Sunday, October 16, 2016

Shell tempted with a 90 cent discount, then increased pumpeprisen with the double – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

It was Thursday, Shell promised his two million bonuskunder an all-time discount, writes the newspaper

Those who chose to fill the tank this day would get a full 90 ear literen in the bonus, a campaign that was set in motion in collaboration with the bonusklubben Trump operated by dagligvaregiganten behind the bl.a. Kiwi and Save.

In the days before Thursday pumped Shell and Trump out advertising on posters and in people’s mailboxes in order to make the members aware of the kjempetilbudet that would come this day.

Prices jumped suddenly in the weather

It was just a big minus at it all:

The day the bonus was at 90 cents, put the Shell up dieselprisen on his drive at Bjølsen in Oslo, with nok. 1,88. Diesel Wednesday cost £ 11,69 cost Thursday $ 13,57. The gasoline increased from $ 13,22 $ 14,99 – € 1,77 more than the day before.

the Promotion dunstet away on it as always is one of the week’s most expensive days to buy fuel.

Motorists who were waiting from Wednesday to Thursday to save money, lost in the place money on offer in relation to considering the day before.

At Shell defends the marketing and communications manager Sigrid Louise G. Philippart campaign that goes under the name Triple-Trump because it provides three times as much bonus as normal.

She believes the Aftenposten example is random and that the calculation applies only for a specific station.

Prices vary from station to station

– We have not deviated from our regular price strategy in connection with the initiative, and it means that our Trump-customers could enjoy an extra large Trump bonus if they are allowed to fuel at our Shell stations on Thursday, ” says Philippart.

She says that prices vary from station to station, and bl.a. taking into account the local competition. The prices of the Shell is adjusted according to her several thousand times in the course of a week.

” We have not changed our price strategy with a view on Triple Trump Thursday, but chosen to test an established concept. The customers would come across similar prices if we had not had the Triple-Trump. It means that our customers have significantly increased the Trump bonus if we compare with the same day and same time which we believe is the only relevant comparison. It is not relevant to compare it with any other point in time since there is a large variation in prices from hour to hour, and day-to-day, ” she believes.

Stasjonsleder: – Shell set the prices yourself

the Proprietor of the Shell Bjølsen, Leif Tommy Olsen, says that it is the Shell centrally located which puts pumpeprisene at any time, and that this also happened last Thursday morning as prices were set up.

We had good sales throughout the day. Now it seems as though people are well aware of what times the fuel is the cheapest on and fills then, ” says Olsen.

At the Norwegian Consumer council is the medical director for the product safety, food and trade, Gunstein Instefjord, very negative towards the Shell priskampanje:

– This looks simply out as a simple juksekampanje. It is a challenge of many consumers are not aware that there are two pristopper during the week, on Monday and Thursday. It also appears that a coordinated pricing is worrisome, ” says Instefjord.

This is Forbrukerrådets recommendations

He asks the people have a conscious relation to the alleged sale prices, and thought of the days when the prices based on the lowest:

– Our recommendation is to buy Sunday night or Monday morning. The second cheapest is on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, ” says Instefjord.

Norgesgruppen’s communications adviser Ingrid Solberg Gundersen rejects that Trump has nothing to do with the pricing this day to do.

the Pricing is completely Shell’s responsibility, she writes in an email to Aftenposten.

the Competition authority has previously been strongly against the oil companies and accused them of coordinated behaviour in the market bl.a. through a joint price increase on Monday and Thursday. The result, the opinion of the authority, has bl.a. been higher prices to consumers.


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