The Opel Astra is named European Car of the Year 2016. It became clear in Geneva Monday afternoon, the day before the press days open at this year’s exhibition.
The new Astra emerged victorious with 309 points, ahead of Volvo XC90 with 294 and Mazda MX5 with 202.
– the feedback we have received from customers, dealers and the press in Norway shows that we have done many things right in the introduction of the new Opel Astra. Through making equipment previously only has been far more expensive cars, available to most people, we show clearly why we say “More Opel – more premium,” says CEO of Opel Norway, Bernt G. Jessen.
Originally there were 29 models competing for the coveted title, with seven models in the final heat.
58 journalists from 22 European countries voted for their favorite cars.
last year VW Passat won ahead of Citroën C4 Cactus and Mercedes C-class. will be present at the show and give you news and pictures.
– We have noticed that some people believe that there will be repercussions, while many see that there has been significant repercussions. What it is confirmed now is that the ripple effects have been significantly higher than we initially predicted, communication manager at the oil company ENI Andreas Wulff.
Research institute has researched the regional repercussions of the Goliat project and Eni Norge’s operations in northern Norway. It’s Eni is the operator of the Goliat field in the Barents Sea outside Finnmark.
submitted a report.
460 employees
Andreas Wulff in ENI hit back at critics with a report in hand.
Photo: ENI Norway
– This report shows that the ripple effects have been far greater than even the most optimistic estimates that were made in connection with the impact assessment for Goliat few years back, says Wulff.
the report is the fourth in the series coming from the research institute has done on behalf of the Goliat project owner, ENI. The report summarizes research Trond Nilsen up how many million, which is used in conjunction with the development phase of the field.
– We have found that there are somewhere between 440 and 460 employees who are directly or indirectly involved in development phase to Goliath. And further deliveries to the development phase from the region have been somewhere between 1.1 and 1.3 billion. So far, says Nilsen told NRK.
When asked about a report commissioned by the oil company is reliable evidence that the company has brought repercussions in the billions to the region, responding Wulff in ENI follows:
– There are two things to be aware of there. Firstly, this report is imposed on us to carry out, by Parliament. The second is that this type of research, known as contract research, is a natural and legitimate part of Norwegian research sphere. All research institutions in Norway are doing this kind of mission-based research, he said.
Depending on Goliath
One who does not have any report to tell him about the repercussions, is Oliver Bock, chief of Smart Hotel in Hammerfest. He says that between 80 and 90 percent of visitors, guests are oil and gas related.
– Without oil and gas industry had been very quiet at our hotel. So we are very dependent on this activity, he said.
ENI believes Goliat have come throughout the region for good, and it has come in many different areas of society. Something report shows:
– It’s a good confidence for us to have this report and those numbers that give us a good backing for saying that the repercussions from Goliath has been very extensive.
Du trenger ikke reise all verdens langt for å finne litt sol og varme. Én av fire nordmenn har i disse dager hatt eller skal ta vinterferie. Av disse reiser 38 prosent til utlandet. Tallet blir enda litt høyere til påske, viser tall fra Hovedorganisasjonen Virke.
India, Egypt og solrike øyer vinnere
Men hvor får du eller mest sol for pengene i vinter?
Ifølge Forex Banks solindeks er det i Goa, Sharm el-Sheikh og på Kapp Verde og i Las Palmas på Gran Canaria du får aller mest sol og en rimelig reise.
Topp ti rimeligste reisemålene hvor du er garantert mye sol og et billig opphold:
Goa, India = 63 soltimer pr. uke/78 kr pr. soltime
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt = 63 soltimer pr. uke/130 kr pr. soltime
Kapp Verde = 49 soltimer pr. uke/133 kr pr. soltime
Las Palmas, Gran Canaria = 42 soltimer pr. uke/136 kr pr. soltime
Havanna, Cuba = 49 soltimer pr. uke/141 kr pr. soltime
Marrakech, Marokko = 49 soltimer pr. uke/143 kr pr. soltime
Cape Town, Sør-Afrika = 70 soltimer pr. uke/148 kr pr. soltime
Bali, Indonesia = 63 soltimer pr. uke/155 kr pr. soltime
Antalya, Tyrkia = 42 soltimer pr. uke/157 kr pr. soltime
Koh Samui, Thailand = 42 soltimer/171 kr pr. soltime
Om undersøkelsen: Forex Banks indeks sammenligner prisnivå og kostnader på vanlige produkter som et måltid på en mellomklasserestaurant, en halvliter øl, en drosjetur på fem kilometer samt snittprisen for en hotellnatt, ifølge opplysninger fra hotellsøkesiden Trivago. Antallet soltimer ved 36 ulike reisemål ble målt i november. Totalkostnaden har deretter blitt delt med gjennomsnittlig antall soltimer pr. feriedag.
I Oslo er det mørkt og bikkjekaldt
På denne årstiden ligger temperaturene i Goa på mellom 20 og 32 grader. Fra april setter sommeren inn, og da kryper gradestokken opp mot 40 grader, ifølge værnettstedet
Kanariøyene er værstabilt året rundt, men ekstra godt klima på vinterstid – da suser også en god del solhungrige nordmenn til øyene.
Til sammenligning har Oslo 14 soltimer i uken vinterstid, og hver soltime koster 1024 kroner, ifølge indeksen.
