Flies in the throat Kjos
It is not only Norwegian with English travelers to New York who are angry at the company. Air war between SAS and Norwegian harden now also. Yesterday it became known through class struggle that SAS has sent a letter to the Ministry of Transport where the company asks that Norwegians loopholes in the law to fly with foreign crew is sealed.
SAS waiting impatiently for the competitor’s advantage to remove. The exemption makes it now possible for airlines to hire cheap Asian labor on its intercontinental routes. English goods in best sandbox style that SAS will go silent aircraft door since the company has the state as the owner and therefore benefiting from competition advantages.
American aviation authorities are very skeptical and have postponed consideration of Norwegians application for a permanent permit to fly there by workers from outside the EEA. Transport Workers’ Union and the pilots have openly criticized the Norwegian model on safety grounds.
Safety Check of your employees can routinely find solutions. We are more concerned about employees’ rights. English presses reach new business aviation. We are concerned about the pioneer business and its creative use of people and stretching the rules. Employment in Norwegian companies to be permanent. It is and should be the general rule.
Norwegian’s reputation breeds new measurement. But bargains trumps bad taste in the mouth: In August traffic increased by 19 percent. Bjørn Kjos’ company flying higher than ever before.
“We are concerned about the company’s creative use of men.”
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