Monday, November 21, 2016

– It goes fast in the turns in the housing market – Today’s Business


Ministers Siv Jensen and Jan Tore Sanner met with warnings against the throat housing market.

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on Monday met finance minister Siv Jensen and kommunalminister Jan Tore Sanner six representatives from different sides of the housing market.

Objective: Get advice on what measures the government can undertake to curb the increase of boligprisveksten and total household debt.

We have invited to this boligseminaret simply because it is a lot of debate about boligmarkeded. We wanted advice whether we should take action and in the case of the measures we must take, ” said Jensen to the press after the meeting.

There are three issues the government jobs that affect the housing market:

  • Boliglånsforskriften
  • Gjeldsregister
  • Simplification of the plan – and construction.

– this Takes up very much debt

– We see with some concern that it goes fast in the turns in the housing market in large parts of the country, at the same time that many households are taking up very much debt. Have a good betjeningsevne, this is not necessarily a problem. But if not, one becomes vulnerable by renteheving or by a fall in prices in the housing market, says the minister of finance.

A crystal clear advice Jensen received by all actors, including the president and ceo Finn Haugan in Sparebanken midtnorge was to not throttling the banks ‘ flexibility on the mortgage. Financial supervisory authority of norway has proposed that banks will get zero flexibility to provide loans beyond the 85-percent safety to the customers.

We warned very against introducing forskriftsendringer that affects the housing market in the entire country. Then you can get unintended consequences. This was also the developers agree, ” says Haugan. The construction was represented by Obos-chief Daniel Kjørberg Siraj, president and ceo of Veidekke, Arne Giske and ceo Per Jæger in Boligprodusentenes Association.

Haugan says that some of the proposed changes for residential mortgages was less edible than others.

– Hovedkravet is that banks ‘ flexibility must pass. There I found that the ministers had understanding for, without that I should anticipate some signals in advance, ” says Haugan.

– the Wrong things can trigger negative reactions

Haugan has more understanding of the desire to put limitations on how large loans can be granted to the homebuyers.

– We are willing to and have already made efforts to limit the size of loans in relation to income. Especially with the investors in the market, ” says Haugan.

finance minister Jensen will not reveal when the proposal for the new boliglånsforsikrift come – only that it comes “before christmas” – or what it will contain.

I’m going to give my advice to the government before christmas. I have said I will take the time that is necessary. If we do the wrong things at a wrong time then it may trigger negative reactions. I’m not interested in, ” said Jensen after the meeting, which she characterizes as “very useful”.

Faster and less expensive to build

Municipal and moderniseringsminister Jan Tore Sanner (H) received, among other things hear from utbyggersiden during the meeting.

– We must do it faster and cheaper to build, so that more people can achieve boligdrømmen without taking on larger loans than they can bear. We have made major simplifications in the regulations, shortened deadlines and tightened into the objections. Now we see that the housing market is responding with record-breaking commissioning of the new homes, it is very gratifying, ” says Sanner.


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