first Back to school
In August starts everyday life for most av oss. Kjøleskapene be fylles opp, matpakker to lubricate the end Project on stream ute eat at restaurants and cafes, we are home from utenlandsferien.
forsøker as best we can come stream returning to their everyday life and to våre usual shops . Middle Oppi this downloaded SSB ut tall from dagligvarekjedene, Uken 11-16. August and presented the in its monthly consumer price index.
While in summer the host enjoyed a favour- av carefree feriedøs, acted in ukjente shops and not brydd Us on price – we have the vacation – we kill tilbake and accessability flyers, use oss av 10 kroner deals and perhaps, to kjører we have an extra detour for å get the cheapest Grandiosaen.
m staying more proven. And yes – perhaps, to we are the lite prisbevisste when we bustles about in the cabin?
2nd Mer konkurranse
Dagligvarekjedene is fullstendig aware that we are more proven with even holiday mode over. Even Kiwi-sjef Jan Paul Bjørkøy innrømmet opposite Aftenposten that it was not in the holiday brant all konkurransekruttet: – growing competition it works, but it is quieter when we are basking Us. We have a holiday, we.
Well it end Project on soling for kjedene. The lures Us bids setter down the price of Norvegia, yogurt, juice and other items they think we are extra opptatt av associated with starting school. From almost no offers in July, had any weary with respect to seg itself, a few respectable bargains in the middle av August.
3rd Cheaper grønnsaker
again, we returning to their July and vacation time: The first nypotetene which is on the table with neat bringebær for dessert. The first region a taste av inoffensive good, fresh grønnsaker.
The receiving commodities its early ut, nyter well av a good price. Later in the end of season sky is more offers and prizes faller. Noe we forbrukere first merker respectable in August.
In July rose prizes at grønnsaker with 3 prosent. In August falt the 4.6 prosent. It is reaching it’s high time koke green scissors soup and pickle lapskaus.
4th Hverdagsmaten
There is no doubt. We are returning to their everyday life. And with it; hverdagsmaten. But why faller prizes as
SSBS consumer price index Bruker Overview of all commodities which are omsatt one Uken how many items and how much revenue Revenue by it. The tar ut 50 prosent audiovisual goods from the statistics, the commodities difficulty getting av oss kjøper. As they stand again with 80 prosent av The turnover.
vekter the commodities in line with the goods traded mye and evaluate prisoppgangen on each product.
forbrukere, alter forbruksmønsteret vårt summer. When we grill, we eat more clean Kjøtt enn we eat Gjennom rest of the year. We kjøper expensive Oster and hams.
Since the prizes increase as mye in July, it grunn to stream belief that prisutviklingen of these commodities has hosted major enn on the other, more usual matvarene we kjøper rest of the year. SSB reported that it was a prisoppgang at large sett all varegruppene in July.
5th Listhaug
All deal of attention around dagligvarebransjen will help ensuring that kjedene skjerper seg. No av kjedene liker å bli accused of å ha increased more rapidly prices and gikk corr in defense of summer. Ole Robert Reitan in Rema 1000 ba on fir king, while Kiwi-sjefen promised å sette down prizes.
Sjeføkonom Steinar Juel thought the whole thing was a good regissert PR tricks av of Agriculture and matminister Sylvi Listhaug (Frp) and won the support av previous landbruksminister, reach Senterparti leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum.
About Listhaug can not take credit for the price decline, so she can get a flower for å ha fokusert on matprisene. Kjedene gikk mann av houses for y prove that it should not stand on them, and prizes gikk as expected down in August.
This is normal. Looking prisøkningen June to August, and jump over July, the 1.8 prosent, according to SSB. In the same period last year was exactly that.
More strainers why they were surprised that no prizes falt more reach in August.
Sources: Statistical Sentralbyrå, State landbruksforvaltning, Nordea, Swedbank, Norway Group.
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