Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Russia sells away value to salvage ruble – Aftenposten

Russia sells away value to salvage ruble – Aftenposten

Russian media reports Wednesday morning that the financial department has begynt y selge unna av valutareservene for å stabilize rubelkursen.

Nyhetsbyrået Interfax siterer show Finance Alexey Moisejev as strainers are innstilt on stream selge ‘as myeloma as necessary and then lenge it is necessary’, writes nyhetsbyrået Reuters.

Mark Dene is unconvinced

It was not convinced money arable countries. At 10 o’clock was a kursoppgang 6 prosent mot dollar earlier in the day, snudd to a nytt fall of 1.3 prosent. Mot euro sank rubelen 0.2 prosent

Norwegian kroner falt also mot dollar and euro. The decline was around 1.5 prosent dollar.

$ 1 cost $ 7.53 in trading in the foreign exchange market, while the euro exchange rate was 9.39 dollars for 1 euro.

Oljeprisen fort banquets y bolt

Usikkerheten on oljeprisen and Developments in Russlands economy and stock market fall on Wall Street in New York Tuesday evening, senket europe underwater stock exchanges as trading opened their doors Wednesday.

The price of nordsjøolje for delivery in February falt 0.7 prosent to $ 59.60 sulphate.

Valutafallet has been named yet not led to full panikk amongst the Russians, but more urgent to exchange offices or invest in items like jewelry, Electronic, cars and furniture before the prizes go in been, writes NTB-AFP.

– People who do not Klarte å convert the money to its 35 or 40 rubles for one dollar, has kjøpt expensive goods, cars and leiligheter, for it has not skjedd a comprehensive omprising been named yet, says Vjatsjeslav Trepeznikov in Yekaterinburg to the British newspaper Financial Times.


17.des. 2014 11:16


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