Thursday, June 9, 2016

Higher price before aircraft seat fee. Now requires Norwegian payment from the state –

(Dagbladet): On the night of yesterday notified Norwegian that they came to draw customers who are traveling from and including June 1 extra.

This is because the air passenger tax on 88 million domestic and 80 million international travel from Norwegian airports introduced Norwegian authorities.

after the letter has more customers responded to the Norwegian’s Facebook pages.

Higher prices at the New Year

One of them refers to a case published by NRK in March.

There pronounces information manager Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen, according to the channel, following in connection with an increase of up to 90 million per ticket:

– Ticket prices have been adjusted slightly to take account of the fact proposed air passenger tax introduced.

when asked by Dagbladet Sandakerveien-Nielsen would like to comment on the price increase that was introduced at the New Year, says Sandakerveien-Nielsen that the price increase came as a result of supply and demand in the market.

– Let it be clear: We have never charged for a fee which has not been introduced, but adjusted prices according to supply and demand from the market in general. We would have liked this fee besides, but Parliament has unfortunately decided that it should be introduced. Then Norwegian levy this money on behalf of the state, writes Sandakerveien-Nielsen in an SMS.

– Increased price according to supply and demand

Sandakerveien-Nielsen adds that it is true that Norwegian confirmed a price increase by the new year. He adds that they have never placed on 88 million flat on each ticket.

– There have been large uncertainties related to tax, when it would be introduced and the possible consequences, so we have therefore priced tickets to all other airlines do, namely according to supply and demand, type Sandakerveien-Nielsen.

All airlines flying from Norwegian airports must collect air passenger tax.

SAS chose April 1 to not raising prices to counter the reported air passenger tax, according to NRK.
So did RyanAir, while Widerøe and Norwegian said increased prices.

– Customers must pay

technical director Jo Gjedrem by the Consumer Ombudsman told Dagbladet that there are customers who have to pay for increases in taxes and fees. This because of the terms agreed between them and the airlines.

He also emphasizes that the Norwegian and other airlines are free to adjust their prices.

Still, he, according to E24, sent a letter to the Norwegian today. This is to ask for an explanation of the procedure the company has chosen to take in connection with the tax.

– It is not about the right to claim the money, but about the method of payment. Norwegian has written to customers that they will be billed based on the payment information they provide during the purchase of the ticket, says Jo Gjedrem.

This must, according Gjedrem, have a customer’s consent to conduct .

– Can the customer say no to this?

– No, you have to pay because it is in terms of the agreement, but that is the way this is put on. That the tax could be introduced has long been known, and Norwegian have had the opportunity to inform customers. Now we will investigate whether the Norwegian has gained some acceptance from customers, says Jo Gjedrem.

– We will respond to the letter from the Consumer Ombudsman within the time limit and see if we can provide other ways of paying the fee – for the state to have their money, says Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen E24 on the merits further away from the Norwegian side.


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