Saturday, December 31, 2016

How to avoid forsikringssmell at the start of the year – Firda

According to the Tryg Insurance replacement may be reduced with hundreds of thousands of dollars, if the people are guilty of fyrverkeribrann or aktløyse by fireworks.

How much erstatninga is reduced varies by the degree of aktløyse. It is something that is being considered in each case. But a house or a flat is fairly expensive to build up again, and it should not a large reduction in the erstatninga before it is to talk about a lot of money. And there is a long start in 2017, says press officer in Tryg Insurance, Arvid Steen.

Fireworks + alcohol

If one follows the ten fyrverkerireglane to Secure everyday life, one can avoid to start the new year with an injury or forsikringssmell.

– We, sadly, often a jump in skadestatistikken at the end, and it is especially the fire and personskadar going again. Fellesnemnaren for nyttårsskadar is alcohol, ” says Steen.

According to the Tryg Insurance happens most skadane when the people lighting the fireworks in alkoholpåverka condition.

– Incorrect use of fireworks can do great damage, and the combination of alcohol and fireworks is livsfarleg. We would have far fewer fyrverkeriskadar of persons and assets if the people were caught the attention of how dangerous it is with fireworks when they have been drinking, ” says Steen.

There is much you yourself can do to avoid being hit by the injury or accident. Below are the ten fyrverkerireglane, the works of Secure everyday life.


1. Plan fyrverkerioppskytinga in good time:

Find a place suited for firing and launch. The fireworks will oppbevarast note attached: “mine for the children, and the uvedkommande.

2. Read bruksrettleiinga carefully before use:

Put yourself in the manufacturer of their anbefalingar, and notice to the rating system. There is 18 years age limit for the use of most types of fireworks. Children who use stjerneskot should always be fit well by an adult.

3. Make sure that the fireworks are not hurt:

Check that the fireworks are perfect and without visible damage. Hurt fireworks shall not be used or be cast in the floods, but delivered back to the forhandlaren.

4. Make sure that the fireworks can’t topple:

Bakkebatteri must be placed on the correct surface and støttast up.

5. Use tennstav:

Not use the cigarette lighter, matches or other implements with open flame. Rather use a tennstav, which you normally receive the purchased where you buy fireworks.

6. Use eye protection:

to reduce the augeskadar you should use glasses for protecting. What can you get in where you buy fireworks.

7. Bend you never over fyrverker that is lit on:

Inside the fireworks, it is often a hurtiglunte that burn very quickly. Therefore can fireworks avfyrast suddenly and unexpected. When you have lit lunta, you should turn your face away and get you at a safe distance.

8. Not ignite the fireworks on new if there are no teeth at the first attempt:

Although lunta looks to be sløkt, there may be a small ember that ulmar. Fireworks not tennast at the first attempt will be in 30 minute or dynkast thoroughly in water before it be removed. It should not be cast in the floods, but delivered back to the forhandlar. Remember that children like to use new year’s day to gather up the fireworks, so clean up after yourself.

9. Keep a good distance from the oppskytinga:

Fireworks contain explosive that can provide serious injuries.

10. Alcohol and fireworks are not together:

With alcohol in the blood do you react more slowly. You will also receive worse judgment.


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