Sunday, August 23, 2015

I dislike my supervisor – Aftenposten

Aftenposten job experts answer questions about careers, job and management. Ask your questions to the experts!

Q: I got a new chairman a year ago and dislikes her greatly. She is arrogant, controlling and unsympathetic. I’ve pretty much to do with her and notice that I now dread going to work. Otherwise And I enjoy now, with tasks and not least my colleagues. But I go all day and irritates me over my head and wonder what I should do. Do you have any advice?

Business expert: During a long working life, most experience one or more conductors they like worse than others. Chemistry is important in relationship between people and the not always between manager and employee. You may also dislike a leader style even though it is not wrong, but several leaders have also a poor management style.

What do you dislike?

First, you should make a thorough analysis of your own feelings. Write down everything you dislike the leader. Also write down specific examples of incidents that trigger this feeling with you. Think about why you react so strongly. Is it the person or actions leader do? Have you easy to dislike people who are a little different than yourself? Are you inflexible and tolerant? Can you distinguish person and matter?

What others think

After a thorough analysis of yourself and your leader, you must consider whether there is anything you can do for you should equal the person better. Write down everything that is positive by the manager. What do others concerned? Remember, you can not change another person, but you can change your attitude towards them. Have control of what you say but also how you say it. Body language and tone of voice show your irritation even if you do not show it in words.

Be specific

If your leader does things that trigger you dislike the person, you should take it up with him / her. You must have tangible things to show. That she is arrogant is difficult to do anything, but she can be made aware of it. That she is controlling the other hand is something concrete that you may perceive as lack of confidence, and is therefore a topic that is a good idea to take up. That you experience her as unsympathetic Of course, your individual experience and fruitless negotiations.

Corrupted job

Does not help a conversation with the manager, you are in a larger business talk with HR or safety representatives but then you should be sure you do not want to work for this leader. To ask to be moved to another department may be one solution, to seek another job is another. Working for a leader you dislike strong can destroy the whole job satisfaction, so if you fail to reconcile you with your situation, you should rather seek you out. But whatever is even analysis useful in terms of new leaders coming away.

A professional relationship

If you choose to stay in your job, you should avoid unnecessary contact with the leader, focusing on tasks and colleagues and accept that some people like you less than others. Make your feelings and not slander the leader, but have a professional relationship with him / her how you behave properly and neutrally. Unfortunately too many managers who do not understand the importance of a good relationship with the staff, and there is little the staff can do than to remove them.

Good luck with your tackle this issue.

Mette Manus

Q: The employer has just changed our plan so I’ve got a defined contribution scheme. A buddy of mine has been through the same thing at work and asked if I have from the first penny or 1 G. I realize contribution rates may be different, but the rules are not otherwise like?

Business expert: Do well you get confused. The rules are the same for all in the sense that the scheme as such must be equal for all employees. It probably many do not realize is that you can choose whether the contribution rates in defined-contribution schemes will apply from the first penny or 1 G. G is the national insurance base rate (pt. Kr. 90,068). If, for example salary of 6 G it goes without saying that it is quite a big difference whether you eg get 5% off 6 G (from the first crown) or of 5 G (activation threshold 1 G). I think many see themselves blind on percentages and forget to look at what it considered out of – from the first penny or 1 G. The difference in the above example is the fact 5% of NOK 90.068, –

Alexandra Plathe

Q: In many interview contexts, they are asked to elucidate own weak and / or strengths. It pays for your opinion to answer such in light of what job you seek? Of course one has to be honest, but it is the person’s “core capabilities” or those that are relevant as an employee is to focus on?

Greeting jobseeker

Business expert: I think it is appropriate to angle your strengths and areas of development up to the job vacancy you have applied for. The person interviewing you set the these types of questions in order to make it easier to assess whether you will be able to perform and thrive in a specific job. As you point out so one should certainly answer honestly. However, there is no conflict as I see it between the responding sincerely and to angle response against a current position. If you manage this shows that you have understood what qualities are key to perform the job you applied for, while being able to demonstrate that you have self-knowledge and are willing to say something about the strengths and development areas you have. I wish you luck on your interview!

Helene Tronstad Moe

Get with you the main thing that happens in the Norwegian and international economy . Follow Aftenposten Economy on Facebook!

Also read:

How to become more motivated in your job?

What do you do when your boss talking about your illness to others?

Do you have the leader you want?

Published: 22.aug. 2015 10:04 p.m.


DNB: This is the new “normal” exchange rate – E24

– Når be på det totale du antallet mennesker, tror nok vi skal jeg at det er erkjenne Noen Faeries Gode kvinnelige lederkandidater. Men det er Vår jobb FREM dem ago, sier til Aaser E24.

Telenor styreleder Motte SELV kritikk tilbake never valget da om ny konsernsjef etter Jon Fredrik Baksaas’ nok avgang in gang med at endte in mann.

Aaser har tidligere forklart of E24 at “Lette spesielt etter in kvinne» etter henstillinger Brother næringsministeren, men at det ble Altså Sigve Brekke “denne gang.”

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Soon you can pay by mobile in Rema stores – Adresseavisen

From October you can pay foods at Rema 1000 with mobile, writes

From the New Year will be possible also at 7-Eleven and Narvesen, the two store chains owned by the same family, Reitan. Thus, over 1,000 outlets be available – even for those of us who constantly forgets your wallet but have mobile phone glued to his hand.

READ ALSO: Reitan build homes on Should Hill

Mobile payment is a collaboration with Danske Bank. They launched this week its mobile payment solution between private individuals MobilePay, and it is this solution which is also used when individuals should pay foods to stores.

Free to use

MobilePay was launched two years ago in Denmark and last year was named the year’s new regime. So far they have 2.5 million users in Denmark.

When Danske Bank launched its service in Norway, went there only a few hours before the competitor, DNB lashes, made its service free to use.

ALSO READ: Another bank launches app for “friend of payment”

– We do not believe customers are interested in paying to pay, therefore our service is free, says Country Manager Trond Mellingsæter in Danske Bank.

In addition to transferring money to friends and acquaintances, you can also ask for money or split the bill. Currently not Danske Bank figures for how many people have downloaded the service. DNB rocker now has half a million users.

READ ALSO: DNB customer got lashes account without knowing about it

envisions use Flea Market

In Denmark MobilePay become so popular that it besides shops are also used by sports teams in sausage stalls and flea markets, running a marathon.

– It says something about how easy it is , he adds, and hope that the service will be correspondingly widespread in Norway.

– Currently, there is agreement with Rema 1000 we concentrate on.

Rema 1000 is delighted to be able to offer their customers mobile payment and launched the news during the annual OAG meeting its front 1350 merchants with a result.

Shops and kiosks

– We have great faith in mobile as future payment solution, and therefore we are very proud to be the first grocery chain in Norway with mobile payment in shops, says Rema boss Ole Robert Reitan.