Sør-Afrika, Bali og Thailand trekker unge
Nordmenn, gammel og ung, elsker været. Og det er en viktig faktor når vi velger hvor og når vi skal reise.
- Generelt vil jeg si at kundene våre er veldig opptatt av vær og klima når de skal reise. De stiller mye spørsmål og er opptatt av å reise dit det er bra vær, samt unngå regnsesonger og så videre, sier markedssjef Even F. Hulleberg i reiseselskapet Kilroy.
På listen er det mange chartermål, noe Kilroy ikke først og fremst selger til sin unge kundegruppe.
- Marrakech skiller seg litt ut da alle de andre destinasjonene ligger ved havet og er strandsteder av en eller annen grad, mens Marrakech ligger et godt stykke fra havet og ikke er noe stranddestinasjon og heller ikke passer helt inn på listen din for min del.
Solvinner Goa utmerker seg ikke spesielt blant deres kunder. Men:
- Havanna, Cape Town, Koh Samui og Bali er definitivt svært populære reisemål. Cuba er mer populært enn noen gang, Thailand har vært konge lenge, og Bali fremstår fortsatt som en våt reisedrøm for mange. Cape Town på sin side er kanskje en av verdens vakreste byer med tanke på sin beliggenhet, sier han.
- Sør-Afrika var også på listen vår over årets beste reisemål, legger Hulleberg til.
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Stor kåring: Her er verdens beste strender – og en av dem ligger i Europa
De 15 billigste ferielandene i vinter
Denne europeiske hovedstaden overrasker – men du har neppe vært der
- Aldri har jeg vært et sted hvor folk er så åpne for annerledeshet
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Ti grunner til å ta med barna til London
Hva er det med nordmenn og Kanariøyene?
Vinterens reisenyheter: Satser stort på gammel solkjenning
On Monday morning it was announced that Mitsui & amp; Co. invests heavily in the Hexagon, and that the two companies have also signed an agreement on strategic cooperation.
Hexagon CEO Jon Erik Engeset expects agreement with Mitsui will be “much further” than the preliminary five years , according to TDN Finans.
– it’s a long term relationship that will last for a minimum of five years, but we expect it will last much longer than that, says Engeset news agency.
Engeset emphasizes that it was not feasible for Mitsui to buy a greater share in Hexagon.
– We perceive it that this is consistent with Mitsui’s investment strategy is to have minority stakes. They do not want or intend to control us, he said to the news agency.
He said that Hexagon has had a commercial partnership with Mitsui for a long time, where the company acts as an intermediary, consultant and “build bridges” between Hexagon and prospects. It is a collaboration that will increase after the strategic agreement.
– We will work closely with Mitsui and chart their businesses in various geographical markets and agree on a select list of the opportunities we will prioritize, he says .
Hexagon boss highlights Mitsui’s central position in carbon fiber and automotive, as well as hydrogen, as areas where there is scope for collaboration with Hexagon. He also points out that Mitsui has a completely different position in South America and Asia than Hexagon.
– The agreement gives us access to these markets and it gives us great business opportunities in these regions, says Engeset TDN Finans .
– The main problem right now in our domestic stock market is weak and declining results. Estimated earnings coming twelve months OSEBX index is down nearly 30 percent since last year’s summit. Norwegian industry is enjoying a serious resultatresesjon, turn Investment Director Stig Myrseth fixed in the latest weekly report from Dovre management.
Myrseth see little impetus from company results in the short term. The risks are primarily on the downside in the estimates as long as oil prices remain below $ 45.
– There is no telling how the oil market will develop in the future, but the signals are not encouraging. As long as oil prices do not climb over 45, we doubt that the last week rally on the main index is the start of something bigger. The reason is that earnings support simply is not good enough, writes investment director.
Oslo Stock Exchange is now trading at 13.9 times expected earnings coming twelve months.
According Myrset it does not mean that stock prices will be down. Two factors indicate a continuing high P / E. One is that earnings are below normal and will increase in the long term. The second is that interest rates on safe investments is becoming worse.
This week gives Myrseth Europris foothold in Dovre portfolio.
– With a 2016 P / E of 16 is not the stock cheap. We like, however, that the company delivers solid profit growth and analysts constantly raised our estimates. This year is projected bottom line to grow by a respectable 30 percent, writes Myrseth.
To share advantage will also speak on the countercyclical qualities. Myrseth recalls that sales growth has been particularly strong in Rogaland in the recent past which is probably due more price-conscious consumers.
At the same time he throws away American Shipping Company.
Dovre portfolio thus consists of the following shares:
Höegh LNG reports a profit after tax of minus $ 32.99 million in Q4 2015, compared with minus $ 59.26 million in the same period last year. According to TDN Finans was expecting a loss of NOK 32 million US dollars.
Earnings per share were minus $ 0.50, compared with minus $ 0.95 at the same crossroads last year. There were expecting a profit of minus $ 0.48 per share.
The result before tax was a loss of 32.00 million, compared to negative $ 57.91 million the previous year. Average expectations of analysts indicated a profit before tax of minus $ 31 million.
The operating result was minus $ 19.31 million, against a loss of $ 47.28 million the previous year. Here analysts had expected a loss of NOK 18 million dollars.
