Monday, June 29, 2015

Crete-tourists have emptied ATMs on the island in panic – Aftenposten

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Many visitors – including thousands of Norwegians, Swedes and Danes – have panicked taken out up to the limit of what was possible with both its payment and credit cards on charter hotels’ ATMs.

It has led to many have run out of cash.

Receipts located casually at ATMs also says that many have tried to take out such large amounts that the requests have been rejected by banks.

– We finding that many visitors have panicked and are afraid that they will not be able to pay for themselves. Thus taking out more money than necessary to be on the safe side, tells charter travel company Vings destination chief of Crete, the Dane Morten Stausholm, Aftenposten on Monday morning.

ATMs will be replenished

Stausholm says they have been notified that the ATMs on the travel agency’s hotels, which are associated with Euronet, will be filled up again during the afternoon or in the morning.

– I stand right now outside one of our ATMs. I have taken out 250 euros. I expect that the remaining ATMs will operate normally again during the day or tomorrow, says Stausholm.

He thinks it may take some time to get filled up all, since there are many machines to be filled up again.

Most of Norwegian tourists are located on the island’s western side, around the town of Chania. He says that the daily life of the island mostly goes as normal, but they are getting more questions from tourists than is usual

Tourists asks: – Do we get paid by card?

– It’s completely understandable, as the situation has evolved in the Greek economy. People are concerned about whether it is possible to get paid by card in taxis, shops and restaurants outside the tourist spots. Others ask whether the planes are running normally. The answer to all these questions is yes. The traveling here with payment and credit cards have nothing to fear, as the situation is now. All take cards, says Stausholm.

Stausholm have been landing head of the largest tour operator for 14 years in Crete and says life on the islands are mostly much quieter than what one might get the impression from TV which mostly shows the situation in Athens.

– We check the situation for the tourists on the island all the time and has no information about any abnormalities. One can probably find that some stores, especially the young, ask to payment in cash. Considering that the Greeks now have a limit on how much money they can take out per day, is the understandable, says Stausholm.

Published: 29.jun. 2015 12:04


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