ALSO READ: Detects Rema yield

The first shops are adopting the solution from October.

During the first quarter of 2016, all Rema 1000 stores get MobilePay at checkout. Also kiosks in Reitan Convenience, ie Narvesen and 7-Eleven, will offer mobile payment. Combined, MobilePay be available in over a thousand grocery and convenience stores.

At the end of said professor at the Centre for service innovation at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Helge Thorbjørnsen, that breakthrough mobilbetalint approaching.

– But even if the ball is now beginning to roll, it’s going to take time before the average consumer pays with mobile at Rema 1000, said Thorbjørnsen then.

Contactless payment

Today it possible to pay contactless in several chains in Norway, both McDonald’s, Deli de Luca, Kaffebrenneriet, Baker Hansen, Vero Moda, Starbucks. This service is not the same as mobile payment.

According to Aftenposten knows several chains in the grocery industry worked with mobile payment, but so far they have not wanted to do something active with it.


Competition has made it free to vippse – Fredrikstad Blad

For each transfer, the users of the transmission service “tilt” paid one penny in fees. Five hours after a competitor launched similar app removed Dnb fee.

Dnb launched transmission service “tilt” in June this year. The service makes it possible to transfer pengebeløper via the mobile phone without having to enter your account number.

For each transfer, users paid one penny in fees. When the amount exceeded 2,000 kroner paid one one percent of the transfer sum in fees.

On Thursday morning launched Danske Bank app Mobilepay in Norway, after the same solution has been used in Denmark for two years. Mobilepay was released without charge. Less than five hours later, around the clock 13 Thursday, DNB had drawn the fee for use of the tilt of less amount of money, writes Dagens Næringsliv.

Now it costs nothing for transactions up to 5,000 kroner. After that you have to pay one percent of the amount in fees.

– We want lashes to be the best mobile service in the market. We welcomes competition, and must respond to changes in the price picture. We do not sit still, says DNB CIO Even Westerveld told DN.

Also mCASH, a competing mobilbetalingsapp, announced yesterday that their services from now on will be free for individuals. Companies use the service pay 50 cents per transaction.

Tips to vippsere

  • Do not share your personal lashes code with others
  • Always use the phone lock
  • Make sure you have entered the correct receiver
  • tiltable money to people you know who are
  • Always check that the payment goes through

Chief Economist warns: – This is a financial crisis – Dagens Næringsliv


Nå er det bare ett spørsmål som gjelder, mener Jan L. Andreassen.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

Denne uken har markedenes øyne vært rettet mot Kina.

Kraftig børsfall, yuan-svekkelse og svake industritall øker bekymringen for at økonomien for alvor sliter i motbakke. Sjeføkonom Jan L. Andreassen i Eika-gruppen er ikke i tvil:

- Dette er en finanskrise. Spørsmålet er bare hvordan man rydder opp, sier han til DN.

- Mye tapt

Riktignok er det knyttet stor usikkerhet til alle data som kommer fra Kina, understreker Andreassen. Dette mener han ikke minst gjelder kinesiske bnp-tall (bruttonasjonalprodukt).

Når sjeføkonomen likevel er så sikker i sin sak, er det fordi han merker seg særlig tre ting:

Befolkningen krymper, mens gjeldsgraden øker. Samtidig fortsetter aktivitetsnivået i industrien å falle kraftig.

Fredag kom det nye tall som viste at aktivitetsnivået i den kinesiske industrien ikke har falt mer siden slutten på den globale finanskrisen.

Andreassen legger ikke skjul på at utviklingen er skremmende. I flere år ble veksten i Kina drevet av gjeldsfinansierte investeringer som boligbygging, påpeker han.

- Nå har alt gått litt i stå. Siste anslag er at det er 20 til 40 millioner tomme boliger i Kina, sier sjeføkonomen og fortsetter:

- Fallende børser og fallende eiendomsverdier: Det er åpenbart at veldig mye penger er tapt.


Yuan-svekkelse og oljeprisras

Kinesiske myndigheter sendte sjokkbølger i markedene, da de i forrige uke startet å nedjustere sin valuta mot amerikanske dollar. Spekulasjonene gikk på at Kina har akutt behov for økt eksport for å stimulere økonomien. I dette bildet er blant annet oljeprisen utsatt.

- Når kinesisk valuta svekker seg, blir det dyrere for Kina å importere. Det kan påvirke etterspørselen etter olje ytterligere. Og dette er fryktelig dårlig nyheter for Norge, uttalte sjeføkonom Kari Due-Andresen i Handelsbanken Capital Markets til DN.

Prisen på nordsjøolje er nå på finanskrisenivå – og falt fredag under 46 dollar fatet. Oljeanalytiker Thina Saltvedt i Nordea Markets peker på de svake industritallene som bakgrunnen for den siste svekkelsen.

- Fallet i aksjemarkedene underbygger bare synet om at det er svakere i Kina, sier hun til DN.

- På den annen side fortsetter oljeimporten å øke, og det er en kraftig lagerbygging i Kina. Men dette er jo midlertidig, sier Saltvedt.

Andreassen i Eika-gruppen ser imidlertid ett lyspunkt: Mens den private gjelden er veldig stor, er statsgjelden til Kina heller beskjeden, ifølge han.

- Staten kan derfor steppe inn og overta den private gjelden, sier Andreassen, som tror dette også blir løsningen.

Ett uunngåelig virkemiddel i denne prosessen er å la yuankursen svekke seg videre, mener han.

Følg oljeprisen på DNs børs- og markedssider

- Ingen krise

Seniorøkonom Ole André Kjennerud i DNB Markets skriver om Kina i meglerhusets ferske konjunkturrapport denne uken.

- Situasjonen rundt den kinesiske økonomien har blitt svært uoversiktlig, særlig etter børsfallet tidligere i sommer og den nylige omleggingen av valutapolitikken, skriver han.

Kjennerud tror overkapasitet i deler av økonomien og høy gjeld i selskapene legge «en naturlig demper» på veksten de neste årene. Samtidig viser han til at myndighetene har satt igang flere tiltak for å holde aktiviteten oppe.

Meglerhuset venter derfor en økning i bnp på omlag syv prosent i år, før veksten avtar noe de påfølgende årene.

- Dette er ingen krise, selv om flere indikatorer i 2015 har indikert økt sannsynlighet for at bildet kan bli vesentlig svakere, mener Kjennerud.

Les også:

– Gode ledere bryr seg ikke om pengene

– Det er dette som er så skremmende

Se DNtv: Fjelløper med fantastisk rekord



Development plans for Johan Sverdrup approved – Fædrelandsvennen

Oslo (NTB): Olje- og energidepartementet godkjenner planene for første byggetrinn på Johan Sverdrup-feltet. Politikken vil koste fremtidige generasjoner, mener MDG.


