Friday, August 22, 2014

Overall byggebransje to the war on mafia adequacy anderson – Aftenposten

Overall byggebransje to the war on mafia adequacy anderson – Aftenposten

data dated on everything from innbetalt skatt to the individual employee’s professional kvalifikasjoner must be søkes opp in sanntid av kontrollørene on anleggsplassen if the proposals of the expert group m staying noe av .

– The aim is to remove mafiavirksomheten by systems that do not gir rogue actors approach to the market. It must be a high risk å bli tatt, says CEO Per hunter in Boligprodusentenes Association for NTB.

Collect data dated

Local Government and modernization Minister Jan-Tore Sanner (H) is Friday Report ‘Single stream being serious’, as Byggenæringens Association (BNL) has drawn on The task of the department.

Hunter conducted the diversified group of experts who have the job fram the extensive tiltakene as a single bransje is reverse.’ / p>

utvalg suggests that it plays a central innføres godkjenningsordning with demands for professionalism. HSE requirements, data dated for registration arbeidsgiver- and arbeidstakerregisteret, data dated payment av skatt for foretaket, skatt for arbeidstaker, merverdiavgift and arbeidsgiveravgift, requirements for lønns- and arbeidsvilkår, data dated from Brønnøysund registers – INCLUDED any data dated on insolvency and bankruptcy karan networks must oppfylles and must simply respond to søkes opp.

Søkbart ID card

utes on anleggene laborers must be utstyrt with an ID card is a QR code will make it possible å lese audiovisual data dated on formal kvalifikasjoner as fagbrev, master’s, fagskole-, bachelor and masterutdanning in also calling for påkrevde rate.

– The jukses with today’s ID card, amongst other things, by individual arbeidstakere operates with multiple cards different identities. We will innføre one card that hovedarbeidsgiver appears – and where any bilateral or underarbeidsgivere is amongst opplysningene located søkbart, says Hunter.


Federal Secretary Halvor Langseth in Fellesforbundet financing it is oppsiktsvekkende to bransjen is united bak proposals.

– We are hard fornøyd with that one has clearly to collate bransjen so widely on initiatives to better Kompetanse and seriousness. It is oppsiktsvekkende, in a bransje that most else is either customers or competitors, says Langseth to NTB.

Fellesforbundet believe that tiltakene not just come bransjen, but all samfunnet, for good.

– From spring hand, it is gratifying that it is generally agreed that the stream prioritize how viktig it is with fagarbeidere with Kompetanse. The river bet on såkalt cheap capacity for work at innleie have skapt problems related to quality, productivity and dedication, and it is reaching broad agreement on this, we must do something about, says Langseth.

Publisert: 22.aug. 2014 05:46


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