(Dagbladet): – This budget does not provide a large enough emission reductions to reach the 2020 targets. The goals you can reach if, in addition, makes tilleggsvedtak outside the state budget, which cut the large enkeltutslipp in the industry, says Zero ceo Marius Holm to the Newspaper.
Saturday night presented Right, Frp, KrF and Left a budsjettenighet.
the Agreement includes reductions in emissions at 662 500 tonnes of CO2 in 2017.
Marius Holm believes it was the right of the Progress and Left to say yes to your budget, but believes that the Uk is not moving fast enough against klimamålene.
Through two klimaforlik of Parliament, one from 2008 and one from 2012, have the politicians committed themselves to cutting global emissions of greenhouse gases equivalent to 30 per cent of Norway’s emissions in 1990.
Paris-the destination
According to Naturvernforbundet this means that Norwegian emissions must be down to 46,6-48,6 million tons of CO2-equivalents in 2020, which will require a cut of five to seven million tonnes of CO2.
However, Holm believes that the 2020 targets can’t be reached with this budget in isolation, and if the other measures he mentions are not in place, it will thus involve a transgression from the politicians.
When it comes to Parisavtalen and 2030 targets, Holm more optimistic.
- If we are to reach the 2030 goals, so must the price to pollute will increase as much each year as what they do in this budget, ” says Holm.
Not given
Trine Skei Grande answer the following on the question of whether she in reality now has gone on to break 2020-goal:
I agree in the analysis of the Holm, but there are two things in the budget that allows that, yet we can clear the 2020 target. One is a C02-the fund is aimed at the realignment of the business world, and which we believe can lead to the necessary taktskiftet. The second is the phasing in of a flat C02-tax in 2018.
- The annual cut is also 200 000 tonnes below the annual target of 800 000 tonnes of CO2 to 2030?
the Point is that the cut of 662 500 tonnes for the first year. All of this will increase year by year.
- But this budget violates the agreement from last year that the budget for 2017 is to “enhance through and provide significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions”?
- Yes. We were promised a green skatteskifte, and we were not. But on the car we got it, partly because of the one-time.
Still controversy about car kit
After the Dagbladet understand, was it the increase in the one-time 330 million, and the introduction of a flat C02-tax in 2018, which meant that the Left ultimately chose to join an agreement.
And it is those two elements that makes that the Left believes the total klimapakka trumps the disputed bilpakka, and in reality opens the the. Frp, on the other hand fixed on that bilpakka not changed.
We are pleased to have come to an agreement, at the same time as bilpakka is fixed, said Siv Jensen at Saturday’s press conference.
Sources: NTB and the government.no
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