do NOT UNDERSTAND: Day Sørsdahl says that the Newspaper is not to disappear from the avisstativene with it first.
Before christmas, announced the newspaper Dagbladet that the print edition was five dollars more expensive, and that it would be less nyhetsfersk.
Two weeks later John Arne Markussen have told in a allmøte that Dagbladet’s print edition soon may be history. In any case, on the days of the week.
Dagens Næringsliv writes that the newspapers can be laid down in 2018, but that it most likely will happen in 2019.
– I have put forward a plan to ensure the long-term publisistisk business and that the Newspaper of the future will be an important voice in the Norwegian public debate. It is what it is about, ” says editor-in-chief John Arne Markussen in Dagbladet to DN.
It is the Very Media that owns the Newspaper.
Day Sørsdahl, managing director of Aller Norway, has the following to say about the print edition can be laid down in 2018:
– It is not correct. We have had a report that goes on the Newspaper in general, and newspapers in particular. One of the things we look at, is papiravisens duration, but it is not taken any decisions for the time to change the frequency. Neither one year or two, ” says Sørsdahl to NRK.
Nor Rønnaug Jarlsbo, Dagbladet club manager, recognize themselves in Dagens Næringsliv article.
” We have had an information meeting about a long-term plan. We have not been presented with any date or year for when papiravisa shall be laid down. I and Day Sørsdahl have been at the same meeting, but the DN was not there.
More online, more plus drugs, still helgeavis
Markussen don’t want to comment on the content of the plan, but according to the DN to sjefredaktøren have said that the newspapers may disappear from the days of the week in the first quarter of 2018.
In 2014 decided the newspaper to lay down his søndagsutgave, but now will be a paper-based helgeprodukt be more important. The same applies betalingsartikler on the
the Board of directors in the Newspaper shall have given its consent to the main points in the report which is delivered, but it should not be taken any final decisions.
The last few years, the employees of the Newspaper has been through several kuttrunder to cut down on the costs.
– Very demanding times
NRK has not been successful with getting in touch with the editor-in-chief John Arne Markussen.
But sjefredaktøren allowed himself to be interviewed on Wednesday, then came another great news within the media industry, namely that vg’s editor-in-chief Torry Pedersen will join.
– It is clear, that at one time or another it will be the end for the printed newspaper. For our person, it will be necessary frekvensendringer, and then I believe that the Newspaper will be a helgeavis on paper, but it is a good piece of forward to it.
Markussen believe that VG will survive longer than Dagbladet on paper, since VG is larger. He predicts major changes in the media industry in the coming years.
It is, of course, very challenging times, but I will call it a transformation more than a crisis. And we are in the midst of transformation, I think it will continue in another two-three years, said John Arne Markussen to NRK.
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