Monday, December 12, 2016

Sigve Brekke out quickly – E24

A ceo who has embellished on their own CV leads a milliardkonsern with thousands of employees. This verdict from the magazine Capital last year would have been followed by the rapid departure of most companies.

A trustworthy leadership may not have a cheat (or at least perceived as a cheat) on top. Worse, it is not.

Telenor ceo Sigve Brekke had been fired on the spot if the company was owned by anyone other than the State. But because Telenor is not owned by a type that Kristian Siem, Kjell Inge Røkke or John Fredriksen, then it is not so simple.

There are many considerations to take, you need to know.

most Important of all considerations is this: the State of Trade and the ministry of fisheries must not, under any circumstances, be perceived as an owner with an opinion about anything pertaining to the operation or management. It would somehow not been particularly corporate governance-like of minister Monica Mæland.

Thus, a performer, Gunn Wærsted and the Telenor board of directors eiermakt without a clear mandate. The result is a power vacuum that the administration with great joy fills.

Who said what?

It is absurd, but true: Sigve break off future as the ceo of Telenor’s been a question about who has said what to whom and when and in what manner and with whom in the back. What an extraordinary board meeting on the matter? A hearing in the Parliament, perhaps? Have Mæland still trust the chairman?

Think about it, we’re talking about whether or not Gunn Wærsted, one of Norway’s most experienced business leaders that is known to be to the fingertips understand, still has the necessary confidence. What we instead should have talked about, is this: Why in all the world sitting Break still in sjefstolen in Telenor?!

Ownership of Telenor is so professionally that it’s been clean amatørskap.

the Last man

On a show dress Brekke and Telenor each other. Breakout is the leader with arbeiderpartiboka in order and the right friends. Telenor is telekomgiganten with a business model under considerable pressure. Yesterday’s man leader yesterday’s company.

To Telenor survive in a future where all forms of communication and information sharing is changing and the price of selsapets services goes quickly towards zero, the company must reinvent itself. It is not given what the company should live by or whether it has life right in the long term.

Telenor has thousands of employees and taxpayers ‘ shares in the company is worth 100 billion. What the company should do going forward, so it must have a strong and competent management team with the full confidence of all.

Break must go

Gunn Wærsted has taken a clear position as chairman of the board in the political buzzing hive of Telenor. She does not have the confidence to Sigve Brekke. It has quite surely not Norwegian trade and industry minister Monica Maeland, even though she wouldn’t say it publicly.

There is only one acceptable outcome of this fray: Break must quickly out of Telenor, the board of directors and the owners must rally behind Gunn Wærsted.

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