Shopping with annonselenker
In the romjulen began the speculation to go as Rema 1000′s mysterious Æ. Billboards all over the country popped up, but dagligvarekjeden has refused to tell the public what is behind the PR stunt.
This is published on an extraordinary riksmøte for all 560 the merchants in the country.
the Meeting will take place at Gardermoen, write the Address (requires subscription).
Rema 1000′s mysterious [...]
Excited for merchants
so Far, have not even the Rema merchants got to know what the mysterious Æ-a is.
I was kjempespent to see how my shop came to look, said the merchant Kevin Mulder, having received a phone call that his shop was going to get the new signs.
On Patentstyrets website, it’s revealed that the food chain submitted an application to use Æ, in the red, white and blue, 5. October of last year.
This æ-a is applied as a trademark in an application which came to us 5. October. It is applied quite wide in seven different classes of use, ” says the director Otto Scharff in the Patent office of the newspaper (requires subscription).
press Contact Mette Fossum Beyer in Rema 1000.
Photo: Rema 1000
Rema refuses to comment
the Newspaper also writes that dagligvarekjeden has applied for a patent on the delingsøkonomi app Rema has in Denmark.
see ALSO: Rema removing the Kims chips from the store shelves
Director of communications and public affairs at Rema 1000 Mette Fossum Beyer refuses outright to answer Nettavisens more questions that go on Æ-a as the brand, about riksmøtet at Gardermoen, and their application to the Patent office.
It is the consultancy firm Zacco Norway as, which is behind the application. It has applied for a patent to use merkavaren Æ in seven categories. It also comes ahead of the application that it is applied wide in the various categories.
see ALSO: Rema 1000 will give you fewer brands to choose from
(article continues below)
loyalty programme?
It is among other things, sought to use the Æ on the cash registers, printed matter, photographs, writing materials, office supplies (except furniture), regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, computers, and fire extinguishers.
RÆMA: how To see Rema 1000 Veita out now. This is a part of the new secret promotion Rema 1000 will launch the 4. January.
In the classes Μ-a is applied as used in, is also kundelojalitetstjenester and kundeklubb services. Something both the Rema main competitors Coop and Norgesgruppen have, respectively, the Coop Member and the Trump/Kiwi plus, writing It.
Rema 1000, on their side, have refused customer loyalty program and marketed himself hard on the “just low prices”, until now.
Address also announces that Rema 1000 in Denmark earlier this autumn launched the delingsøkonomi app Vigo, a shopping list you can share with others in the app so they can trade for you and earn some money on it.
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