Soon you can pay by mobile in Rema stores – Aftenposten

From October you can pay foods at Rema 1000 with mobile. From January it will be possible also at 7-Eleven and Narvesen, the two kiosks owned by the same family, Reitan. Thus, over 1,000 outlets be available – even for those of us who constantly forgets your wallet but have mobile phone glued to his hand.

Read about how what you pay for you can change the banking industry.

Mobile payment is a collaboration with Danske Bank. They launched this week its mobile payment solution between private individuals MobilePay, and it is this solution which is also used when individuals should pay foods to stores.

Free to use

MobilePay was launched two years ago in Denmark and last year was named the year’s new regime. So far they have 2.5 million users in Denmark.

When Danske Bank launched its service in Norway, went there only a few hours before the competitor, DNB Vips, made its service free to use.

– We do not believe customers are interested in paying to pay, therefore our service is free, says country manager Trond Mellingsæter in Danske Bank.

In addition to transferring money to friends and acquaintances, you can also ask for money or share bill. Currently not Danske Bank figures for how many people have downloaded the service. DNB Vips now has half a million users.

Also read: Another bank launches app for friend payment.

envisions use of flea market

In Denmark MobilePay become so popular that it besides shops are also used by sports teams in sausage stalls and flea markets, running a marathon.

– It says something about how easy it is, he adds, and hope that the service will be correspondingly widespread in Norway.

– Currently, there is agreement with Rema 1000 we concentrate on.

Rema 1000 is delighted to offer its customers mobile payment and launched the news during the annual OAG meeting its front 1350 merchants with a result.

Shops and kiosks

– We have great believe mobile as future payment solution, and therefore we are very proud to be the first grocery chain in Norway with mobile payment in shops, says Rema boss Ole Robert Reitan.

The first shops are adopting the solution from October.

Also read: Now it may be a fee if you pay by credit card.

During the first quarter of 2016, all Rema 1000 stores get MobilePay at checkout. Also kiosks in Reitan Convenience, ie Narvesen and 7-Eleven, will offer mobile payment. Combined, MobilePay be available in over a thousand grocery and convenience stores.

At the end of said professor at the Centre for service innovation at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Helge Thorbjørnsen, that breakthrough mobile payment approaches.

– But even if the ball is now beginning to roll, it’s going to take time before the average consumer pays with mobile at Rema 1000, said Thorbjørnsen then.

Contactless payment

Today it possible to pay contactless in several chains in Norway, both McDonald’s, Deli de Luca, Kaffebrenneriet, Baker Hansen, Vero Moda, Starbucks. This service is not the same as mobile payment.

According to Aftenposten knows several chains in the grocery industry worked with mobile payment, but so far they have not wanted to do something active with it.

Get with you the main thing that happens in the Norwegian and international economy. Follow Aftenposten Economy on Facebook!

Published: 22.aug. 2015 2:00 p.m.


Mercedes AMG C63T S – family car with 510 hp – OBI Online

Mercedes AMG C63T S. Taste the name. It’s far, but contains information that this car is a truly råtass.

We’re talking one of the most credible station wagons we’ve ever run, and probably also going to run. For when Mercedes’ AMG division is allowed to take on new C-Class with all they have of motor-fun, then would not this be anything but wonderful.

The new Mercedes AMG C63T S is a dream car, and the engine is the most important ingredient. Here it is in fact talking about the same engine that sits in the new sports car AMG GT S. This means that C-class has been equipped with a 4.0-liter V8 at no less than 510 horsepower. In addition, the car received bi-turbo, which means that the turbo takes over after the other. It gives an enormous amount of power, and C63 produces 700nm at 1,750 to 4,500 revolutions per minute.

The latter confirming a platitude when a huge gasoline engine as this, namely that power is present over a broad range.

And the insane engine also ensures that this is a family car with supersport performance. 0-100 km / h is done in 4.1 seconds, while top speed is electronically limited to 250 km / h.

There are more nimble than the Jaguar F-Type V8S and Porsche 911 Carrera 4S – for among other things.

And the sound is – as in AMG GT S – one of the loveliest we’ve heard from a car. Where Lexus has gone for an Italian sound in his new RC F, Mercedes more for an American to work in this field.

Here it is in fact real V8 sound that comes with loud growling, deep bass at low speed and an explosive fierce snarl at proper throttle.

But it’s not just the engine that is special in C63. Almost everything else under the covers is also replaced.

To mention a few, have the car AMG high-performance brakes, AMG Speedshift MCT 7-speed automatic, AMG Dynamic engine mounts, AMG electronically controlled differential lock, AMG Ride Control suspension and AMG speed-sensitive sports steering.

All this contributes to a frenzied dynamics, prodigious cash steering feel, and a chassis that glues itself close to the pavement.

Like other AMG models, this strictly speaking a car you just get run real on the court. For this is a machine that easily pushes tight turns in well above permissible speeds, and that accelerates so brutally out of the hairpins that excites every cell in the body.

It is simply amazing entertaining to drive, with a chassis that leaves no doubt about the contact with the ground. The differential also ensure excellent properties through corners, and works superbly combined with a very cash steering feel.

But perhaps impresses most is that AMG has gained all this driving pleasure into one – after all – family-friendly station wagon.

This is the vehicle that can fulfill dreams father’s engine, while child seats will fit in the back seat. Behind you can fling your family paraphernalia for the weekend and go off on a family.

There may even be relatively comfortable. The chassis, steering and gearbox is actually adjustable, and comfort can be easily changed by a button.

Are you changing from sport, sport + or race for comfort, tones sound from the AMG sports exhaust system also down significantly, so the car does not sound quite so brutal out.

Stiff, noisy and fierce it will always be, but there are thus degrees of sportiness.

Fuel consumption, however, is not as family friendly. Mercedes enters a mixed consumption of 0.84 liters per mil, but our experience suggests you should be very economical driving style to get much below 1.1 liters on the roll. And are you the type of driver, so there is really no point in buying this car.

Beautiful car
So far we have yet to talk to anyone who not think that the new C-Class is a pretty car. The generations after all powerful at Mercedes’ big prestisjebil S-Class, so it only makes sense that the C-Class is among the most stylish cars on the market.

One of the things we like best about the car is that it’s so easy to change it from being pretty and neatly, to become a really cool car. Here it is of course the AMG styling rundbout, including AMG Carbon moldings.

It provides C63 a very sporty and aggressive appearance, with huge air intakes, red brake calipers, AMG grille, bigger skirt, black mirror caps, AMG- rims, four silencers, enormous diffuser and several other tough details.

You can see at first glance that this is a completely ordinary C-Class, and how it should of course be .

The refined details from the outside is matched well by a sporty interior. The very first thing to notice is the car’s sport seats, which is of the extremely good support in all directions. Here you sit as a supersport. In addition C63 gotten AMG Performance steering wheel and AMG instruments to name a few.

