In 2013 was DNB on 23. place in the ranking of the household also to its overall impression of the largest companies. In the year is DNB the big loser, falling from a 44. place in the year to 60. place in the year.
Equate with the NSB and the Tines omdømmefall
This is one of the biggest falls from one year to another since the annual analysis started 25 years ago.
Nordea falls the second most on the leaderboard.
For DNB, there are enough revelations in the wake of the Panama Papers behind. In some degree for Nordea, but in particular, DNB, believes the head of the department Kristin Rogge Pran in Ipsos.
Pran believes DNBs omdømmefall can be juxtaposed with the NSB experienced after the Åsta accident in 2000, and the negative focus Tine got against him when the company was accused to push the challenger Synnøve Finden, out of dagligvarebutikkenes ostehyller.
Think toppsjefen in the DNB is the problem
Pran says that the measurement was taken up in april, just after the Panama Papers-the case exploded in the Aftenposten, and that the convergence in time put their stamp on the result.
– For DNB, however, it is important to have that trick in years enough is reinforced by the fact that it is not so long since the last DNB was exposed to criticism. DNBs reputation also dropped a lot two years ago, ” says Pran.
a Professor at the Norwegian School of economics, Tor W. Andreassen, is not surprised by the DNB-the fall and believes it must be taken a fast action to turn around the situation:
Because the problems are fundamental and relate to a variety of conditions over time, toppsjefen yourself, Rune Bjerke, resign or be removed by the board of directors. Only in this way can the bank recover its confidence in the market. It is brutal, but the one who is responsible for the huge fall must step aside, believe Andreassen.
Therefore falls reputation
Rejects in general omdømmeproblem
IN the DNB is the perception is completely different. Executive vice president for communications Thomas Midteide, has the following reaction on the bank’s omdømmefall:
We did not experience a general omdømmeproblem, but that the fall is due to a single cause. The vast medietrykket around Panama Papers since march has obviously given us a omdømmefall. Far more important than omdømmemålingen is, however, that customers have confidence in us and the services we provide. We are growing both in utlånsvolum and in the market share of the mortgage, and being selected as the bank in the fierce competition with other talented actors.
professor Andreassens the conclusion that the replacement of the ceo is the only solution, he says:
– It is entirely the board’s decision, and they have said they have full confidence in the ceo. They probably have a broader assessment than a single omdømmemåling.
You have fallen on the reputation before and notified measures, where it has become of the results?
the Reputation for one of the largest financial groups go up and down, but we are depending on of trust over time from our customers and the community we are a part of. Before march we had the highest customer satisfaction, we have measured, and we shall return to that level again.
the NSB and the Norwegian increases
Streikerammede NSB climbed gradually upwards. On the index skips the company up from a 38. place in the last year to 18. place in the year.
Of the companies that have the greatest positive change since last year, NSB on second place, only beaten by Telia Sonera.
Norwegian improves its position significantly. The proportion who have a good impression of the company increases from 59 to 69 per cent, and the proportion of bad impression drops accordingly.
Nevertheless, when it comes to overall impression is the SAS, which is the first on a sixth, while English is relegated to a tiendeplass.
Other companies that jump up on the reputation rankings are KLP, Safe, nextera energy, Nortua and Avinor.
Conducted by the Norwegian department of the French company Ipsos.
the Measurements have been running for 25 years and conducted every year.
In the years the data collection occurred in the period 24. april to 10. June 2016.
1069 people have participated in this year’s survey.
Selection is representative for the population over 18 years of age.
Reitan group impaired
the Owners of the Rema 1000 chain, Reitan group, must be able to withstand enough of a weakening of the reputation. In fact, have the owners of Norway’s largest grocery chain got its reputation weakened every year since 2012, and fell markedly from 2014 to 2015.
Now is the company on a 65. space. In the year, there is again a decline in those who have a good impression of the company, from 40 to 37 per cent. This in contrast to f.ex. competitor to Coop Norway which stands apart compared to the other grocery chains.
The nyvokste dagligvarekjempen ports all the way up on 4. place when people are asked how they assess the company’s reputation. Norgesgruppen, which owns chains such as Kiwi, Save, land on a 39. space.
NRK wins again, Aftenposten progress
Like last year, tops NRK the list of mediebedriftene with the best overall reputation, shows Ipsos-analysis. Eight out of ten questioned have a very good or quite good impression of the NRK, and this is a small increase from last year.
– Amazing numbers for us, ” says NRK-chief Thor Gjermund Eriksen and stresses that a company should do everything to keep this position.
we do this only by continuing to deliver good Norwegian content that people like, and make sure to retain the public’s trust, ” says Eriksen.
main competitor, TV2, located on a fifth place, while TV Norge end up on a 23. space.
By the newspapers, it is Aftenposten that makes it the best. The newspaper has caught up to a 9. place on totalrangeringen. Five years ago, lay the newspaper around a 30. space.
Seven out of ten respond that they have very good or quite good impression of the newspaper.
the VG ports on a 36. place, while Dagbladet is located on a 41. space.

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