Norway’s relations with China are normalized, and the normal diplomatic and political relations are restored from the Monday 19. December 2016.
It says prime minister Erna Solberg from The pulpit.
Norway has since 2010 not had political contact with China. This has been challenging for us in many international contexts, and in many individual cases, ” says Solberg.
She says that the cool relationship has been challenging for the Norwegian business sector, which has experienced a lack of political connections as a barrier.
Read the statement from China and the Uk here:
– Looks forward to new opportunities for collaboration
Foreign minister Børge Brende and the Norwegian diplomacy has achieved a great victory when the relations to China now removed. The question is to what extent Norway has come up with concessions to China through the present statement. It will be debated in the time to come.
Photo: Nesvold, Jon Olav / NTB scanpix
Norway’s relations with China have been very cool since 2010, when the Nobel peace prize was awarded to the chinese democracy and menneskerettighetsforkjemperen Liu Xiaobo in 2010.
” I’m glad that we’ve managed to get to this. It has been a painstaking diplomatic tillitsskapende work on many levels, ” says Solberg.
– Now we look forward at the opportunities that open up for cooperation with China. As the world’s second largest economy and as a member of the Un security council, it is important for us to have a cooperation with many of the important international issues that we are concerned about. From the climate initiatives and to many of the other issues on the international agenda, ” says Solberg.
Foreign minister Børge Brende is on Monday in Beijing.
I have in my conversations in Beijing today, among other things, taken up the need to resume negotiations on a frihandelsavtale, a full normalization of the Norwegian export to China and technical cooperation on a wide range of issues including climate change and the Arctic, ” says Brende.
He says that from the government’s side added up to further political visit to China coming our, which also includes the wide compound næringslivsdelegasjoner.
– Exciting potential for Norwegian companies
Bransjedirektør Knut Sunde at Norsk Industri writes in an email to NRK that Norway’s exported to China for 23 billion last year.
– We had some growth, but have by no means had the eksportveksten other european countries have had – which reflect the growth in the market – so we have a potential there that will be exciting to get taken out, ” says Sunde.
The most important export products for Norway to China was in the last year, silicon, metals, and marine equipment.
Foreign minister Børge Brende says to NRK in Beijing that the new agreements on trade between Norway and China can mean a lot for Norwegian workers.
– It provides great opportunities for Norwegian jobs along the entire west coast when it comes to aquaculture, the maritime sector and offshore. It means great opportunities for Norway, but also for China, ” says Brende.
Send lakseaksjene up on the stock exchange
On the Oslo stock Exchange leads the news of the normalisation of relationship with China that shares in the world’s largest aquaculture company, Marine Harvest is rising in value, and are the most traded of all the shares.
Recovery comes as a result of renewed faith in market access for Norwegian seafood to the important chinese market.
the Share price rising 2.2 percent, while the benchmark index for comparison is flat.
Sjømatindeksen rising 1.8 per cent, after three hours trading.
In the years before the peace prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo in 2010 was lakseeksporten to China in strong growth, while it has been virtually flat since.
Støre: – Acknowledge the government’s efforts
We acknowledge the government’s efforts to create normal relations between Norway and China, ” says Labour party leader Jonas Gahr Støre as the roses, the prime minister, the minister of foreign affairs and the Norwegian diplomacy.
Also, Knut Arild Hareide, leader støttepartiet the christian democratic party has set itself in the queue of gratulanter.
It is gratifying that we normalize the relationship with China, but we must remember to say from about the critical sites in China, says His leader Knut Arild Hareide.
Also Left-leader Trine Skei Grande emphasizes that Norway keeps the focus on human rights in China.
– This is very important for the Norwegian business sector and provide great opportunities ahead. China is the world’s largest countries and for the Norwegian business sector who are struggling, are normalized trade relations with this huge market of great importance for very many, ” says Harald Tom Nesvik, who sits in the foreign and forsvarskomitéen of Parliament for the progress party.
the Spokesperson Rasmus Hansson of The green writes in an email to NRK that he thinks it is Norway’s and the government’s obvious duty to hold fast the line the Uk has had in human rights issues.
the Government should now quickly take up with China the nobel peace prize winner Liu Xuiaobo should come to Norway and receive the prize he was awarded in 2010, ” says Hansson.
the Government should now quickly take up with China the nobel peace prize winner Liu Xuiaobo should come to Norway and receive the prize he was awarded in 2010.
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