Leather steering dashboard, black headliner and leather in the doors is also part and Mercedes have gone for white stitching and white leather detail in the otherwise black leather interior. It looks cool, and go up premium feeling.

One of the coolest car is also the equipment level is soaring despite the fact that it basically is to work for a sports car.

Our test car was partly equipped with a surround sound system from Burmester, leaking infotainment device, Comand Online, keyless, intelligent LED lights, head-up display, power tailgate, Drive Assist package, navi, night package, adaptive cruise control, DAB +, bluetooth and so on.

And there in a car thus making 0-100 in 4.1 seconds. And that can carry the whole family – it’s a bit silly.

After spending one week behind the wheel (we were there mostly so much we could) AMG C63T S We are dominating the car.

The offer amounts of Bilglas, and is a dream car for many people.

The only thing we did not like the C63′s price tag. In Norway it is beyond all reason animals, with a total data at 1,651,000 kroner for test car.

Sometimes you’d lived in the Emirates or the United States.


Meetings competition with even more stores – OBI Online

Ole Robert Reitan and Rema 1000 meets discount war with turning up the establishment rate for new stores, writes DN.

– We would like to have even more new openings. It is mostly about our systems and what we can achieve. This year, we at 25 new openings, but in the coming years the number would be higher, says Reitan said.

Coops Ica acquisitions have given a tremendous effect in the creation of new stores, with rebranding of a large percentage of the nation’s grocery stores. Coop Extra, Kiwi and Rema 1000 driver according DN a race in new openings.

Coop Extra leads the way with 130 new stores over the next year, while Kiwi open 40 stores this year.

Coop Extra-Director Håvard Jensen laws Rema resistance. It also applies in the Oslo market where Coop has traditionally been little visible.

– Oslo is a very attractive area and a market Coop Extra certainly heavier in. Today we have three stores in the Oslo area, but in the long term we want to increase tenfold the number, says Jensen told DN.


Friday, August 21, 2015

Rema will build new Snøhetta stores – Aftenposten

Screw currently 15-20 years back – going out and act foods.

You encounter a shop with a rugged facade , in a building that is not just beautify the neighborhood, with garish letters and probably a bit untidy outside. Within the first thing you encounter a pallet of toilet paper. The walls are unpainted concrete floors are worn.

A typical Rema 1000 store. The key word was cheap. And it was much cheaper to heave the whole pallet of goods into the store than to arrange them in fancy shelves. The same premises. “Simple is often the cheapest” was the key word, and it also bore the premises marked by.

First, in 2006 switched Rema out dopapir with fruit and vegetables and discovered that sales rose by between 10 and 20 percent.

Then began Rema-entrepreneur’s son, Ole Robert Reitan, asking himself: “Do all that is cheap to be ugly?”

No, he thinks today.

On Rema 1000s annual OAG meeting, which opened Friday came Reitan with the news that all new Rema stores being built, will be designed by the award-winning Snøhetta architect Kjetil Thorsen .

– I can not wait until it pops up like mushrooms, says an enthusiastic Rema boss that Friday night, they presented four new types of design stores for 1350 merchants with a result.

Curious about how they celebrate themselves? How scolded Reitan on the staff under the Office meeting in 2012.

10-12 newly built stores

Next year he plans 10-12 new stores of this kind. Already, they started with the construction of one of them, in Lillehammer.

– We have taken the best from the project on Kroppanmarka outside Trondheim, the first store Snøhetta built for us, says Reitan.

There will be four types of stores that are now being built, depending on where they are in the country. “Country” is inspired by sheaves of corn blowing in the wind, “Mountain” is reminiscent of high peaks and deep troughs, “Fjord” is inspired by waves and sea and “town” is inspired by the square flight.

Four years ago Reitan stood at the Opera with Snøhetta architect Kjetil Thorsen and talked about the first store.

– Then you said that within five years, you should have 100 such stores. Now you say 10-12. What happened?

– I have as motto that nothing takes more than 14 days, but if you put up a building that certainly will stand for 20 years, so it takes a little longer laughs Reitan before adding with punch and severe:

– But we’ll get hundreds of shops of this kind. The bar just a little longer.

Hope shops are landmarks

He and Thorsen met through kindergarten children many years ago. Five years ago challenged Rema chief architect: “Why should everything be so cheap deadly dull.”

– I was with a program about architecture once and saw pictures of grocery stores from all over Norway. It was not a pretty sight and it got me thinking that it must be possible to do something better. Now I hope the new stores will be so clear that people recognize them across the country, says Reitan.

Thorsen took the challenge and it was a totally new store they showed the drawings to a brilliant but miserable day at the Opera House in 2011. This store was completed in 2013.

– In the shop we poured in with all we knew about environmental measures. Now we have brought with us the best here and the best of what we learned when we bought Lidl stores. The result is that the stores we are now building is both profitable cost-wise and environmentally. And being nicer to people looking to trade in, said Reitan.

The facade is going to cost a little more than a plain facade but according Reitan is worth it. The rest of the store is cheaper than normal to build. Besides saving the new building costs when it is used. Environmental measures save electricity, and when the new goods receipt and waste system is in place, it saves employees time and effort.

In addition, the following measures for the environment and to achieve efficient store:

  • Better ventilation
  • Improved heat recovery
  • Energy-saving lighting (led)
  • More environmentally friendly coolants in fridges and freezing plants. The waste heat is recovered.
  • The roof clad with Noxite to remove NOx gases in the air.
  • The roof is prepared for solar panels.
  • Steinullfylte exterior walls
  • Sections of wall facade replaced by airgel, which takes care of sunlight and distribute the light in the store.
  • Reduced shop height.
  • Increased recycling
  • Improved loading ramp
  • Power Management.

User Kiwis motto

– This is our business idea into practice, says Reitan and explains:

– The building lower costs, thus lower prices. Ei penny here and a penny there, you know. So give the building a higher quality of the shopping experience and when it comes to the third point in the business idea our responsibility, so this gives the building a smaller environmental footprint.

– Ei penny here and a penny there, it is the same as the all Kiwi bags. Have you taken over the motto of arch-competitor?

– Hahaha. No I have not seen. I stay far away from all the greenery, he laughs and thinks the term is so widely that anyone can use it.

Wondering why owners in the food industry are so rich? Take a few minutes to read this article: Matbaronene earns much more than “a penny here and a penny there”

– You have many existing stores. Will they also receive new facade?

– No, we can not rebuild all. We must make sure that we are not too keen on signs and nonsense and forget the most important: the customer and the store. But we hope that we can use elements of what we have learned when old shops redecorating or when the electronics are to be replaced and such things, he said.

Not JAAL project

– You thought the this would go faster. What has been most frustrating in this process?

