Friday, December 2, 2016

Opecs oljefest continues: Statoil worth 40 billion more – E24

Norbert Hofer from høyrepopulistiske FPÖ hope he will get the wind in the sails of Donald Trumps sjokkseier in the presidential election in the united STATES.
Hofers rival in the presidential election in Austria, and Alexander Van der Bellen, think, on their side, that election results in the united STATES will be a wake-up call for the austrians.

On Sunday the spring valgthriller in Austria to be repeated. On the same day as the italians are also going to the polls.

the EUROPEAN union and refugees

Some of the points that have divided the people in the choice, one can recognize from other western EUROPEAN countries.

cases of conflict has been whether Austria will continue to be a member of the EU, and whether the country should accept refugees, or make a larger bet that fewer refugees coming to the country, according to Bloomberg.

In may, Van der Bellen with the victory with a tiny margin, but a court found irregularities in the election, after a complaint from a Hofer, and thus the stage was set for new elections.

Dead heat

the Polls show, once again, dead heat, one shows that the Hofer leader with 52 per cent against 48 per cent, and another that Van der Bellen leader, with 51 per cent against 49 per cent.

Van der Bellen is 72 years old. He has an academic career behind him as an economist, and he has been the chairman for The green. Now he does as an independent candidate.

Hofer described as an example of høyrepopulisme “a friendly face”.

FPÖs core message is no to immigration, no to islam and, increasingly, also no to the EUROPEAN union. In the election campaign has Hofer also flirted with the idea of an austrian referendum on opting out of the EU.


He later clarifies that this is about the EU becomes more centralized after brexit.

If the answer to brexit is to make the EU more centralised, where the national parliaments lose power, and the union is governed as a state, so we will keep a poll in Austria, ” he says to the BBC.

the EU president Jean-Claude Junker has told that he is exasperated Frihetspartiets success in Austria.

I say it politely, but firmly: We do not take orders from either Brussels or Berlin, ” said Hofer in the election in the spring, writes the BBC.

Traditionally, the president of Austria little power, and is mostly a symbolic figure. But Hofer has announced that he intends to use the presidency more active in politics. For example, will he consider throwing the government.

Will deny the FPÖ

Van der Bellen won’t go as far, but also he has stained teeth, among other things, by saying that he as president will refuse to let FPÖs party leader Heinz-Christian Strache to take over as prime minister if the FPÖ wins the next election. Today is the party most in the polls.

Van der Bellen has expressed the desire to stand against nationalist powers such as the wish that Austria should out of the EU.

I do not want Austria to become the first western european country where høyrefløyens influence of demagogues in power, ” said Van der Bellen for the united STATES-the election.

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