Tuesday, October 11, 2016

IEA sees faster balance in the oil market – Today’s Business

The international energy agency (IEA) writes that even with tentative signs that petroleumslagrene begins to decrease indicates the organization’s supply and etterspørselsutsikter that overtilbudet in the oil market may persist for the first half of 2017.

It appears from the Iea’s latest monthly report, published Tuesday.

If, however, Opec manages to accomplish the organization’s new production target of 32,5 to 33,0 million barrels per day, a market balance faster, believes the IEA.

“The wating game is over”, writes the IEA in the report, and refers to the fact that Opec has abandoned kartellets markedspolitikk, as they have led in almost two years now.

Global oljelagrene

It appears that the global oljelagrene is too high, seen from a manufacturers ‘ standpoint, and to speed up the process of lagertrekk was Opec members 28. september agreed to cut production. This has led to that the oil price has risen 15 per cent to over 53 per barrel, shows the IEA.

the IEA oppjusterer estimate for world oil demand in 2016 and 2017.

the Estimate for world oil demand in 2017 seem to be growing with to 190,000 barrels per day to 97,51 million barrels a day.

For the 2017 seem to be growing etterspørselsanslaget for the first quarter of 250,000 barrels per day, second quarter seem to be growing with 170.000 barrels per day, third quarter seem to be growing with 160.000 barrels per day, while the fourth quarter is adjusted up to 190,000 barrels a day.

Oppjusterer demand

the Estimate for world oil demand in 2016 seem to be growing with 160.000 barrels per day to 96,28 million barrels a day.

For 2016 seem to be growing etterspørselsanslaget for the first quarter, with 100,000 barrels per day, second quarter seem to be growing with to 190,000 barrels per day, third quarter seem to be growing with 150.000 barrels per day, while the fourth quarter is adjusted up with 180.000 barrels a day.

the IEA estimate “call on Opec” for 2017 to 33,4 million barrels per day. A month ago was the estimate to 33.2 million barrels per day.

the Estimate of the “call on Opec” for 2016 seem to be growing to the 32,7 million barrels per day, from the earlier 32.5 million barrels per day.

Commercial petroleumslagre in OECD countries fell by 10 million barrels to 3.092 million barrels in august on a monthly basis.

This is the first time the bearings fall since march.

Preliminary figures for september show that the råoljelagrene fall both in Japan and the united STATES, according to the IEA.

Some higher output

the IEA estimates that oil production in countries outside Opec will be on 57,05 million barrels per day in 2017.

In the previous monthly report, the IEA that the 2017 production would be 57,04 million barrels per day.

For 2016, the estimated oil production in countries outside Opec to 56,62 million barrels per day, from 56,66 million barrels a day in the previous report.

Furthermore, estimates the IEA that global oil production in september was on the 97,18 million barrels per day, from 96,57 million barrels per day the month before.

Total production from countries outside Opec is estimated to be 56,59 million barrels per day in september, from 56,13 million barrels per day the month before.

Opecs oil production including NGL is estimated to 40,59 million barrels per day in september, from 40,43 million barrels a day the month before. Kartellets råoljeproduksjon amounted 33,64 million barrels per day in september, from 33,48 million barrels a day the month before.

Saudi Arabia’s oil production was 10,58 million barrels per day in september, from 10,60 million barrels per day the month before.

Iran’s oil production was 3,67 million barrels per day in september, from 3,64 million barrels per day the month before.

Iraq’s oil production was 4,46 million barrels per day in september, from 4,37 million barrels per day the month before.

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