Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Norwegian youth with savings boom in December – Aftenposten

Norwegian youth with savings boom in December – Aftenposten

– We see the same every year. There comes a leap in December, where people rush to save as much as they can to get the tax deduction. It is natural, but not necessarily a good idea, says consumer economist Sparebanken1 Magne Gundersen.

December is the big month for housing savings at BSU account (savings scheme for youths), according to the last years’ figures from Statistics Norway (SSB).

Just last December increased depositor on the country BSU accounts with 2.3 billion. There are well over half of the increase throughout the year.

The real savings are probably higher, because the money taken out for house purchases in the period deducted from the total increase.

Miss good rate

Approximately 360,000 young advantage of the scheme last year, and received on average a tax deduction on 2600 kroner each, the figures from Statistics Norway.

– Tax deduction is one thing, but BSU also has a very high interest rate that many can benefit from better off. Most saves on other accounts during the year, and sets over to

BSU when they know how much they can afford at the end of the year. Then you will miss 11 months very good rate, says Gundersen.

He believes we should do vice versa.

– Many do not know that one can take out again the amount which has set into during the year. It may be more profitable to put money on BSU, nor take them out again if you see that you can not afford to save all during the year.

Women most concerned BSU -sparing

A survey DNB has done among 539 young housing savers, shows that it is particularly women who worry Boligspar no.

Women are afraid to come too late the housing market, and that not to get into will have serious consequences for their future finances.

It is not without reason, says consumer economist at DNB Silje Sandmæl.

– It’s a girl thing to worry about in general, but we also see that many men are better at saving. Women have a higher life consumption, while men like are keen larger single purchases such as cars, she said.

The women still better overview of the requirements for equity to get mortgages than men.

Sandmæl believes women should be better at taking control of saving their early.

– I meet very many repentant young people who have known how important it is to save to get enough equity purchases. It’s Natu that people are scared when it goes up for them that they have not had the knowledge they need.

– BSU an expensive scheme

Earlier in December, there were suggestions from Scheel- Committee to cut BSU scheme. The committee, which had commissioned to assess Norwegian corporation tax in the light of the international economy, that the scheme small extent hit them with the lowest incomes, and that there is “little reason to subsidize savings among young people in general, nor to associate this housing savings especially. “

– I realize that if your goal is to increase housing taxation for could lower company taxation, then BSU exposed – it is an expensive scheme that encourages ownership housing, says Gundersen .

He is still disagree with the proposal.

– BSU is a broad scheme that is no respecter of people, and it is well incorporated. We should not remove anything that gives young the opportunity to acquire a home to live in. There is a difference between a home they themselves live in, and a secondary home one for returns. BSU is perhaps expensive, but it is very widely, he said.

Read also:

Published: 17.des. 2014 9:58 p.m.


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