Sunday, January 1, 2017

Peter Warren takes the DNB-the boss by the horns – Hegnar Online

the Growth rate is higher and marketing is more aggressive than what is usual in the financial industry as a whole. It is necessary that the industry goes together to look at a new industry standard. There may be a need for new guidelines, ” says Bjerke to DN in the day.

DNB-boss, Rune Bjerke, is not worried about a housing bubble in Norway, but forbruksgjelden is he worried about. And here, he is the greatest in Norway.

For high risk?

Obi.en asked in the summer about the policy that DNB had for the personal loans.

If the security is so poor that one needs 15 – 16 percentage points above the 3-month market rate, to lend out money, well the risk is so great that at least some banks may say no?

communications advisor Vidar Korsberg Dalsbø responded then that the personal loans is a very small part of the DNBs business.

- We offer it to customers who want it, but in a small scope. Therefore, it is probably most natural to talk with the actors as the pusher, this in advertising etc., he said then.

Greatest on credit cards

According to the DN today is DNB most of the consumer loans in Norway, when, as naturally, takes with credit card.

DNBs own figures show according to the newspaper that the bank has lent out over 15 billion via credit card, and that the bank has a market share of 30 per cent of the total kortomsetningen in Norway.

DNB-the boss claims that the growth, for DNBs part, it has been very low in recent years and that the bank does not have an aggressive growth in credit cards and consumer loans.

Bjerke tells however to the newspaper that they have started a review to see if the marketing is in line with the bank’s default.

Not so holy?

Financier Peter Warren takes the goat by the horns on twitter

Unhealthy growth in consumer loans (say those who sweeps into credit card debt). In the rest my case, he writes.

Bank2-founder Jon Harald Nordbrekken mean DNB using the small banks as a target in the debate about personal loans.

– The major banks, such as DNB, hiding behind the small forbrukslånsbankene. The big banks lend out substantial sums in credit card debt, ” says Nordbrekken to the newspaper.


financial supervisory authority of norway monitors regularly the activities of a variety of enterprises within consumer loans. The sample consists of 22 companies (12 banks and ten enterprises), and covers the bulk of the Norwegian market.

At the end of 3. quarter of total consumer loans to Norwegian households about 86 billion crowns, according to the report Financial trends 2016. Around 60 per cent of the market is credit card and the rest is other consumer loans, according to the financial supervisory authority of norway.

the Growth has in recent years been higher than the overall growth in credit to retail customers. At the end of the third quarter of 2016 was the twelve-month growth in the Norwegian market, with 13.2 per cent, which was a clear increase from the year before, type of the audit.

Many inkassosaker

In the summer could Lindorff establish that the norwegians had consumer loans of around 90 billion, and that the breach of contract had risen sharply in the past year.

the Number of inkassosaker from consumer loans and credit cards had increased by 30 per cent in a single year shows numbers from Lindorff. Particularly did the growth increased among young people in the age group of 18 to 25 years.

the Age group with the highest number of inkassosaker they were between 25 to 45 years of age, also linked to consumer loans.

In the autumn showed, however, new figures from Lindorff that the number of inkassosaker fell in 3. quarter. The number of people with betalingsanmerkning in the age group of 36-45 years, down by 1.7 per cent compared with the corresponding quarter of last year.

Lindorff also found that the development in the age group of 26 – 35 years had flattened out, while it was 2.5 per cent of norwegians between 41 – 45 years of payment remarks.

Average of flagged amount in the Uk had also fallen by 6.9%, from 33.775 million to the 31.438 million in the last year

Snittbeløpet per remark had also dropped by 8.9 per cent for the age groups of norwegians between 36 and 40 years down 8.9 percent, while those for the age group 41 – 45 year-olds had fallen by 11.6 per cent. Snittkravet against those over 70 years of age, however, had risen by 15 per cent.


financial supervisory authority of norway stipulated in the circular 10/2016 also innskjerpede guidelines in order to bill the credit card. This means, among other things, that the amount field on the customer’s invoice shall show the total outstanding credit, and that kredittrammen shall not be increased without the customer asking for it.

financial supervisory authority of norway carried out in October 2016, a study to determine if the entities had aligned themselves according to the guidelines. The results of the survey showed that many of the enterprises had not carried out payment of the outstanding credit, while the majority had carried out the other guidelines.

On assignment from the Ministry of finance has Finanstilsynet drafted a proposal to forskriftsregulering of the billing of the credit card based on the accept finanstilsynet’s guidelines.


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