– About this saddled had gone okay, we had in fact had two tenderers on the Norwegian ferry market. The victory all to himself that an tender regime in ein monopoly situation, it does not go, says Aasen.
Region Ordføraren was self-helping to willows og Romsdal out of Fjord1, but no say I’m happy with the the neighboring county of Sogn og Fjordane not allowed the same.
WILL HA FJORD !: county ordføraren More og romsdal wish to framleis have fjord1 acting as a cause independent company
Photo: Rune Fossum / NRK
– we Selde not to ein competitor
– we Selde our part of fjord1 because we felt that there was not right for county to conduct ferry reiarlag. Instead of click Selde not we ein competitor of fjord1 but adds a freely keep standing actor, says Aasen.
The free keep standing actor Aasen talar about Per Sævik and his reiarlag Havilah. He believes there is something quite other things to make it, than to try willow Torghatten so Sogn og Fjordane County Council tried to Gjere.
– We are very engaged with that shall tender regime work, so it must be ein free and healthy competition between market participants in market. It would not Vore case about Torghatten and Fjord1 had wart one of the companies.
Do not meddle
Region Ordføraren stresses that he do not want to meddle away in what county the politicians in the neighboring county boards with, but is nevertheless clear that the decision to contest the audit is ein sags for all ferry counties in Norway.
– This deals the not about Sogn og Fjordane, but the ferry the offers in all counties along our coast . The competitive situation which Haldane to occur would been extremely visually impaired, and therefore it is ein sags for all ferry county that it probably not get anything off victory Aasen.
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