According to Stavanger Aftenblad, who first publicized the case on Thursday night, the Statoil-employees can be “a highly regarded and occasionally spotlighted Statoil-employee”.
The second defendant is a director of Norsk Helikopterservice, a subcontractor of Statoil.
According to Stavanger Aftenblad to be the korrupsjonssiktede Statoil employees have had a central lederfunksjon at the partly state-owned company over several years.
It was Statoil even went to the police with the allegation.
the Oil company has tonight sent out a message that they cancel a letter of intent with Norsk Helikopterservice because of the risen korrupsjonssiktelsen.
According to the indictment, the Statoil-employees have taken advantage of his position to obtain “undue benefits from the leverandørselskapet”, writes Stavanger Aftenblad.

Statoil oil sands operation
Both the two charged men refuse straffskyld, informing their respective defenders.
Statoil received notification
reported by Statoil in early autumn, the Norwegian police about a possible korrupsjonssak. They took on the late autumn new contact with the police in Stavanger, with new information about the possible korrupsjonssaken.
This led in turn to the seizure, ransakinger and seizures at home and on the job with those charged in the previous week.
Bård Glad Pedersen, cio of Statoil, tells E24/VG that Statoil got an alert.
Statoil on Thursday night sent out a message where they write that they are under the current circumstances chosen to cancel a letter of intent with Norsk Helikopterservice for a backup SAR helicopter.
Statoil does not have other agreements with Norsk Helikopterservice, it is stated in the message.
the Canadian Helicopter Limited owns 100 per cent of HNZ Norway, which in turn owns 49.9 per cent of Norsk Helikopterservice. The Norwegian company has 19 employees.
” We launched an investigation of an employee, for possible violation of the internal rules, after a warning. Then we went to the police to inform them about the case. It led to that police charged an employee in Statoil for gross corruption.
– it is important For us to emphasize that we have concluded our internal investigation, and that it is not taken out prosecution in the case, says Glad Pedersen.
– It is far less dropped any judgment, so there is no basis to conclude in the case. But we thought it was appropriate to take seriously the notification we received, and to inform the police about the case, says Pedersen.
He says that Statoil employee is temporarily suspended from his position until the matter is clarified.
Police in sacramento say that the case may have connections to Canada, where the parent company of Norsk Helikopterservice, and that it may therefore be necessary with etterforskningsskritt abroad.
Attorney Tor Inge Borgersen, who defend the persons charged with Statoil employees, said to E24 that the man is surprised that he’s been indicted and that he did not acknowledge straffskyld.
My client has explained himself smoothly towards the police, ” says the defender to E24.
He has to several media said that his client has not done anything punishable, and that the conditions referred to in the indictment is “far from the korrupsjonsbestemmelsen contains”.
Lawyer Inger Marie Sunde, represents the defendant in Norsk Helikopterservice, also she says that her client set rejected to the indictment.
My client is fortvilt and shocked. He acknowledges no form of guilt, but he cooperates with the police and hope they are effective and get cleared up the matter quickly, so that he becomes completely redone, ” she says to NRK Rogaland.
Ask Økokrim about the help
Politiadvokat Tor Arvid Bruskeland by Økonomiseksjonen in the South-West politidistriktet confirms to Stavanger Aftenblad that the local police are in dialogue with Økokrim for its assistance in the investigation.
E24 has attempted to reach the Bruskeland, without success. E24 has also been in contact with Økokrim, they show to the police in Rogaland for the comment.

Vegvesen-employee jailed for corruption
– We did an assessment of whether or not it was appropriate and necessary to render them for varetektsfengsling, says Bruskeland according to the NTB.
Since several key persons was already being questioned in the course of the first phase of the investigation, and that we in addition had secured us extensive documentation that we should go through, it was decided that the offender should be released.
He says the investigation will show whether the two have received money, services, or both, in an illegal manner.
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