Three offshore rigger has already said opp. Åtte other rigger m staying arbeidsløse next year. Ytterligere six rigger is also in danger sion, writes
Riggboomen is plutselig snudd to collapse.
Hundreds uten jobb
Sist uke came nyheten to John Fredriksen-Society North Atlantic Drilling (NAD) financing opp more enn 250 employees. Earlier this month attracted 100 cocci and renholdere in forpleiningsselskapet ESS number of languages that they do not have services anymore jobb.
Just since the summer, Statoil said opp The agreement with borerigg and sent two rigger to country. More rigger have all forsaken the Norwegian shelf (see Figures). But this is faithfully just beginning introduction.
Nobody gets contract
– It is not inngått riggkontrakter on the Norwegian shelf in two years. As well as the rigs as everything is on vei ut av Norwegian shelf, it Åtte move rigger who goes av contract over the next 12 months Funds. If many of them may not get new The task, it veldig dramatically. It will be burdened load even more oppsigelser in bransjen, says Jorgen Arnesen, CEO of COSL Drilling Europe, as its head office in Stavanger.
y understreke alvoret, Legger he to ytterligere six movable rigger can be uten The task in 2016 Just two years ago announced Arnesen to riggboom along the Norwegian coast would kreve 3000 new offshore employees. Well, the market snudd total.
– We am extremely worried. We have brukt enormously about money on stream recruit and learn opp people. If we m staying forced si opp or permittere people with ektefeller and child so it is a forferdelig load. We must strekke Us lengths y unngå it. It costs å si opp people, we are not there reach, says Arnesen.
13,500 jobber
When a riggjobb forvinner follows in Snitt five other posts from suppliers in drag sucked, according to the equation to klubbleder Arild Jenssen in Safe in North Atlantic Drilling. This means that around 13,500 jobs be at risk if the 15 drilling rigs are uten contract for one year.
– We believe it is the single stream s to riggmarket is candy that we have to live with the big svingningene. We believe the market samples of press down prizes, says Jenssen.
Statoil cutter
With the market am thinking he is first and foremost at Statoil which in February announced kutt 30 billion dollars over three years. Already 4300 offshorerelaterte jobber away, according to DNB Markets.
– Statoil manages around 70 to 80 prosent audiovisual market on the Norwegian shelf. When the laces to get the significant impact financing COSl sjef Jorgen Arnesen.
– Ringvirkningene m staying big rigs if no new The task. It’s not just about the up set on the rigs, including its services and landbasert driven activities are affected. It had enough host greit for bransjen we not attracted the huge svingningene as we reach opplever.
Noen are offered y follow rig ut av Norway. However, they have fewer and lengre shift. It gives less jobb and those who have possibly get jobb must jobbe more.
Håndbrekket of
When Statoil last week took COSL rig COSL Pioneer ut av operation for the rest of the year, sa leader of rigganskaffelser in Statoil Tore Aarreberg to overkapasitet was årsaken. Hen sort of approval also to Statoil has no concrete plans to stream inngå new riggkontrakter the Neste year.
The Safe-tillitvalgte North Atlantic Drilling mean no market technical årsaker as lower oil prices and sviktende etterspørsel.
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