Total revenues amounted to $ 58,670,000, compared with $ 40.75 million in Q4 2014. Analysts forventningr was here on 57 million dollars.
Höegh also reports that they have now received commitments for bank financing of $ 223 million for FSRU number 7, which is scheduled for delivery by the end of the first quarter of 2017.
the financing is claimed TDN Finans available for 65 percent of delivery cost of fifteen years amortization, increased to 75 percent and twenty years by entering into a long contract.
the structure has a term of five years after delivery and flexibility to be dropped down to Höegh LNG Partners with FSRUen. The interest rate may be “swapped” and is expected to be set at 3.8 percent. Finance No one is conditional upon final documentation.
In the interim, there are reports also that Höegh LNG now pursuing three FSRU projects, which have been waiting boot that fits delivery of FSRU number seven in the first quarter of 2017.
in addition pursues company more FSRU projects for growth beyond the company’s existing newbuilding program, which is in line with the company’s options with shipyards.
In just over 20 minutes’ trade is the main index of 564.26, down 0.37 per cent, and it is so far sold shares for 258 million.
Oil prices
Brent oil rises Monday 0.25 percent to $ 35.53 a barrel, while WTI oil is down 0.21 percent to $ 32.71 a barrel.
In comparison, a barrel of North Sea oil traded at $ 36.48 a barrel at the close of trading Friday.
despite the upturn traded thus North Sea oil for far less than when the Oslo stock exchange closed before the weekend.
according to Bloomberg News and TDN Finans muted price fall in February that US drilling companies last week reduced the number of active drilling rigs to the lowest in more than six years.
the rig count fell by 13 to 400. This is the tenth week in a row of decline.
the proposal by Saudi Arabia and Russia to freeze production is feasible, and prices will rise to 50 dollars per barrel by the end of the year, said Nigerian oil Minister Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu CNBC .
– Oil prices have remained fairly stable over $ 30. There is no strong basis for a particularly large increase, but the worst selling pressure may be over. It does not seem likely with some greater commitment from Iran, with regard to freeze proposal, says an analyst at IG in Melbourne, Angus Nicholson, to the news service.
Statoil is unchanged at 124.30 million.
Last phase
In the run-off earnings season for Q4 has a number of companies put forward figures on Monday morning. You can see all here!
John Fredriksen’s Frontline is one of the companies that have put forward figures. Bulk shipping company exceeded analysts’ expectations for the bottom line for Q4, and the stock rises 0.82 percent to 80.00 crowns.
NRC Group Announces a multiplication of both top and bottom line, and are rewarded with a rise the entire 11.38 percent to 49.90 crowns.
Several companies did, however, hit a wall in Q4. Polarcus lost almost 2.5 billion during the quarter, and the stock drops entire 9.91 percent to 1.00 million.
Archer’s shares are down 7.93 percent to 2.67 million after the Monday morning reported a profit blow to the 4th quarter of just over 2.1 billion.
Höegh LNG reported that waited on bright red figures in Q4. The stock falls 1.49 percent to 82.75 crowns.
New owner invests heavily
On Monday morning reports that Mitsui & amp; Co. invests heavily in the Hexagon, while Knut Flakk sells down. The news sending shares up entire 10.26 percent to 21.50 crowns.
Hexagon and Mitsui & amp; Co. signed Saturday an agreement that Mitsui certain conditions subscribe for 33,333,000 shares at a price of 20 kroner. In parallel, Mitsui signed a separate agreement with Knut Flakk-controlled Investment AS to acquire 8,333,321 Hexagon shares for courses 20 million.
Hexagon and Mitsui has also signed a 5-year agreement on strategic cooperation.
New appointment
SeaBird exploration has entered into an agreement for the implementation of a pre-funded multi-client survey in northwestern Europe.
(FINANSAVISEN): Registered unemployment in Nav remained unchanged in February at 3.3 percent.
Norges Bank Nav figures far more important than the LFS figures from SSB, which faces slightly on a higher level. Navs figures show a rather moderate increase in the number of unemployed over the last year, up about 9,000 or from 3.0 to 3.3 per cent unemployment rate.
This is partly because more now on the measures. Gross unemployment, which includes placements, up from 86,000 to 101,000, seasonally adjusted. Unadjusted gross unemployment at 108,400, up from 3.5 to 4.0 per cent last year.
Gets worse
– We believe this is a temporary dip, says senior economist Knut A. Magnussen at DNB Markets to Finance newspaper.
– the increase was very small, but the long-term trend is still up, he believes.
According to Finance newspaper waiting DNB Markets unemployment not only increase throughout the year, but still rise in 2017.
oil failure
but for unemployment remains almost mainly related to oil failure. Since February last year, unemployment has clearly increased in seven of the counties. All located along the coast, from Aust-Agder Sor-Trondelag.
The worst is of course in Oslo, where unemployment is up 67 percent, followed by Hordaland and Møre og Romsdal, with 34-35 percent increase.
the number of counties where the unemployment rate is lower than a year earlier sinking slowly, but still, unemployment has fallen in six of the counties. Especially inland, but also Northern Norway has fewer unemployed than last year. Even in Oslo there are marginally fewer unemployed now and throughout the central eastern Norway holds good condition.
Sitter du og tenker at du har en supergod idé, men sliter med å realisere den?
Ønsker du å bli den neste Steve Jobs eller Mark Zuckerberg, men frykter at du vil mislykkes?
