Thursday, December 15, 2016

Statoil’s oljesandsatsing buried –with new milliardtap – Dagens Næringsliv


Statoil’s focus on the oil sands has been one of the most oil projects in the company’s history. Now acknowledge Statoil with the remaining in Canada and take new milliardtap.

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the environmental movement and politicians from a number of camps have criticized the company powerful for investments in the canadian wilderness. In 2007 invested Statoil around two billion dollars Kai Kos Dehseh oil sands in Alberta, Canada.

Statoil has signed an agreement to sell its ownership interest of 100 per cent in oil sands projects Kai Kos Dehseh (KKD) in the canadian province of Alberta to the Athabasca Oil. This is a midsize energy company that only has operations in Alberta.

The total consideration paid in the transaction to the group is on the 832 million canadian dollars (about 5.4 billion).

Loss from oljesandsatsing

the Sale would trigger an impairment of the accounting values of 500-550 million us dollars (four to five billion). This does not include negative currency effects from the translation from canadian dollars to u.s. dollars at the effective date of the agreement.

two years ago undertook Statoil impairment of the controversial oil sands project in Canada for over eight billion. Former Statoil chief Helge Lund bet around 100 billion in the prestisjeprosjekter in North America ten years ago.

–This transaction is in line with Statoil’s strategy porteføljeoptimalisering to strengthen our financial flexibility and invest in our core business areas globally, including off the coast of Newfoundland, ” says Lars Christian Bacher, Statoil’s evp for Development and production international, in a comment.

High oil prices can give ekstrautbetaling

In 2011, the thai statsoljeselskapet PTTEP a 40 percent stake for 2.3 billion dollars. Three years later exchanged the two companies assets and boast at the same time layer.

managing director Knut Rostad refused in 2014 to answer on whether the trade was a step on the road to sell out of the oil sands. He confirmed, however, that the oil sands were

“strategically important for Statoil”.

Statoil writes in a press release that they are completely out of the oil sands as a operator. The transaction makes that Statoil will sit on a 20 percent interest in Athabasca.

If the price of oil (us light oil – wti) rising to over 65 dollars a barrel will the Athabasca pay up to 75 million canadian dollars annually to Statoil until 2020, according to the Athabasca. On Thursday is the price of 50,9 dollars.

Statoil is not the only company reviewing oljesandsatsingen in Canada. The French oil company Total has added the Joslyn project on the shelf and sold shares in the Fort Hills project, which has a investment budgets of nearly 100 billion.

Statoil-the plant has produced about 20,000 barrels of oil per day, and was intended to be a pilot system in a large-scale initiative. With the low oil prices of recent years, the production hardly profitable. All utvidelsesplaner was put on ice.

the World looks different today than when we went into the oil sands, said Statoil spokesman Knut Rostad to DN a year ago.

– Shareholders and the environment wins

the environmental movement and politicians from a number of camps have criticized the company powerful for investments in the canadian wilderness. Canada has slowed down the betting on the oil sands and made a reversal from the previous energy policy.

– the Environment and Statoil’s shareholders are both winners here. Any attempt to redeem the klimaforpliktelsene in Parisavtalen will make this a tapsprosjekt, ” says the head of Greenpeace Canada, Keith Stewart to the canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail.

In 2015, certain politicians in the province of Alberta, which is one of the world’s most oil-rich areas, that it to bet on wind power, is introduced karbonskatt and slowing the emissions from the highly polluting oil sands facilities.


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