Saturday, August 22, 2015

Competition has made it free to vippse – Fredrikstad Blad

For each transfer, the users of the transmission service “tilt” paid one penny in fees. Five hours after a competitor launched similar app removed Dnb fee.

Dnb launched transmission service “tilt” in June this year. The service makes it possible to transfer pengebeløper via the mobile phone without having to enter your account number.

For each transfer, users paid one penny in fees. When the amount exceeded 2,000 kroner paid one one percent of the transfer sum in fees.

On Thursday morning launched Danske Bank app Mobilepay in Norway, after the same solution has been used in Denmark for two years. Mobilepay was released without charge. Less than five hours later, around the clock 13 Thursday, DNB had drawn the fee for use of the tilt of less amount of money, writes Dagens Næringsliv.

Now it costs nothing for transactions up to 5,000 kroner. After that you have to pay one percent of the amount in fees.

– We want lashes to be the best mobile service in the market. We welcomes competition, and must respond to changes in the price picture. We do not sit still, says DNB CIO Even Westerveld told DN.

Also mCASH, a competing mobilbetalingsapp, announced yesterday that their services from now on will be free for individuals. Companies use the service pay 50 cents per transaction.

Tips to vippsere

  • Do not share your personal lashes code with others
  • Always use the phone lock
  • Make sure you have entered the correct receiver
  • tiltable money to people you know who are
  • Always check that the payment goes through

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