Sunday, October 16, 2016

Milliardærarving Katharina (21) overtaken by the 23-year-old – Seoghør.en

See who beats her on the list of Norway’s youngest billionaires.

Alexandra (20) and Katharina (21) Andresen together constitute the richest individuals under the age of 30 in the Uk, figures from the skattelistene for 2015, which was published in the Thursday evening.

As daughters of industry and financier Johan H. Andresen sitting the sisters on a fortune of staggering nok 14.1 billion Norwegian kroner over the overall.

Originally built the family up his fortune by tobakkvirksomhet in the Tiedemanns through several generations, but since the end of the 90′s has Johan H. Andresen has been the owner and active in various roles in the familieselskapet Ferd Holding AS.


With a starting point in skattelistene for 2014, where the sisters were good for the 5.8 billion each – total of nok 11.6 billion – see, you have the fortune has increased by just in excess of two billion.

Milliardærarvingene has topped skattelistene the last few years and made the headlines already as a child, when it was known that the parents gave their daughters, who were then 11 and 12 years, shares worth 12 billion.

Both Katharina and her sister have been relatively absent in the limelight, and it is only in the last few years that the 20-year-old has done major interviews.

While Alexandra operates actively with dressurkonkurranser, Katharina taken the step into the Process system, where she works for the family business.

When the latter visited the “skavlan talkshow” in the last year, she explained that it has not always been easy to grow up with such a vast fortune.

the Case continues below.

family-owned  businesses. Family firms. Johan H. Endresen.

MILLIARDÆRPAPPA: This is Alexandra and Katharinas father, financier Johan H. Andresen Jr. Aftenposten

Done jumped

Psalms-the heir apparent Gustav forget that no schools Witzøe (23) has previously ravaged the list of the richest young people in the country.

It was towards the end of 2011 that trønderen got transferred close to all the shares from his father’s company Dissolved, which at the time made the 23-year-old is Norway’s youngest billionaire.

In 2013, he was among the other good for close to nok 3.4 billion, and in spite of a substantial reduction of the ligningsformuen the year after had the young boy, still enough salt in the porridge in 2014 – with a fortune of 414 million.

In 2015 claim Witzøe jr. still on the inntektstoppen, and is good for nok 9.8 billion – and has thus made a kjempebyks seen from the earlier figures.

at the same time, 23-year-old an income of no less than 142 million.

In the course of the last year, it was also clear that the 23-year-old has begun to invest the money in more than just salmon.

Through investment company Gmw Venture, which was separated from the seafood company to Cease in 2014, he bets on various companies to invest the money in, including bildedelings app the Gobi, according to DN.

But I’m looking at several businesses that are exciting, also start-up companies, said Witzøe to the newspaper last year.

See the full list of the country’s youngest billionaires here.

the Case was originally published in the

READ ALSO: So much, the royal family

15. October 2016 – 11:51


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