July go down in history as the greatest ice cream this month.
There has been a record breaking summer weather wise. And with good weather follows obviously also isspising. It is namely the all-time record-breaking summer for ice cream sales.
The Diplom-Is and Hennig-Olsen Is announces record sales. And you guess which is which is the best seller? Sure, it’s Krone-ice!
Also read: Less ice in multi-packs
– The summer started a record early with a fantastic month of April. Mai was on the smooth, June became the June month within ice cream, and July go down in history as the greatest ice cream month ever, says Eirik Kruse, sales and marketing director at Diplom-Is, to DinSide. He says that growth for July was 10 percent, compared with 2013
– It is worth noting that here measures up to 2013 which was a record summer, says Kruse.
Hennig-Olsen Is also reported all-time summer and high growth, where growth has been even greater than that of Diplom-Is.
LESS IS IN MULTIPLE PACKAGE: In Hennig-Olsen is its 6 + 2 multi-packs, the crown-less ice than single purchased. Photo: Ole Petter Baugerød Stokke
– Ice cream sales have been very good. Both June and July has provided new sales records. Overall, we have an increase of 18 percent compared to last year, says John Henry Kjellesvik, Sales Director at Hennig-Olsen Is to DinSide.
Also read: Lite yogurt yogurt ice
Millions of ice
There are no trifles of ice Norwegians have eaten up the during the summer. Hennig-Olsen reports sales of 8.2 million liters of ice cream in June and July. And the best seller in both Diplom-Is and Hennig-Olsen Is the crown-ice.
– The ice we sell most of the total in Norway – if we merge all types of packaging, the crown-is strawberries and chocolate. We have sold about 6.5 million-is in July, says Kruse at Diplom-Is.
– When it comes to the best-selling småisene, thrones still the traditional Krone flights on sale top, says Kjellesvik in Hennig-Olsen Is.
– We have also launched many exciting news this year that contributed to the great sales, here may be mentioned jappise that have sold very well, says Kjellesvik on.
“jappise the ice you get a elsk- or hate relationship with” , was the verdict when DinSide taste tested this summer’s ice-news.
Also read: To make the best yogurt ice at home
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