Nordea Markets, DNB Markets and Arctic Securities believes the tender for Mitsubishi Corp. at 96 dollars per share in Cermaq’s good.
børsslutt Friday, September 19 was Cermaqs verdi 7.77 billion kronor, equivalent 84 dollars per share. Today’s bid corresponds to a value of 8.88 billion euros and is dermd 14.3 prosent of sluttkursen Friday.
– The bra premie compared to sist market price and complete our price target. It’s good nytt for aksjonærene, and That’s always with an opportunity for it comes motbud, says analyst Kolbjørn Giskeødegård in Nordea Markets, according to TDN Finans believe it is unclear whether a such things motbud come.
Government adviser in connection with the tender, Carnegie, looking at Marine Harvest as the actor who most sannsynlig can give a motbud.
Although Mitsubishi is a ukjent player in oppdrettssektoren here at home, CORPORATION interests in sjømatbransjen international scale.
– They are inne on eiersiden in different sjømatsegmenter and is a langsiktig possess. Mitsubishi is not a competing oppdrettsselskap with Cermaq, so it’s nearby stream Tenke seg to CERMAG To resume quite level remains unchanged banquets any oppkjøp, but with new possessors and not necessarily børsnotert, says Giskeødegård according to TDN.
DNB Markets and Arctic securites are also positive for the tender, and think it’s bra for the whole oppdrettsnæringen.
“If transaksjonen befestes ytterligere we expect that this will bli interpreted positive for the entire sector. The bekrefter industrial pro interest utenfor sector in which tradisjonelt has hosted Ansett as a bransje where kjøperne in all largely be the actors already has set up bank in the sector “, writes DNB Markets in Update Thread.
Meglerhuset has a price target of $ 95 , and a kjøpsanbefaling on Cermaq.
Cermaq is at 10:00 o’clock opp 16.07 prosent to 97.50 dollars on the Oslo Stock Exchange:
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