E24 har tatt en prat med tre gründere som har våget å satse på sine ideer.
De har til felles at de har gått på trynet minst én gang i løpet av karrieren, men tok lærdom og har tatt med seg erfaringene videre i sin karriere.
Her er deres tips til deg som er redd for å feile.
Idar Vollvik: – Gründerskap er ikke kortdistanse
Vollvik solgte seg ut av suksessen Chess og tapte 2,4 milliarder kroner i aksjehandel.
Han reiste seg igjen, og nå er Vollvik engasjert i flere selskaper.
TA SJANSER: Idar Vollvik oppfordrer folk til å se det positive i alt. Foto Jan Petter Lynau VG
– Det jeg mener er aller viktigst om du skal lykkes som gründer, er å ha i bakhodet at gründerskap ikke er kortdistanse. Du må ha tålmodighet, tenke at du har på deg skylapper og være innstilt på at du skal lykkes med det du holder på med.
Han forteller at de som ikke tar impulser, sjelden lykkes.
Å by på seg selv og å våge å satse på egne ferdigheter er helt sentralt, forteller Vollvik.
– Det er viktig at du får med deg noen på laget som gjør at du fremstår som troverdig, noen med erfaring. Gründerskap er en lagidrett.
Vollvik har en oppfatning av at problemet til mange av dem som møter veggen, er at de stopper opp.
– Folk må ikke gi opp med en gang ting ikke går som planlagt. Sliter du for eksempel med finansiering må du tenke nytt, og pakke inn ideen på en annen måte. De aller fleste opplever at den opprinnelige ideen blir formet til noe annet, men det er fantastisk. De som ikke tar impulser, lykkes sjelden.
Kim Haagensen: – Penger er ikke nok
Haagensen har i løpet av sin elleve år lange gründerkarriere jobbet med mange oppstartsbedrifter.
SERIEGRÜNDER: Kim Haagensen har startet opp mange bedrifter. Foto Sara Svanemyr
– Etter alle mine år som gründer har jeg innsett følgende: Man må ha troen på seg selv. Om man drømmer stort, må man tenke stort.
Han mener altfor mange gründere ikke deler ideene sine med folk.
– Deler du ikke visjonen din, så er det ingen som vil satse på deg heller.
Den største erfaringen Haagesen har gjort seg i løpet av mange år med opp- og nedturer, er at det ikke holder å ha ambisjoner om å bli rik.
– Man må gjøre noe man virkelig vil, og brenner for. Er penger motivasjonen din, vil du aldri legge ned tilstrekkelig med innsats i ideen din, som er nødvendig for å lykkes.
Tore Rasmussen: – Bit tennene sammen
Sammen med Simen Fure Jørgensen bestemte Tore Rasmussen seg for å finansiere et brettspill med navnet Playing Lean gjennom crowdfunding-plattformen Kickstarter.
Målet var å samle inn 50.000 dollar på 36 dager, men de nådde bare 24 prosent av målet, og skjønte fort at de hadde mislyktes.
Tore Rasmussen i Playing Lean gikk på trynet da han skulle finansiere et prosjekt gjennom Kickstarter. Foto: Privat.
Etter å ha lagt ut på en bomtur til USA der prosjektet skulle promoteres, kom han tilbake til Norge og måtte se på hva som hadde gått galt.
En god del justeringer senere er ideen igjen blitt virkelighet.
Dersom realiseringen av din gründerbedrift ikke går som planlagt, har Rasmussen følgende oppfordring:
– Det er bare å bite tennene sammen og prøve å se tilbake for å finne ut av hva som gikk galt.
Han mener det er viktig at man heller fokuserer på å jobbe ut fra feilene man har gjort, istedenfor å begynne å peke fingre på hvem som er skyld i at det ikke gikk bra.
– Man må bare brette opp ermene og begynne på nytt igjen.
I likhet med Haagensen og Vollvik råder han gründerspirer til å gjøre det beste ut av situasjonen.
– Vi kunne bare gitt opp etter turen til USA, der vi blåste hundre tusen kroner, men vi valgte å anerkjenne at vi hadde mislyktes og søkte kundetilbakemeldinger.
Han forteller at denne anerkjennelsen gjorde at de nå er der de er i dag, på vei mot å nå målet om å lykkes med brettspillet.
HAUGESUND: It was thus not just any boat was christened at Indre Kai Saturday afternoon.
For toner from Moster school band and with over 200 attendees at the dock could godmother – and namesake Eva Elisabeth Walderstedt – declare boat christened, albeit after having thrown the champagne bottle against the hull four times.
– It’s a big day, said CEO Einar Eide during his speech.
Provides salmon a lukewarm bath
the boat to the newly established nests made Bremnes Seas Whore is built to fight against lice. Without the use of drugs can special vessel debug 150 tons of salmon per hour.
– Briefly we give salmon a natural treatment by bathing it in 30 degrees in half a minute. Have salmon lice will they fall off and die. This is both efficient and environmentally friendly, says Eide.
This is called a Termolicer solution and that is that salmon are transported through this which is key in the fight against lice.
From Sandnes to Jondal
in the beginning, the company had a Termolicer on a barge.
Eide says that it was too immobile and made full use of capacity enough considering that the company has over 23 localities between Sandnes south, Jondal in Hardanger.