– Sometimes I feel that I have understood everything but fail to convey it to those around me. When nothing happens, and I work hard to convince merchants, politicians, people internally and in the bureaucracy. It has been important for me that this is not a JAAL project, but a profitable project both in cost and environmentally.

– What do you do again?

– We had some windows bit too close to the fruit and vegetable department. Fruit was the overripe three hours. That does not happen again, says Reitan.

Competitors also builds environmentally shops

Several of Rema’s competitors have also seen that the environment pays. Kiwi opened its huge environmental store outside Oslo in spring.

Here they drilled after heat, they have been working actively with the goods receipt, they have covered the roof with solar panels and uses only environmentally friendly materials. In addition, the store has a wider range of organic products than normal.

Just as Rema used store on Kroppanmarka outside Trondheim which test store, this store is a test shop for Norway, which owns discount chain Kiwi. They will use the one that works most of the shops they build the next few years.

Get with you the main thing that happens in the Norwegian and international economy. Follow Aftenposten Economy on Facebook!

Published: 21.aug. 2015 9:41 p.m.


Nervously the New York Stock Exchange – OBI Online

Three minutes after trading began on the New York Stock Exchange has the technology heavy Nasdaq index fell 1.61 percent and stands at 4,798.98 points, while the Dow Jones stands in 16830.08 points after a decline of 0.95 percent.

Friday continued decline for battered investors in China.

During the day plunged Shanghai Composite index 4 , 27 percent to 3507.74, which ensures that the index has fallen 11 per cent this week.

Several state-owned companies should have plummeted as much as ten percent, which is the maximum limit for what politicians in China does during the day.

Analysts CNN spoke with highlights 3500 as a level leaders in Beijing want to establish as a possible bottom.

WTI oil is at its lowest levels since 2009, and October contract falling 0.7 percent to $ 41.04 a barrel. The US light crude is thus heading for his eighth consecutive negative week.

A further loss range we must completely back to 1986 to find.

Brent oil is headed for its seventh negative week in a row and falls Friday 0.9 percent to $ 46.21 a barrel.


Børsras in New York – Dow Jones down over 500 points – OBI Online

New York Stock Exchange has completed a crimson Friday where the Dow Jones plunged 531 points (3.1 percent) to 16,459.75.

S & amp; P 500 slid 3.2 percent to 1,970.89. The two indices fell 5.8 percent during the week, the worst weekly drop in almost four years, according to

For technology heavy Nasdaq went even worse. Nasdaq Composite index plunged 3.5 percent to 4,706.04. On a weekly basis the downturn of 6.8 percent.

The price of Brent crude tumbles 3.4 percent to $ 45.50 a barrel. American light oil goes for $ 40.21, after having been down in the 30s. The price has not been lower since 2009.

CNN refers to three factors that sent global markets down this week; Fears that the Chinese economy dabber by more than the country’s authorities expressed, blanded signals around a possible US interest-rate hike, as well as the sharp fall in prices of oil.


Oil prices fall to financial crisis levels – E24

Oljeprisen squeegee and Takt med aksjemarkedenes fall. Det er stor uro og nervøsitet and markedene, Hvor oljetraderne reposisjonerer sec og Selga Unna oljekontrakter and rasende tempo.

FA Siste nyttom markedet and E24s aksjelive.

hendelsesrik uke rundet ble av med et ytterligere milepæl. NA omsettes nemlig den amerikanske lettoljen under 40 fatet dollar. Spotprisen and I skrivende Stunden 39.93 fatet dollar, 2.76 ned Pros.

Det var imidlertid in humpete nedover tur-oljen for WTI, we Hadde in skarp like resistanse over 40 dollar you fatet par timer.

– Det er å vanskelig komme gjennom in the av disse barrierene. Når Forster Bryter det, det setter and gang masse elektronisk handel, forklarer oljeanalytiker Thina Saltvedt and Nordea Markets.

Comment: Investors pushing prices down to dump shares – E24

Oljeprisen bikket fredag ​​under 46 dollar fatet morgen, og fra nærmer sec årsbunnen 13. Janus på 45.17 fatet dollar.

E24 har hentet inn nye fra date of viktigste over Rystad Energy feltutbyggingene på norsk sokkel, samt planlagte og mulige utbygginger. Vi har Laget in Sisukord for over lønnsomheten of planlagte feltutbyggingene på norsk sokkel – og sett på Hvordan lønnsoheten ligger til dagens oljepris year.

Sidén forrige oljekart, we offentliggjort ble and Janus Felt in the har sin lønnsomhetspris redusert Fatt (break-even point) Markant we Folge BC påløpte investeringer Sidén sist (if forklaring nederst and Saken).

Cheapest North Sea oil since 2009 – Aftenposten

North Sea oil fell from $ 46.37 at 3 am on Friday to 45.97 two hours later. In the morning hours took the price somewhat, however, back up, and the oil was traded at around $ 46 a barrel.

The last time prices were so low was in March 2009. Just a month ago cost North Sea oil 56 05 dollars a barrel.

The US light crude rose by 34 cents during Thursday’s trading in New York. The price of $ 41.14 is barely higher than the low point for just over six years ago

Published: 21.aug. 2015 8:01


Oil brake frames Kongsberg Gruppen hard: – We need new orders in the second half – E24

Kongsberg Gruppen leverte torsdag regnskapstall we Wears at selskapet Hadde omtrent den andre Kvartal SAMME omsetningen and we tid på SAMME and fjor (4.2 billions), men med and you fall driftsresultatet (EBITDA) fra 455 til 386 Millioner.

Samtidig kom det FREM datterselskapet at Kongsberg Oil & amp; Gas Technologies fortsetter å Slite tungt. And andre Kvartal là omsetningen omtrent stabilt på 239 Millioner (247 Millioner word and tid på SAMME fjor) less underskuddet Drift på mer enn double seg fra 42 til minus 94 minus Millioner.

Januar Sidén Helt and fjor har Oil & amp; Gas jobbet med omstruktureringer we Folge BC oljeselskapenes Kutter, og and andre Kvartal bokførte selskapet ytterligere 43 Millioner and kostnader knyttet til nedbemanninger og omstruktureringer.

Sidén kuttene startet har selskapet nå kvittet seg med drøye 30 Pros BC bemanningen. And andre Kvartal bladde man opp for a kjøpe seg ut av Flere leiekontrakter, dian Annet Brother Gamle kontorene på Lysaker and tillegg til at Kontor Internasjonalt har blitter stengt ned.

Kvartalstallene fra Kongsberg Gruppen Fatt aksjen har til å Falle we Nesta prose least 0.9 Hovedindeksen er ned pros and SAMME tidsrom.

Folger markedet and E24s aksjelive!

