er i meds begynnende forhandlinger Foil kunder om volumer som er betydelig større one kontrakten med B / E Aerospace. Malet er Selge powerpacks 300 i 2015 og 2016, og jeg det tror life critical stop Klare, Sier Hansen-Tangen.

også Pros: – Nærmer oss grensen hefty hva fysikken tillater (Krever innlogging)

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