It got the company to think again.
– In January 2015 the idea came up that we can have one ship with two termolicere. Then we are more mobile. The ship is four times greater than those normally used in the auto industry, says Eide.
He says that several other actors are already using the same solution.
– They call it Bremnes method smiles director.
Rebuilt diving vessel
– This is not to add hide the fact that we are proud of the new boat which is also the first in our new rederlag, says Eide.
the boat is a converted diving vessel from 2006 that has been built in order to fill the needs of Bømlo company, which has over 280 employees spread around at over 30 places and localities.
Headquartered in Økland harbor in Bømlo, where they have lived since the beginning in 1937.
– ahead
as a manufacturer of Salma, one of the industry’s strongest brands, looking Bremnes Seas Whore, it is essential to be among the industry players who are at the forefront of development.
– We live on customer confidence. They should know that we go as far as possible for the fish to have the best growth conditions and that the end product is of top quality, says Eide.
The boat has been tested on several of Bremnes Overseas Whore their facilities – with very positive experiences.
Interested parties were also coming aboard the boat and three other catamarans situated quay outside Scandic Maritim.
– Since 2014, we have received seven such vessels, in addition to the two that are under construction, says project manager Ernst Olav Helgesen.
HAUGESUND: It was thus not just any boat was christened at Indre Kai Saturday afternoon.
For toner from Moster school band and with over 200 attendees at the dock could godmother – and namesake Eva Elisabeth Walderstedt – declare boat christened, albeit after having thrown the champagne bottle against the hull four times.
– It’s a big day, said CEO Einar Eide during his speech.
Provides salmon a lukewarm bath
the boat to the newly established nests made Bremnes Seas Whore is built to fight against lice. Without the use of drugs can special vessel debug 150 tons of salmon per hour.
– Briefly we give salmon a natural treatment by bathing it in 30 degrees in half a minute. Have salmon lice will they fall off and die. This is both efficient and environmentally friendly, says Eide.
This is called a Termolicer solution and that is that salmon are transported through this which is key in the fight against lice.
From Sandnes to Jondal
in the beginning, the company had a Termolicer on a barge.
Eide says that it was too immobile and made full use of capacity enough considering that the company has over 23 localities between Sandnes south, Jondal in Hardanger.
It got the company to think again.
– In January 2015 the idea came up that we can have one ship with two termolicere. Then we are more mobile. The ship is four times greater than those normally used in the auto industry, says Eide.
He says that several other actors are already using the same solution.
– They call it Bremnes method smiles director.
Rebuilt diving vessel
– This is not to add hide the fact that we are proud of the new boat which is also the first in our new rederlag, says Eide.
the boat is a converted diving vessel from 2006 that has been built in order to fill the needs of Bømlo company, which has over 280 employees spread around at over 30 places and localities.
Headquartered in Økland harbor in Bømlo, where they have lived since the beginning in 1937.
– ahead
as a manufacturer of Salma, one of the industry’s strongest brands, looking Bremnes Seas Whore, it is essential to be among the industry players who are at the forefront of development.
– We live on customer confidence. They should know that we go as far as possible for the fish to have the best growth conditions and that the end product is of top quality, says Eide.
The boat has been tested on several of Bremnes Overseas Whore their facilities – with very positive experiences.
Interested parties were also coming aboard the boat and three other catamarans situated quay outside Scandic Maritim.
– Since 2014, we have received seven such vessels, in addition to the two that are under construction, says project manager Ernst Olav Helgesen.
Saturday announces Dagens Næringsliv that Trond Mohn returned 100 million to twin brother Stein Mohn.
It was according to the newspaper last year that Trond Mohn transferred the money, it despite the fact that his twin brother broke with Trond and his family over 30 years ago.
Stein Mohn told the newspaper that he does not know why he got the money.
– I have no idea. He just called totally out of the blue and asked me the account number, he said.
In 1985 established Stein Mohn his own company. It was three years after a calamitous falling out with his father, which ended with a definitive break with Trond Mohn and his family. Stein Mohn was then been pushed out of the family business from his father, Frank Mohn.
Trond Mohn is known to be generous with his vast fortune. He has contributed large sums to sports facilities throughout Norway over the years. In addition, he has contributed millions to football clubs SK Brann and Tromsø IL.
Subsea 7 annonserer fredag morgen at selskapet har vunnet en større («major») kontrakt med BP og partneren Deutsche Erdoel for utvikling av subseafeltene Giza, Fayoum og Raven utenfor Alexandria i Egypt.
Selskapet definerer selv kontrakter av denne størrelsen som på over 750 millioner dollar, tilsvarende drøyt 6,4 milliarder kroner.
Avtalen er en del av den andre fasen av West Nile Delta-prosjektet. Subsea 7 er også involvert i fase én, og meldte om en kontrakt på prosjektet så sent som i desember i fjor, den gang med Brullus Gas som motpart.
– Denne store kontrakten er en bekreftelsen på vårt arbeid gjennom første fase av West Nile Delta-prosjektet, og lar oss levere synergier fra flere arbeidspakker. Vårt tidlige engasjement i prosjektet lar BP og Subsea 7, sammen med DEA, utvikle optimalisert løsning for utviklingen av Giza-, Fayoum- og Raven-feltene, og demonstrerer det effektive samarbeidet mellom oss, sier konserndirektør Øyvind Mikaelsen i en kommentar.