– Det skal ikke så mye til

Bare et par uker for kvartalspresentasjonen varslet at Kongsberg Pål Helsing erstattes Egil Haugsdal BC, we are konserndirektør kommer fra jobber for forretningsutvikling. Helsing har ledet Oil & amp; Gas-ble virksomheten Sidén have rekruttert inn fra Aker Solutions and 2009, men har det Siste halvannet earrings Matteo Lede omfattende kutt- og den omstillingsprosessen.

 & lt; b & gt; NY Sjef: & lt; / b & gt; n & # tar Egil Haugsdal xE5; we Sjef over for Kongsberg Oil & amp; Gas Technologies. They kommer fra jobber We & # xF8 konserndirekt; r og har tidligere for forretningsutvikling v & # xE6; rt Sjef for Kongsberg Protech Systems.
Sjef NY Egil Haugsdal tar nå are over Sjef for Kongsberg Oil & amp ; Gas Technologies. They are konserndirektør jobber kommer fra og har tidligere for forretningsutvikling vært Sjef for Kongsberg Protech Systems.

– We tok du Var det om beslutningen at skulle erstattes Pål Helsing?

– Det var Fell in beslutning wine tok, uten dramatikk. Pål gjennomført Flere Runder har på med restruktureringer veldig in Gode mate, og nå på det var tide for overlate selskapet til å have nestemann. Det tar på å kjøre slike prosesser, og vi har skilt lag and full vennskapelighet, sier konsernsjef Walter Qvam til E24 etter kvartalspresentasjonen fredag.

– Når kan vi forvente at selskapet Gar and surplus igjen?

– er denne na enheten “Tunet” ganske kraftig, bemanningen og er med over 30 redusert prose så det så skal ikke til mye. Men vi andre Treng nye orders and halva, og sier Qvam fortsetter:

– Lykkes vi med det, så vi vil gå “break-even point.” Lykkes vi ikke, vi har et problem we fortsetter, sier Qvam.

Oljeselskapene sitter på gjerdet

Oil & amp; Gas Technologies hovedsakelig I delt opp and to avdelinger. Fokuserer på den ene programvare og på den andre-løsninger Subsea (undervannsløsninger). Det er Subsea-virksomheten we virkelig har Slitter teacher, og denne kommer opprinnelig Brother oppkjøpet BC Apply Nemo, we Kongsberg gjorde and slutten BC in 2012.

Mens hovedårsaken til selskapets problem kan spores tilbake til Statoil innsparingsprogrammer, og og deretter nedturen and oljenæringen kuttene and investeringer, utbygginger og Innkjøp, har Oil & amp; Gas Technologies også in Annen viktig underliggende utfordring.

& lt; b & gt; & # xD8 OLJER; A: & lt; / b & gt; Oil & amp; Gas Technologies Selga dian Annet Leda Flow simulatorsystemet we Bruker p & # xE5; br & # xF8; nner og str xF8 & #; & # xF8 mmingsr; r.
OLJERØR: Oil & amp; Gas Technologies Selga dian Annet simulatorsystemet Leda Flow Bruker we på og strømmingsrør Bronner.

Mens selskapet ofte Selga programvareløsningene sine direkte til oljeselskaper, der for eksempel BP er den kanskje viktigste Kundan, Selga Subsea-avdelingen ofte inn sine løsninger via andre oljeserviceselskaper.

We Selskaper Technip Subsea 7 eller kan eksempel bruke for Kongsberg and sine-løsninger leveranser til you større oljeselskap. Problemet da er at Kongsberg and Flere tilfeller risikerer være å ikke nok involvert Tetto and prosessen med oljeselskapene, slik at man har på liten påvirkning oljeselskapenes endelige beslutning. In Kilde and Kongsberg beskriver det hele overfor E24 are literally at hand for ofte “Havn bakpå.”

Da E24 intervjuet daværende Sjef and Oil & amp; Gas under oljemessen ONS and fjor, TRAKKEN have FREM Hvordan har selskapet in Rekke produkter og Spar løsninger we beviselig oljeselskapene for kostnader Hvis tar and dem bruk. Likevel har ikke til resultatene virksomheten TATT opp sec, lime Tross for oljeselskapenes kostnadskutt Fokus på nye og kan løsninger we effektivisere Drift av og olje- gassfelt.

– Hva er det ikke lykkes dere are at gjør med å Selge inn disse løsningene, Hvis Spar oljeselskapene for Peng?

– Man Må Forster oljeselskapenes situasjon, og det er at Spar inn der man kan spare, sier Qvam.

They forteller at det er in Bred enighet om at Kongsberg produkter arisen for in bedre regularitet på boreoperasjoner (der nedetid koster store summer), lava driftskostnader og at det tilbyr in Apen systemarkitektur, slik at systemene til andre leverandører kan integrated.

– Spørsmålet for oljeselskapene likevel er “wine dette Treng and 2015 eller ikke det vi Treng and for 2016″. Hvis det ikke er in krise å utsette SA gjør man ofte det, sier konsernsjef Walter Qvam, og Legg til:

– Derfor er jeg ikke tvil om at dette vil utvikle seg til noe spennende over tid, og det er mye veldig positiv interesse.

Vurderer nye oppkjøp

om jungle Oil & amp; Gas fortsatt slit med ago inn nok order spesielt på Subsea-Sidén, MENERS Kongsberg konsernsjef at det ikke er noe Galt med produktporteføljen of tilbyr:

– Det gjør ikke noe om den bli Brede, men det er ikke er porteføljen we problemet.

– aktuelt Er det å å gjøre oppkjøp for styrke porteføljen til Oil & amp; Gas?

– Ja, det er med Folger klart wine. Det er innen marine og mye dynamikk oljebransjen, så godt med Folger wine we alle andre. Red wine was etter veto HVA, sier Qvam.

Mens Oil & amp; Gas virksomheten fortsatt slit har imidlertid Kongsberg Gruppen you lysglimt and regnskapet, we også er tungt eksponert word OLJE og offshore nemlig Kongsberg Maritime.

Kongsberg Gruppens desidert største virksomhet (etter omsetning og ordreinngang and første halva) fortsetter å vokse omsetningen sin, men leverte lavas margin Ford selskapet intensivert pengebruken har på denne virksomheten and forskning og utvikling.

Maritimes ordrebok Av er på 7,8 milliard Kroner 25 Pros relatert til offshorefartøy, ytterligere least 25 Pros relatert er til shipping. Den Siste halvdelen omfatter orders til andre ting enn fartøy, Annet dian oljeplattformer.

– Opplever dere Noen at det er på Noen kanselleringer offshoresiden om dagen?

– Det ligger på Sitt vanlige Niva, og vi har ikke det hatt Noen kanselleringer utover vanlige. Vi er nå and situasjon der Baden coma Networks og Verft ønsker at prosjekter skal skyves på eller utsettes, så vi kan nok ikke kingdom med at kanselleringsnivået faller, men det er Altså normal bread Na sier Qvam og beskriver nivået are “udramatisk.”

