Friday, January 6, 2017

The united STATES created 156.000 new jobs in December – E24

the united STATES created 156.000 new jobs outside of agriculture in December, show new figures from the american ministry of labour.

It is down from employment growth in 204.000 month before. In advance had economists, according to Reuters expected 178.000 new jobs.

Jobbveksten for October and november was revised up to 19,000. The last three months growth has been on average 165.000.

– Created good jobs

– It was a good report, 156.000 is a bit lower than expected, but so was the previous month revised upwards. In total it has been created good jobs for the last few months, ” says chief analyst Erik Bruce at Nordea to E24.

A separate survey shows that the unemployment rate was at 4.7 per cent. In november the unemployment rate at 4.6 percent, the lowest in nine years. The increase in the unemployment rate was in line with what economists had expected.

Bruce believes it is not unexpected that the unemployment rate went up slightly as it fell a lot recently, from 4.9 per cent in October to 4.6 percent in november.

A positive sign is that wage growth picked up after a small decline in november.

wage growth was up 0.4 per cent, giving an annual growth of 2.9 per cent, and we have a long way back to find as good growth in the united STATES, and wage growth has been a “missing link” in the u.s. labor market.

– That wage growth is on the rise is clearly a number that the market is going to add weight, ” says Bruce.

Jobbveksten cool down in 2016

For the full year of cooling jobbveksten. It was created 2.2 million new jobs, compared to 2.7 million in 2015.

Developments in the labor market followed closely by the central bank, the Federal Reserve, which has full employment as one of the goals when rentepolitikken be designed. In December raised the Fed’s interest rate for the second time since before the financial crisis, and warned a further three upheavals in the course of 2017.

Together with arbeidsmarkedsrapporten are also published a separate ledighetsmåling and figures for wage growth. Together these constitute the best indicator of the ongoing developments in the world’s largest economy.

Highest timelønnsvekst since the financial crisis

It is evident that employment slowed slightly through the fall of last year, and this is confirmed in today’s figures. But it is in a way that you had expected, as there has been strong growth so long as. It is not worrisome, ” says senior economist Knut A. Magnussen at DNB Markets to E24.

He describes the growth as “uniformly good” seen over the last three months. As Bruce emphasizes Magnussen wage growth.

– There is a small surprise on the upside in the timelønnen, which increased by 0.4 per cent. This provides a årstakt of 2.9 percent, the highest since 2009, ” he says.

There has been a lot of talk about so-called “slack” in the u.s. economy, where the supposed untapped arbeidsmarkedsressurser may have contributed to keep wage growth down. You are now seeing signs that this is gradually diminishing.

My conclusion is that the Federal Reserve will at least not get in a hurry for this report, but that it gives reason to continue the interest at a moderate pace, ” says Magnussen.

DNB await the next renteheving in June, and sees two upheavals in the course of the current year.

– There is a little risk in Trump and his fiscal policy, and also the Fed is unsure of how powerful impact this will give. We don’t know yet, but we are adding to the reason that it does not become particularly large effect in the year.

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