Dagens annonserte kontrakt omhandler ingeniørarbeid, innkjøp, installasjon og tidlig ferdigstillelse undervannsinfrastrukturen for 12 brønner, med 80 kilometer «navlestrenger» (umbilicals) og 220 kilometer rør.
Den inkluderer også installasjon av eksportrør fra feltene til terminal.
Arbeidet under kontrakten vil starte umiddelbart ved Subsea 7s kontor i London. Offshoreinstallasjonen er ventet å starte i 2017, og vil foregå i to faser.
Oljedrevet nedtur
Den ferske kontrakten er etter alle solemerker en kjærkommen tildeling for Subsea 7, som er blant selskapene som virkelig har merket oljenedturen.
Subsea 7s ordrebok sto på 6.733 millioner dollar ved utgangen av tredje kvartal, ned fra 7.169 millioner ved utgangen av kvartalet i forveien. Ser man på utviklingen over tid, er ordrebokfallet større. Nivået før oljeprisfallet tiltok, etter andre halvår 2014, var på 11.197 millioner dollar.
De krevende forholdene har også gitt utslag i markedsverdien på selskapet, som på et tidspunkt var blant de aller største notert på Oslo Børs. Selskapet verdsettes i dag til drøyt 17,1 milliarder kroner, ned fra over 37 milliarder halvveis inn i 2014.
Siem Industries er største aksjonær i Subsea 7, med en eierandel på 21,3 prosent.
In his annual told Governor Øystein Olsen that Norway now, after a long and wonderful summer, faces a long and cold winter. He has probably right, but then Nav yesterday came with unemployment figures, there was not much to see of winter and letdown. Unemployment increased namely with only 300 people in February, and we look at the sum of the unemployed and job seekers to preventive measures, the number was only 100.
This is in glaring contrast to the daily reports of new layoffs and layoffs as coming from all the companies in the oil and gas sector.
Nav has registered 90,900 people as unemployed, which is 9,400 more than a year ago, but the unemployment rate is only 3 , 3 percent of the workforce. Included in labor market programs will be 108,400 (4 percent). Statistics Norway (SSB) which came with the so-called LFS survey a few days ago, concluded that unemployment fell from 4.6 percent to 4.5 percent, and that there are 126,000 in the queue. The difference is that Nav detects anyone who signs up employment offices, while SSB find their numbers at the interviews. There is therefore little lobster and canary with SSB figures. Nav numbers are better.
Can Norway now call off the crisis?
What we see is that unemployment rises sharply in counties with oil business, from Aust-Agder Trøndelag, while unemployment actually falling in Hedmark and in Nordland. In Oppland, Sogn og Fjordane and Troms, unemployment only 2.3 percent.
We do not believe this dichotomy of economy will remain. Unemployment will continue to rise in Rogaland and Hordaland, and it will spread to the rest of the country. So they notice it in Kristiansand and a prosperity municipality Asker.
Some even believe that unemployment rates are so low that Norges Bank will not cut interest rates in March, and if you look only at 3.3 percent vacant , this could have something for themselves, but the fact is that the growth in Norway has almost come to a halt (up 0.1 percent in Q4).
the investments in oil and gas will drop by 10-15 percent this year, down to 163 billion, and it can be just as bad in 2017. the winter is long.
Crude had a small upturn (Brent oil $ 35 per. barrels of writing moment) and it may well be that the bottom is passed (this time), but we do not think that there is an end to layoffs and layoffs in everything from oil and gas to do.
the supplier industry is in crisis, and yet it seems that it is abroad the biggest cuts are taken, but as drilling rigs, supply vessels and seismic vessels laid up, the employees also out. Goods crisis out in 2016 and 2017, as it appears today, we have only seen the beginning of redundancies.
Currently, the shareholders who have taken the brunt – ahead will be the employees.
We were a little cheated February figures. It is the winter to come.
New figures from NAV came Friday and the dramatic news is the large increase in available engineers.
In Telemark unemployment engineering / ICT increased by 35 percent compared with the same month last year.
Bamble has an unemployment increase of 23 percent. Skien has a stable unemployment rate of 4.5 percent of the workforce, Porsgrunn is 4.1 and Bamble 3.9 percent.
On a national basis, unemployment rose from the same month last year by 11 percent, and is now at 3.3 percent. The Telemark is 3338 people, or 3.8 percent, unemployed.
Jobseekers on various measures have increased 50 percent since last year, and now accounts for 625 people in Telemark. Measures called follow-up, training, wage subsidies, work experience and job creation and self-creation.
– The number of unemployed between 20 and 30 years in Telemark is now 980 people, or 6.3 percent of the labor force between 20 and 30 years. This is still high, but a decrease of 130 persons (12 percent) from February 2015, according NAV.
The number of long-term unemployed in Telemark, those who have been unemployed for at least six months, 685 people. This is 194 fewer than at the same date in 2015. A year ago it was 879 people long-term unemployed.
It was registered 974 vacancies in February this year, compared with 690 in February 2015. Most jobs were in health and care with 306 jobs, followed by construction with 131 positions.
at the end of January, 305 people in the county laid off. There is a doubling of the number of laid-off from a year ago.
