Wednesday, July 1, 2015

These housing prices flattening out – HegnarOnline

In June, the average price per square meter for used OBOS-related properties in the Oslo area 48,495 kroner. Square meter price is 0.9 percent lower than in May and 12.2 percent higher than in June 2014. So far this year, prices have risen by 6.1 percent.

For the country as a whole, the average square meter price for used OBOS-affiliated housing 44.057 million in June. This is 0.4 percent lower than in May and 8.8 percent higher than in June 2014.

– There are indications that inflation has now calmed down and the market goes into a smooth landing. We believe in a moderate inflation in the autumn, says CEO Martin Mæland comments.

In June it made 1.013 ownership changes associated OBOS against 873 in May and 829 dwellings in June, 2014.

In 2014ble traded 8,194 homes in total, against 7,822 in 2013.


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