Danish mobile payment forcing Dnb to stream eliminate the fee –

Thursday launched Danske Bank’s version of lashes, which Dnb have had great success with.

Mobile pay works similarly, as swift transfer of funds with mobile, regardless of whether you are a customer of the bank or not.

See also: IBM hit by dollar bang: Have dropped 13 consecutive quarters

High traffic

The difference lies in the pricing of the service.

The Danes lures with free service, while requiring one Dnb kroner. transmission and one percent of the amount if it is about more than 2000 million.

And it has given some money in cash.

DNB’s own figures show that tilt has been used 750,000 times since its inception on June 1 this year.

Overall it transferred 250 million kroner.

Although Dnb will not with how much money it has generated, it’s easy to figure out that the Christmas table is in the bag, in isolation.

In reality there are no big money to be made. According Dnb costs more than this penny apiece to convey transfers to and from people’s Visa and Mastercard cards.

Please read: Finance-IT aims for world top

Almost Free

In practice, the competing service Mcash, with higher fees, which lashes had to measure themselves against. Thus could Dnb recoup some of the costs with fees.

The day Mobile Pay launched – without charges – responds Dnb removing their rocker.

In any case, almost. Small sums are free, but the border to add another one percent is raised to 5,000 kroner.

In addition, it pops soon up several functions, which accommodates multiple payment cards and the ability to request money .

Updated: Thursday afternoon also removed Mcash fees. Thanks to observant readers.

See also: – Pay contact freely anywhere in Europe by 2020

High costs

– What is the motive for dropping the charges?

– We’ll being perceived as the best service for friend payments, the vice Even Westerveld at Dnb.

And he adds:

– It’s no secret that there came a new service on the market today, after Danske Bank opened its service for its Norwegian customers . A service Danish customers have had access to quite a long time already. We wish all the competition are welcome.

– How much money thank you refuse by dropping the charges?

– We will not go out with, but it is a service that has a cost to the card companies that are higher than the fees, says Westerveld to

See also: – Banks have slept an hour


The basic design of spending money to develop and operate such services in other words, not making money directly.

It is about building loyalty and attract new customers.

– We do not measure the effect of the number of new customers. There is no goal to sell mortgages through lashes. The purpose is to make life easier for most people, but we also hope that this will give people wanting to try other services with us, says communications director.

– So more mortgage customers can become a long-term effect ?

– It might be.

As you this? What not to do it


Sverdrup plan signed: – An exceptional project – OBI Online

The Norwegian partners of Johan Sverdrup field development signed development plans (PDO) on 12 February. Yesterday, plans were approved by the oil – and energy, writes the Norwegian in a stock exchange release Friday.

In addition to the PDO, the plan for installation and operation of pipelines for exports (PAD) approved, as well as a plan for development of the field with power from shore (PAD).

– Johan Sverdrup is an exceptional project that provides optimism for the Norwegian shelf. This approval marks the official start of the development plans and is a historic day in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.

– The Norwegian oil company is very pleased to take part in this major development project, and we fully support the plans that are now signed by the licensees and energy ministry, said CEO Karl Johnny Hersvik in The Norwegian.

– The development is on track
Johan Sverdrup is the largest oil discovery on the Norwegian continental shelf since the 1980s, and is planned to be built in several phases. The first phase consists of four platforms linked by footbridges and three subsea templates for water injection.

The investment costs for the first phase is estimated at 117 billion (2015 million) and will have a production capacity of 315,000 to 380,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

– Johan Sverdrup field development is now on schedule after schedule. As an active and responsible partner, Det Norwegian oil company follow the development closely to ensure opportunities and manage the worth for the benefit of license owners and the Norwegian society in general, continues Hersvik.

Pending the outcome of the complaint
Planned start is late 2019. Fully developed field can produce 550 to 650,000 boe per day.

The Norwegian writes that Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) has undertaken the distribution of shareholdings Johan Sverdrup, but also that the company has appealed this distribution to the King in Council.

– The company is now awaiting the outcome of this complaint, it says.

The license owners consists in Johan Sverdrup consisting of Statoil, Lundin Norway, Petoro, the Norwegian oil company and Maersk Oil.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

They have over 1.5 million accommodations – now betting on Airbnb job rating – Dagens Næringsliv


1000 bedrifter har opprettet egne Airbnb-kontoer den siste måneden. Nå skal norske forretningsreisende lokkes til å booke privatboliger fremfor hotellrom.

Artikkelen er lagt til i din leseliste.

- Hvis du reiser på businessreise til en utenlandsk by og tar med familien, kan det være hyggelig å føle seg litt mer «hjemme» enn på et hotellrom.

Danske Aja Guldhammer, som er Airbnb-sjef for Norden og Nederland, tror det nye konseptet deres vil bli tatt godt imot av næringslivet.

Den siste måneden har Airbnb (Air-bed-and-breakfast) i USA testet ut løsninger som gjør det enklere for ansatte å individuelt eller i grupper velge Airbnb som overnattingsmulighet på forretningsreiser.

Og dét har vært populært:

Bare det første døgnet registrerte 500 bedrifter seg i systemet deres. Nå er tallet oppe i 1000 bedrifter fra 35 land – og øker daglig. Blant de største kundene så langt er Google og en rekke andre Fortune 1000-selskaper.

Global løsning

- Mange jobbreisende booker via Airbnb allerede, og de har gjort det lenge. Men det er først nå vi har lansert en global løsning, der arbeidsgivere blir belastet for overnattingene og utvalgte medarbeidere får tilgang til et eget administrasjonsverktøy med oversikt over reisene til selskapets utsendte, sier Aja Guldhammer til DN.

På Airbnbs markedsplass er det registrert mer enn 1,5 millioner overnattingssteder over hele verden, der privatpersoner leier ut hele eller deler av eget hjem. Flere tusen av dem er i Oslo.

Airbnb ble startet i 2008 av de tre gründerne Nathan Blecharczyk (31), Joe Gebbia (33) og Brian Chesky (33) fordi de trengte tilskudd til å betale husleien. De skjønte at de var på sporet av noe stort da de la ut tre luftmadrasser til leie på nettet – og ble nedringt.

I dag er Airbnb big business, og i kraftig vekst.

Les hele historien om Airbnb-gründerne her: Romraketten

Kombinerer jobb og fritid

- Tror du flere bedrifter nå vil velge privatleiligheter fremfor hoteller når de sender ansatte på jobbreiser?

- Vi vet at mange allerede gjør det, og vi ønsker å være et alternativ til hoteller. Jeg har inntrykk av at en del businessreisende velger oss hvis de skal være i en by i flere dager, mens de velger et hotellrom for et kortere opphold, sier Guldhammer.