For the first time Hurtigruten present positive figures for all quarters of the business year. Operating income before depreciation and taxes increased from 652 million in 2014 to 923 million in 2015. Hurtigruten is now world leader in the cruise in the Arctic and Antarctic, and Skjeldam notes that the interest to travel with the company has never been greater.
He actually believe 2016 will top last year.
– it is difficult to predict until the time, but so far suggests that 2016 will be an even better year for us, says Skjeldam NRK.
He said the booking so far this year suggests that the peak has not been reached.
– presale our date in 2016 is above the same period last year . We note an even greater interest in Hurtigruten product so far this year, and believe there is great potential to increase traffic further.
CEO Daniel Skjeldam have faith in the future. – We have such a good momentum now, that we put on a 12 ships along the Norwegian coast already this summer, which will go in addition to the other vessels, he said.
Photo: Bjørnbakk, Jan-Morten / NTB scanpix
– A slight crown might help too on?
– Weak crown also speaks to the company’s advantage. We are aware that the krone may strengthen over time, so we are keen to build business regardless of the exchange rate we have. But it is clear that we take with us every year with low exchange rate.
Great opportunities
The CEO says that the company has been through a tough and hard restructuring in the last three years, where they have cut costs and streamlined operations while they have invested in new concepts. New offices abroad have also helped to sell products internationally
He believes it is now more important than ever to find new industries that we can live on for years to come.
– Erna Solberg has been clear that Norway is in a transition. We believe that tourism is a natural nutrient betting hard on, here is the enormous opportunities. There is a sharp rise in activity-based tourism internationally as Norway can benefit from.
Belief in a doubling in the number of employees
Skjeldam actually think it is possible to double the number of employed in the tourism industry within a few years. According to NHO, there are currently 140,000 employees in Norwegian tourism. To achieve this, it needed a good partnership between the public and private, says Skjeldam.
– Also local excursion providers goes good times ahead?
– in 2015 we had a record turnover of local excursion vendors on 223 million. We expect that number gets bigger in 2016. We see that we are a major contributor, and we intend to continue with, quit Skjeldam.
Norway’s largest bank, DNB, cuts Friday its fixed-rate loans for young people under 34 years and SAGA clients to under two percent.
The new stats are as follows:
Fixed interest period
Nom. rate
Eff. rate
3 years
5 years
10 years
– We have noted lackluster interest tying the loan for a period, and we believe that is because many now have expectations that interest rates will be even lower, says Marit Giske DNB to E24.
the country’s economists are agreed that there will be new rate cut in March, and that the probability that we get zero interest rate during the year is growing.
“with lower oil prices, weaker growth in the second half of last year, higher spreads, lower interest rates and more uncertainty there may we surmise that a March cut to 0.5 percent is as good as given, “wrote chief analyst Erik Bruce of Nordea Markets after recent figures showed sharper fall in oil investments on the Norwegian shelf than expected earlier this week.
According to DNB is the first time in recent years that the bank offers fixed rates below two percent.
– The downside by choosing fixed rates are less than ever before, says person marketing manager at DNB, Trond Bentestuen. He can not remember that “insurance” against higher mortgage interest rates have been cheaper.
Bank is not alone in such a low interest rate. Among other things also Storebrand fixed rate offer of 1.99 percent.
OBOS bank cut on his side the floating interest rate on mortgage Young and Nyboliglån to 1.99 percent earlier in the week.
Facts about fixed rate loans: After selecting fixed rate you know exactly how much to pay each month in the time period, regardless of how interest rate changes out elsewhere in the market.
you can move with you, fixed rate loan if you move houses. It is also possible to break a fixed rate deal. If you go out on the course, you must pay extra. If you go out on the course, you get left money.
There will be loss of interest (share) if the interest rate on customer loans is higher than the current level for similar fixed-rate loans with respect. remaining duration. The difference amounts to a loss of interest for the bank. This loss of interest is called the loss of interest and must be paid by the customer.
It is purely profit (discount) if the interest rate on customer loans is lower than the current level for similar fixed-rate loans with respect. remaining duration. DNB pays interest rewards to customers who go out on the course provided that they have kept the agreement on fixed interest rates for at least twelve months.
For the customer’s loss of interest deductible by tax assessment, while interest gains are taxable capital.
Året er 2028. Elbiler utgjør en stor del av bilparken i verden. Taperne er oljeprodusentene. Elbilen skaper en så stor svikt i etterspørselen etter olje at det skaper en ny oljekrise.
Den neste oljekrisen skaper elbilene, ifølge en omfattende analyse fra Bloomberg New Energy Finance .
I analysen konkluderes det med at elbilene vil redusere oljebehovet med to millioner fat om dagen i år 2028 sammenlignet med dagens nivå.
Sammmenligner med T-Forden
Analysen er basert på salgsveksten av elbilene det siste året sammenlignet med andre tekniske nyvinninger som fargefjernsynets inntog, solpaneler og ledlamper.
Fords T-Modell tok knekken på hest og vogn. Nå kan elbilene gjøre det samme mot de fossile-bilene. Her bilde av T-Fords nummer 10 millioner fra samlebåndet den 4. juni 1927. Foto: AFP/For Motor Company
«Ifjor økte salget av elbiler med 60 prosent i verden. Det er et interessant tall, fordi det er også anslaget hva elbilprosenten Tesla mener vil være veksten fra 2020, og er den samme vekstraten som hjalp Fords Model T til å utkonkurrere hesten i årene fra 1910», heter det i analysen.
