Google uses a skattetriks which has saved the company billions of dollars, writes Bloomberg.
Only in 2015 spared Alphabet (Google’s parent company) to 3.6 billion dollars in taxes through the sluse a total of 14,9 billion dollars to an irish skallselskap in skatteparadiset Bermuda, shows the new documents that the Alphabet has had to deliver to the Dutch authorities, according to the news, who have gone through the documents.
It was the Dutch newspaper Het Financieele dagblad voicing, which first reported the case.
3.6 billion dollars is about 31,3 billion with the current course.
the”Double irish Dutch sandwich”
the Money, which originated from Google’s global advertising revenue, has been put into action to Bermuda through a Dutch company without employees.
Both the Dutch and the bermudiske the company is part of a corporate structure that, according to Bloomberg gave Google an effective tax rate of 6.4 percent outside the united STATES in the year.
the Structure also involves another irish company, based in Ireland, who collect the global advertising revenues. From there sent the money to the Netherlands before it goes on to the irish company in Bermuda.
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Around 12 billion dollars that went via the Netherlands to Bermuda in 2015, came from the irish company, writes Bloomberg.
Structure exploiting loopholes in the irish and Dutch tax system and has been dubbed the “double irish Dutch sandwich”.
Ireland adopted the new rules in 2015 that are intended to close the smutthullet. Companies that already use the technique, however, has five years to find another arrangement and can, therefore, continue with the practice until 2020.
Several other teknologigiganter using Ireland to creative tax planning, and triksingen has been met with resistance by the EU and the u.s. government.
Apple’s huge skattebakrus
Earlier this year, concluded the EUROPEAN commission that Ireland had given Apple an illegal tax and that Apple therefore must pay back the 13 billion euro to the country, including straffeskatt and interest.
According to the EUROPEAN commission’s research has Ireland signed tax agreements with Apple that made it possible to pay almost zero in taxes in Europe in 2014. The EU began its investigation of Apple-the case in 2014.
the EUROPEAN commission believes that the irish authorities have given Apple special treatment in two different clarifications of the country’s taxation act.
With the “authority” in these avklaringene then have Apple been able to account for the profits from two of its international subsidiaries to a “head office” which, according to the EUROPEAN commission only existed on paper.
these surpluses that were brought up for this head office was in this way not taxed in any country, and the whole thing was “protected” by irenes spesialavklaringer.
0 per cent tax
In practice, the scheme to Apple in Ireland pay a corporate tax of 1 per cent in 2003, and after further clarification, was this the tax rate in 2014 has been reduced to 0.005 per cent.
This difference in treatment, believes that the EU commission constitutes illegal state aid from irenes side at the same time as Apple have enjoyed advantages that no other company has been able to.
the Money that was not taxed, applies not only to the operations in Ireland – it applies according to the EUROPEAN commission all profits from the sale of Apple products in the EU as a whole.
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