Et gjennomsnittlig Airbnb-opphold for jobbreisende varer i 6,8 dager, noe som tyder på at mange kombinerer jobb og fritid – og legger inn et helgeopphold på starten eller slutten av reisen.

Aja Guldhammer benytter seg selv av Airbnb-leiligheter når hun farter rundt i jobbsammenheng.

- Jeg har gjort det i Oslo, og jeg har gjort det andre steder i verden. Jeg føler at det blir mer personlig enn et hotellrom, dessuten opplever man mye mer og blir kjent med omgivelsene på en annen måte, sier hun.

I dag kan du booke et overnattingssted via Airbnb i 34.000 byer i 190 land. Her finnes det et vell av muligheter, enten du ønsker et råbillig krypinn eller en ultraluksuriøs penthouse-leilighet – eller kanskje et slott.

- Vi tror også at mange bedrifter vil velge Airbnb hvis de skal holde et seminar i utlandet eller reise på en felles jobbtur. I stedet for å booke 10-15 hotellrom, kan de booke en stor villa gjennom oss. Mer personlig blir det også, i stedet for å være på et hotell, sier Aja Guldhammer.

- Mindre vilje til å ta risiko

Hun sier at Airbnb ikke har noe uttalt mål om hvor mange norske bedrifter som skal opprette konto hos Airbnb.

- Men vi håper selvfølgelig at Airbnb også blir populært blant norske bedrifter, sier hun.

Direktør Virke Reise utland, Sverre McSeveny-Åril, synes ikke det er unaturlig at en aktør som Airbnb nå også har en ambisjon om å nå ut til bedriftskundene.

- På privatmarkedet har vi de siste årene sett at delingsøkonomien har vært på fremmarsj, og at selskaper som kobler private utleiere og kunder har vokst frem som mer betydningsfulle aktører enn tidligere, sier han til DN.

Men det blir sannsynligvis vanskeligere for slike formidlere å treffe like godt med produktene sine i forretningsmarkedet, tror han.

- Forretningsreisende har gjerne mindre vilje til å ta risikoen som ligger i å satse på slik innkvartering på forretningsreise.

Virke-direktøren peker på at reisebransjen er en bransje som er vant til å tilpasse seg utvikling som følge av ny teknologi og nye markedsaktører.

- Man er i bransjen imidlertid opptatt av at konkurransebetingelsene er de samme for de ulike aktørene i markedet, og at de samme spillereglene gjelder for denne typen aktører som for næringen generelt, sier McSeveny-Åril.

Les også: De takket nei til tilbudet hans og gikk glipp av 2,5 milliarder dollar

Rom i herberget  

Dekker ikke Airbnb-tyveri  


Powerful downturn on the Oslo Stock Exchange – easily share rose 35 percent – OBI Online

Price landslide on the Oslo Stock Exchange after closing Wednesday continued with dark development Thursday. The benchmark index ended down 1.79 today percent to 595.59.

On Thursday, the first time since late January / early February we have seen 500′s on Benchmark index.

Thus, the whole recovery over the past year consumed. The stock exchange is now showing a decline of 1.36 percent for the last twelve months. Since the peak intraday on April 15 this year, the drop of over 10 percent.

So far this year, however recovery of 3.39 percent, while the main index has fallen 8.24 per cent last month .

Downturn in the USA
Falling oil prices also reflected in USA from start Thursday. Uncertainty increases among investors, particularly speculation about what the Fed will do ahead gives unrest.

In addition, both jobless claims and leading indicators in weaker than expected in the afternoon.

Dow Jones down 1.35 percent, S & amp; P 500 falling 1.28 percent and the Nasdaq is down 1.76 percent.

Prisras oil
price of US light oil plunged 4.8 percent Wednesday from 43.12 to 41.04 US dollars a barrel. Thursday afternoon slump continued, after red numbers most of the day. By close of trading the price is $ 41.03, down 0.56 percent. Wednesday’s price was the lowest in six and a half years!

Brent oil now trades for $ 46.51 a barrel, down 1.38 percent.

When the Oslo Stock Exchange closed Wednesday was price for WTI oil $ 42.03, while Brent oil went for $ 48.45 a barrel.

The reason for the strong decline on Wednesday evening was primarily surprisingly weak oil inventory figures from the US

Statoil ended the day down 1.80 percent to 125.70 kroner.

Mixed fare from DNO
DNO delivered a weaker bottom line than expected, while EBITDA and earnings were higher than expected.

DNO announced a profit after tax of minus $ 39.9 million in Q2 2015 against $ 44.4 million in the same period last year. According to TDN Finans was expecting a profit of minus $ 36 million.

At the end of Q2 blamed the Kurdish regional government in northern Iraq (KRG) DNO $ 829,000,000 for former oil exports, as well as 118 million dollars for local sales. Overall, this amounts to 7.9 a billion kroner.

DNO rose today 3.32 percent to 7.64 million.

EMGS reported a profit after tax of minus 26.0 million in Q2 2015 against a loss of $ 2.5 million in the same period last year.

Revenues amounted to $ 12.1 million, compared with $ 42.5 million in Q2 2014.

EMGS has entered into two new data licensing agreements with two oil companies. Contracts is $ 1.6 million.

EMGS ended down 8.40 percent to 1.09 million, after having been in all-time low of 90 cents earlier in the day.

Profit Rush
A number of companies have released figures during the morning, including Intex Resources, Contextvision, GC Rieber Shipping, Akva Group, Borgestad, Arendels Fossekompani, Siem Offshore, Olav Thon, Panoro Energy and Badger Explorer. Read all our income issues here.

Intex eventually fell 27.42 percent to 45 cents, for a moment to have topped the winners’ list in the morning. As with EMGS shares were down in all-time low today with 40 cents. Akva Group ended up 8.21 percent to 29 crowns on their numbers.

Farstad Shipping rose in turn 5.26 percent to 20 million, despite red numbers.

Aker stockpiling in Akastor
Aker ASA bought Wednesday six million shares in Akastor ASA at a price of 10.60 kroner. Posten cost thus 63.6 million kroner.

Akastor fell still 3.76 percent to 10.25 kroner.

Biotec is best
Biotec Pharmacon topped today winners with plus 34.50 percent to 11.50 kroner.

The background is a message that the company has signed a distribution agreement for Woulgan with British H & amp; R Healthcare.

It is stated that the agreement represents a milestone for our strategy to ensure regional business partners for Woulgan.

NattoPharma says statement Thursday been selected as preferred supplier health education company Mercola.

That sent shares up 10.50 percent to 11.05 kroner.

All-time low
On a red trading day like this, it is not surprising that more shares were in all-time low.

Besides EMGS and Intex, moved Noreco, Polarcus, Archer, Vardia, Questerre, Panoro, Solstad Offshore and Kværner at record lows Thursday.
