Friday, June 26, 2015

Full panic at Chinese stock exchanges – Dagens Næringsliv

Chinese småaksjonær has been forced to sell leveraged stocks. On Friday it was panic on the stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen. Values ​​for 6000 billion disappeared.

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It is almost a year since the stock exchange rally in China started. Having been burned under the previous stock rally from 2005 to 2007, selected Chinese retail investors to stay away from equities. For many years, gave the property market a solid return before the explosion. Now you can also stock rally be over.

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The last hour before the Shanghai Stock Exchange closed Friday had equity trading has been stopped for more than 70 percent of companies. Share prices of these companies had fallen by 10 percent before it was introduced circuit breaker to avoid a stock market crash.

Experts have long warned that the Chinese stock market is a bubble that the world has experienced since the late 1990s century. Then it was American internet companies who received valuations that could not be explained.


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