Monday, October 10, 2016

- Very happy to be out of farming – Hegnar Online

ÅLESUND: “Behind every strong man stands a strong woman”. So it was also in the Fjordlaks. While Anders Pedersen (73) was the entrepreneur who gave the gas, put Anita Pedersen (71) as the general manager and kept in my lines. Right before the summer holidays, they sold the farming operations Fjordlaks Aqua for
nok 1 billion. It was the goal.

Why was it correct to sell in the year?

We have been contacted by interested buyers in many, many years, but my dear husband (Anders Pedersen) have said “no, I should have 1 billion.” He has said for several years, and there was no one who thought that we would get there, ” says Anita Pedersen.

For her, the sum was totally unreal.

– We have built stone on stone, we are not become great over night. We have earned the money and so we have constructed. So we have earned more money and built even more. We have not taken up large loans to build, we have built for their own money and we own our own eiendomsmasse, ” says Pedersen.

40 years in farming

Pedersen-family had driven with the farming of trout and salmon in 40 years when they sold. The road has been to while they’ve gone.

Why be great when you can be happy as a kid, I have always said, but my husband is an entrepreneur and he has always thought big. You can say I have been more afraid – and in this way we have complemented each other, and grown then. But it is he who is the entrepreneur, and he has taken all of the steps. I have only been with.

She describes it as amazing. And they are still with.

Still, we have great values that should be managed, ” says Pedersen, and aims to ensure that activities in the remaining three fjerdedelene of Fjordlaks still goes as normal.

One is always engaged in what’s going on, but I’m very happy to be out of farming. It was very exciting and wonderful, but at the same time, it happens very much. One takes the gradual, and not what you give them over too much, build stone on stone, yes, I believe farming has a fantastic future, ” says Pedersen.

– Happy of money?

She will always try to avoid thinking too much about billion.

I have always thought; who is there that will be happy of the money? Do you know of any, ask Pedersen.

– So the money has not been the most important?

– No, it’s just to look at us, ” says Pedersen and laughs.

I’m driving around in a Golf. It is a few years old. And my husband driving around in a Mercedes, who is seven years old, and when talking, we are not the largest model, ” she says.

Sunnmørsk envy

the Attention around the sale, they have taken with worry.

– I’m saying that Anders: Misunnelsen is greater than kjønnsdriften in Ålesund. If it had been the opposite, had Ålesund been overcrowded.

We keep the us away from them. We live a quiet, peaceful life with family and old friends that I have had since we were 16 years old. So we are not in “the club”, says Pedersen, while she draws quotes with his fingers and draws a smile on his face.

– But your husband got his dream come true; you got a billion?

– Yes, we got it.


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