Monday, October 24, 2016

Kodak makes mobile-comeback – Fædrelandsvennen

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You remember Kodak? Fotogiganten which was one of last century’s strongest brand names, but who could not transition to digitalfoto despite the fact that they had developed the first digital camera already in 1975.

Now it’s an american company that barely avoided bankruptcy in 2012, in collaboration with The Bullit Group launched a mobile phone called the Kodak Ektra. And not surprisingly, it is precisely the quality that is in focus.

This is not the first time Kodak is trying out on the mobile market, but Android phone IM5, which was launched last year was no appreciable success.

Knalltøff competition

Kodak Ektra, which is also running Android (specifically the marshmallow), according to the Kodak creative will tempt you with a “unique hybrid of fotoinnovasjon and slr functionality which gives the user creative control”.

Here, there is obviously fotoentusiastene to be persuaded. But Kodak is far from alone in focusing on the quality of the image in the mobilverden a day.

Apple made a huge point out of the camera and the picture quality when Iphone 7 was recently launched, not least the “bokeh” – the soft dybdeuskarpheten many photographers love – dobbeltlinse-the camera on the Iphone 7 Plus can deliver.

Also the world’s largest mobilprodusent Samsung, take image quality seriously, something their Galaxy 7 is a good example. Here, Kodak really get something to take on! On the other hand is the Ektra with its price of 550 dollars, a part less expensive.

High resolution

Ektra is equipped with a camera of 21 megapixels, six-aksers (!) optical image stabilization and an f/2.0 lens with a focal length equivalent to 26.5 mm.

The camera-clicking reader will see that it is not as light sensitive as the Iphone 7 and the Galaxy 7 which both have 12 MP bildebrikker, can show to respectively f/1.8 (24mm) and f/1.7 (28mm). Though here, there are several factors including linsegrupper and sensor/pixel size that come into play.

On the list are also HDR (High Dynamic Range) and so-called fasedetektert autofocus. Doing the same 4K-video and a dual-tone flash for more natural skin – and ansiktsfarger.

the Front camera, or the selfie camera, if you will, has a resolution of 13 MP and an f/2.2 lens.

Manual control

Kodak makes a great point out of that the camera app gives you full control over the most fotoparameterne, in particular by means of a programhjul as we know from dslrs.

the App has are also a number of filterfunksjoner for both stills and video, as well as authoring software from Snapseed.

other technical specifications include a screen that measures five inches and has full-HD resolution (1920 x 1080). It provides 441 pixels per inch (ppi).

The dataprosesseringen is entrusted to a Helio X-20 Decacore processor. Deca as in the number ten. We’re talking in other words about a ten-core processor.

The built-in memory is of 32 GB but can be expanded by using MicroSD card. The battery has a capacity of 3000mAh. And no, Kodak Elekta is not waterproof so more and more of your competitors is.

retro design

The original Ektra camera that the phone has inherited the model name from the, was launched in 1941. Retrodesignet fall undeniably in taste, and makes the Kodak Ektra stand out in the crowd. There is more than one can say about, for example, Google’s new Pixel-phones at both first and second glance, it looks like the clean Iphone-copies.

There are also various enhancements in the form of, among other things skinnetuier that should get even the most orthodox hipsters to be warm about the heart. So all that remains is to test whether the quality is as high as nostalgifaktoren.

the press release says nothing about a possible English release, beyond that the camera will be launched in Europe starting in the united Kingdom.

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