Monday, February 6, 2017

Finansministerens admission: -Yes, I have used Airbnb – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): Frp-leader Siv Jensen took in the morning in a ekspertutredning that comes with a number of controversial suggestions for delingsøkonomien.

Among other things, suggests that løyveplikten is revoked for taxis.

That means in practice is that it is suggested that Uber be made legal in Norway. At the same time propose to increase the taxation of short-term hire of your own home, so that people who are renting her house out through Airbnb should have to pay more tax.

How will the temmme Uber and Airbnb

- I select basically to look at all the positive possibilities that are in this, but there is no doubt that it is a part of traditional businesses experienced challenging when new players come on the pitch, and then we need to find suitable ways to solve it, ” says minister of finance Siv Jensen (Frp).

She would not anticipate what the government is falling down on the and points out that the whole of the committee’s report is now circulated for consultation.

Furthermore, she promises a critical review of the committee’s recommendations, which are in addition to the recommendations she has already received from the Directorate of taxes and ungdomspartiene.

I am very excited about how the hearing is going to go, ” says the minister of finance.

the – Controversial

One of the most controversial questions is how a frislepp of Uber drivers can affect the established Norwegian arbeidslivsregler for salary, pension payments and social security benefits.

This suggests selection

* Create an information portal on the rights and duties in delingsøkonomien

* Strengthened dialogue and meklingstilbud only made

*Reporting to the tax authorities for delingsøkonomiplattformer

* In addition, it should be considered a simplified tax treatment of småinntekter from the services.

* Løyveplikten in drosjemarkedet be removed

* Uber be made legal

* short-term hire of private housing be taxed more

the Committee concludes here that it is not a big problem, partly because the scope of the delingsøkonomien in Norway is so small.

- It is probably one of the most controversial questions in the committee’s report. This is precisely why it is important that we address this thoroughly, and I have not now thought to forhåndskonkludere on what the government is doing on this, ” says the minister of finance.

She adds, however, cannot hide the fact that she – like the committee – is concerned about the positive things at the delingsøkonomien.

And admits that she herself has rented out rooms through utleiegiganten AirBnB.

- I have done it once abroad, ” she says.

- How was the experience?

- My experience was very good.

- Will you do it again?

oh Well. I’m no stranger to this, and realize that it is a good option, but I’m concerned that the finance minister is that the actors who are participating in the market to most possible be treated equally and that there, all the time the emergence of new businesses, so that they also should pay taxes, ” she says.

Criticized utleiegigant

While drosjenæringen rages against Uber, has hotellkongen Petter Stordalen been among those who have been critical to Aibnb, which is easily explained in that private homeowners can rent out rooms for short periods of time and get paid for it.

Stordalen has referred to Airbnb as a system that invites to the black work. Leieboerforeninga has also been critical to the utleiegiganten, and describes the practice follows in its input to the selection:

“In the country’s larger cities complaints of the neighbors of the constantly out – and in-migration and pensjonatliknende conditions, while students in the videregåendeskole from the Lofoten area struggling to acquire much-needed the single rooms in Svolvær.”

Hotellnæringa lose after all to judge also big on utleiepraksisen, and Ap-politician Jan Bøhler (Ap) has proposed to regulate Airbnb in Oslo because it is a problem that people buy up apartments in order to drive the such rentals.

the Committee that delivered its report today, also points out several ambiguities around how the short-term hire of homes, if any, to be taxed.

- Tax pages urgent most

- The main challenges so far has been the tax-related pages. In addition, there has been much confusion around the delingskjøring about what is allowed or not allowed. It is important to put in place a legislation that makes this legal, and who ensures that the players in the delingsøkonomien pay tax in line with other actors, ” says utvalgslederen professor Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen of the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.

While the committee chairman Gabrielsen believes that it is the tax aspects of delingsøkonomien it is urgent the most to get regulated, pointing out the finance minister also on that arbeidslivsutfordringene can be a challenge.

Overall I have a positive approach to this. At the same time, we put down range just to see a closer look at whether there was a need to make changes in the professional association because it can mean that more than before are self-employed, freelancers, and so on, and it can eventually create a discussion about, for example, pensjonsbetingelser. I realize that the committee does not believe there is a need to do something with it, but should still read through the report they’ve come up with, says the minister of finance.

LO: – Naive

While the majority of the committee does not believe there is a need to do something with the working environment act, is LOs representative Trude Tinnlund here totally disagree.

- the Borders are washed out within delingsøkonomien in relation to whether one is independent, whether one is a freelance, contractor or employee. Some of these platforms govern so much of us that it is a question of what you really are. What you are considered is essential for the protection you are entitled to and what rights you are entitled to. I think it should be put down a variety that is considering the concepts in the working environment act, says Tinnlund to the Newspaper.

She believes it is important to do this now, before delingsøkonomien becomes too large.

In the countries where it is completely frislipp the ordinary course of business disappeared, and then one has no option other than to participate in delingsaktivitet. In England, among other things, the annual drosjevirksomhet disappeared, while in California has 200 000 Uber drivers joined together to demand to be hired because they have so little impact on his salary.

we Can end where in Norway the committee’s proposals are carried out?

- Yes, of course. It is a at best a naive attitude in the majority that we are not willing to take the consequences. The technology is new, yes, but the challenge is ancient. If an actor can avoid liability for employees, production facilities and does not pay employer’s national insurance contributions, then you disappeared. It is not healthy innovation. If you don’t regulate properly, this can be economically unrewarding, she believes.

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