Dersom salget av elbiler holder samme vekst-tak vil det ifølge analysen medføre en reduksjon i etterspørsel av olje som utgjør to millioner fat per døgn så tidlig som 2023.
«Det vil utløse en tilsvarende oljekrise som startet i 2014», heter det i analysen.
“Begynner å se et massemarked”
Men Bloomberg New Energy Finance mener at en årlig økning på 60 prosent i elbilsalget ikke er sannsynlig og utsetter nedgangen i etterspørselen av olje basert på nullutslippsbiler til 2028.
Ifølge analysen vil elbilene tilsammen redusere etterspørselen på totalt 730 millioner fat olje i året.
Bloomberg mener at det er flere årsaker til at elbilene vinner terreng og at 2020 blir elbilens store tiår.
– Batteriprisene har falt med 35 prosent det siste året, noe som gjør at man begynner å se et massemarked for elbiler, heter det i analysen.
Bloomberg New Energy Finance anslår at 2039 vil elbiler ha en andel på 35 prosent av nybilsalget verden over.
«I 2040 vil elbiler med stor rekkevidde koste mindre enn 22.000 dollar (red.anm. 190.000 norske kroner)».
I analysen understrekes det at dette har ikke oljeprodusentene regnet med og viser til at oljekartellet Opec tror at elbil salget i 2040 vil utgjøre en prosent.
«Avhengig av fotfeste»
Administrerende direktør Øyvind Solberg Thorsen i Opplysningsrådet for veitrafikken støtter Bloombergs analyse at elbilene og andre nullutslippsbiler som hydrogen vil utgjøre en stor del av bilparken i årene fremover.
– Man får ingen nobelpris for å spå det, sier Thorsen.
– Vil stort salg av nullutslippsbiler føre til ny oljekrise?
– Under forutsetningen at slike biler får fotfeste i store land som India, Kina og USA, sier Thorsen.
Han legger til at tekniske forbedringer vil gjøre elbilene mere attraktive.
– I 2018/2019 vil det komme elbiler med en realistisk rekkevidde mellom 30 og 40 mil. Da trengs det kun en liten kaffepause for å lade bilen med en tur fra Oslo til Trondheim.
Thorsen mener at politiske vedtak kan endre etterspørselen etter elbiler i Norge.
– Man kan fjerne gratis bilparkering og kjøring i kollektivfelt med elbil, men dersom kjøperne må betale moms blir elbilene i Norge 25 prosent dyrere. Det vil få en negativ innvirkning, sier Thorsen.
Ifjor ble det solgt totalt 150.686 nye personbiler i Norge. Av disse var 25.788 nye personbiler med nullutslipp – hvorav kun ni var hydrogenbiler.
Økningen av nullutslippsbiler i Norge var ifjor på 42 prosent sammenlignet med salget i 2014.
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Stein Mohn broke both his father Frank and twin brother Trond after an argument in 1982. Since then he has had no contact with his more prominent brother, though both live in Bergen, writes DN.
the newspaper writes that in early February this year suddenly Stein Mohn up among the biggest shareholders reverse vending company Tomra with a shareholding valued at nearly 80 million.
Stein Mohn confirmed to DN that it is financed by money he received from his brother a year ago.
– I have no comment beyond the fact that I’ve got some money from my brother Trond, he says about the shareholding of Tomra.
the newspaper asks how the relationship with his brother is today.
– I have no relationship with my brother, but I hope he’s okay.
When asked why he got the money by his brother, responding Stein Moen:
– I have no idea. He called totally out of the blue and asked me the account number.
Til tross for at Stein Mohn brøt med tvillingbroren Trond Mohn og hans familie for over 30 år siden, mottok han en pengesum fra sin bror for et år siden, melder Dagens Næringsliv.
Tidligere i år ble det kjent at Stein Mohn var blant de største aksjonærene i panteautomatselskapet Tomra, med en eierandel verdt 80 millioner kroner.
- Jeg har ingen kommentar utover det faktum at jeg har fått noe penger av min bror Trond, sier han til avisen om bakgrunnen for hvordan eierandelen er finansiert.
- Ba om kontonummeret
Han sier videre at han ikke vet hvorfor han fikk penger av broren.
- Jeg aner ikke. Han ringte helt ut av det blå og ba meg om kontonummeret.
Mohn vil ikke kommentere hvor mye penger han fikk, men DN melder at det er snakk om 100 millioner kroner. Trond Mohn har ikke kommentert saken.
Det var i 1985 Stein Mohn etablerte sin egen virksomhet. Tre år tidligere ble han loset ut av pumpekonsernet etter en opprivende krangel med sin far, Frank Mohn, skriver
- Min far var en glimrende industrimann, men ikke like god på å være familiemann, sa Stein Mohn til BT i desember i fjor.
Han ønsket ikke å si noe mer om konflikten med faren. Men den førte også til et definitivt brudd med tvillingbroren Trond Mohn og hans familie. De to tvillingbrødrene har siden den gang ikke hatt kontakt, selv om de har fortsatt å leve i samme by. Noen søskenbarn-kontakt har det heller ikke vært mellom deres barn.