Saturday, December 13, 2014

Norwegian company designer giant diving vessels – Aftenposten

Norwegian company designer giant diving vessels – Aftenposten

– We are proud of. Diving vessels are among the most complex offshore vessels you might come across, says sales director Robert R. Fence in Marine Technology in Herøy Sunnmøre.

The company has recently designed a number of offshore vessels, including Tues. the 2nd diving and konstrukssjonsskip. None of these come up against what is now going down on the drawing board, on behalf of the company Ultra Deep Solutions in Singapore. Marine Technology does not want to give any details about the contract price.

– But there is a relatively large contract for us. At the most, up to 100 engineers to be involved in major parts of a period of 30 months, said Fencing Aftenposten.

Getting remote controlled submarines

The vessel shall be equipped with two diving watches, which shall be operate down to 300 meters deep. There are almost 143 meters long including two cranes and equipment for two unmanned, remote-controlled submarines.

The ship should not be built in Norway. The assignment went to a shipyard in Shanghai. From there, the ship should be ready for delivery during the first quarter of 2017.

– We have worked closely with the company over the past year to develop the vessel, says Gjerde.

Many older vessels

Today, there are only 30 older vessels of this type in the world. The company feels therefore ensure that there is a need for a new vessel in this class.

– We are confident that there is a future for high-quality ships to deep and ultra-deep projects, says Sheldon Hutton, Chief Director of Ultra Deep Solutions, in a press release.

Published: 12.des. 2014 2:20 p.m.


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