Monday, December 12, 2016

Telenor: Uncovered several unacceptable breach in the Asia – Dagbladet.en

Telenor acknowledges that the company should have followed up objectionable sponsorship in Bangladesh are better and consider the matter as finished concluded when it comes to ceo Sigve break off in handling.

It stated in a press release the company sent out on Monday evening while the group’s board of directors sitting together on a two-day board meeting that began Monday.

Same evening let the day’s Business out a great report in which the newspaper writes that the group’s mobile companies in Bangladesh sponsored police forces and the defence of the country, and at the same time got assistance from the same authorities.

In may of this year uncovered internal audit process that eleven of the 250 sponsorship of grameen phone in Bangladesh was inconsistent with the company’s internal rules. “Violation of internal rules is unacceptable, and corrective and preventive actions are implemented,” writes the group.

- Expect zero tolerance

Monday night will get the NTB informed from the Ministry that they were informed of the case of Telenor earlier in the year.

- the Ministry has underlined the government’s expectations about zero tolerance for corruption, as well as the state’s expectations to the companies ‘ anti-corruption efforts and transparency. At the same time we have emphasized that this is the assessment that falls within the company’s area of responsibility, ” says head of communications Trond Viken in the ministry.

According to Telenor, two of the three cases the internal audit department has revealed commented on in april of this year, while a third is not referred to in the past.

Serious findings

the Conditions in question were first revealed by Telenor’s internal audit process in 2013.

“The most serious discovery was the sponsorship of a sports event with ties to the armed forces in Bangladesh. The matter was reported to the then head of Telenor in Asia and chairman of the board of grameen phone, Sigve Brekke”, states the press release.

the Company state that it was implemented several measures, guidelines for sponsorship agreements were revised, and it was appointed a separate committee with the responsibility to approve all sponsorship agreements.

In the years followed, the internal audit department up to compliance with the new rules, and found when the new objectionable sponsorship.

the Agreements provided, among others the sponsorship of the sporting event, sikkerhetspolitiets anniversary celebration and refurbishment of their canteen, as well as financial contribution to the production of an internal telephone directory for the police.

“When the audit was completed in June, was the findings immediately reported to the ceo Sigve Brekke and then to the chairman of the board Gunn Wærsted. All objectionable sponsorship is terminated. It has later been conducted two legal reviews of the case. It is not found that any of the sponsoratene has led to payments to individuals”, it is called.

Suspect financial crime

Telenor’s internal audit process has also uncovered issues related to suspicions about financial crime in one of the markets, informs the company that has reported this to the local law enforcement agency in the country.

- having regard to the investigation, we are of the local authorities asked not to comment on the case, called it from the company.

DTAC and grameen phone

The last case Telenor says Monday night is about the thai mobile operator DTAC.

Through its internal audits discovered DTAC deviations related to the leases for base stations in Thailand.

“An external review showed that the local party on some base stations could not provide adequate documentation on the ownership of the plot where the base stations were placed. Leases followed industry practices in Thailand, however, was not in accordance with Telenor’s internal guidelines”, states the Norwegian group.

According to Telenor DTAC changed the routines for the entering into of such leases, and initiated several measures to ensure that the ownership relationship is clearly documented in all agreements. This work will continue into next year.


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