Monday, December 8, 2014

Fund buys IT company Evry – Fædrelandsvennen

Fund buys IT company Evry – Fædrelandsvennen

Formally the company Lyngen Bidco, which indirectly controlled by the fund company Apax, which offers 16 per share for IT company. There are 31 percent above the rate on 26 August, which was the last trading day of Evry-stock before the company announced the possible changes in corporate structure.

Posten Norway AS and Telenor Business Partner Invest AS, which together own 70.2 percent of the outstanding shares, has been pre-accepted the offer on certain conditions. The same Folketrygdfondet, which owns 3.2 percent of the shares in the company.

A unanimous Board recommends that shareholders accept the offer and the Board and management have already sent the obligatory notification that they are willing to sell their private shares.

“Technology is a strong contributor to economic growth, and it will be shaping the future of society. This will create significant growth opportunities for the IT industry, which offer from Apax confirms. I am convinced that private ownership will benefit the company, and we look forward to accelerate and expand our strategy, says CEO Terje Mjøs in Evry.

Evry informs that the head office shall remain in Norway. IT group has around 10,000 employees and annual sales of nearly 13 billion. They have among other operating responsibility for many of the country’s Internet banks. (© NTB)


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