Monday, December 12, 2016

The oil-producing countries laws produksjonskutt – Aftenbladet.en

the Goal of the cuts is to build up the under cuts from OPEC and oil prices.

Earlier Saturday reported the nigerian oljedepartementet that there was agreement about the cut on 612.000 barrels daily, but OPECs president enter a lower number.

OPEC, Russia and other oil-exporting countries set Saturday in meetings in Vienna to discuss the produksjonskutt.

- We must not talk down the most valuable things we own Eldar Sætre: Increased oil prices, promoting not Statoil-projects

the Members of the Organization of oil-exporting countries (OPEC) was at the end of november agreed to cut production by 1.2 million barrels per day.

the Cuts that was announced Saturday is slightly lower than the 600.000 barrels OPEC requested from non-members by its own

decision about the cuts. Russia accounts for the majority of the produksjonsbegrensningene.

Iran saved the christmas season for the oil industry Increased the price of oil forces the crown – euro under 9 million Opec agreed produksjonskutt


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