Sunday, December 4, 2016

Agree about the budget – now it becomes more expensive gasoline – E24

It was late Friday night that the English got the message the company has been waiting for: the United states transportdepartement has given the company final flytillatelse.

It opens new doors for Norwegian, which will now establish a number of new routes all over the world and set up two new bases in the united STATES.

theNorwegian pilots want Norwegian to succeed, but with the local staff instead of cheap crews from countries with lower wages.

” We are concerned that this is the start of a utflagging of european and american jobs, says the leader Yngve Carlsen in the Norwegian Flygerforbund to E24.

Fears spread

Flygerforbundet has worked with the Norwegian case in three years with the United states pilotforeninger, and fear that the company’s use of the crew from the lavprisland can force other companies to do the same in order to be able to compete on price.

the Danger is great for around 135.000 jobs in Europe. Not because the Norwegian with 40 aircraft makes use of asian labor, but because the other companies can come running after and establish subsidiaries in Ireland and establish the same model, ” says Carlsen.

It is considerably heavier to get this reversed than it was to get it adopted. One must work politically, ” he says.

Each ticket is up to 45 dollars cheaper if you fly with a cheap asian crew compared with european employees, according to the league’s calculations. Cabin crew are more vulnerable than the pilots, because the wages vary more.

the Norwegian rejected Saturday the trade unions ‘ concerns, and said that the company has a large proportion of local employees in the united STATES.

English has employed around 500 americans and probably will employ 500 to when the company is establishing two new bases in the united STATES next year, in Boston and New York area.

the Company has 200 cabin crew based in Bangkok and several hundred employees based in London, and believes that the criticism of the company is unjustified. It is also, first and foremost, local staff who will operate routes in Europe and the united STATES, says the company.

 <p><b>FEAR UTFLAGGING:</b> Norwegian Flygerforbunds leader Yngve Carlsen fears that european and american jobs will be replaced with cheaper labour after the united STATES gave flytillatelse to lavprisselskapet Norwegian, something that åopen for sharper competition på long-distance bus services.</p>

FEAR UTFLAGGING: English Flygerforbunds leader Yngve Carlsen fears that european and american jobs will be replaced with cheaper labour after the united STATES gave flytillatelse to lavprisselskapet Norwegian, allowing for sharper competition on the long-distance bus services.

– Flygerforbundets “concern” is baseless: It will in fact be created several hundred new european jobs in the time ahead, ” Norwegian spokesman Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen to E24.

– These asian wages we have talked about for three years. We have published these salaries, and the asian employees actually have the highest purchasing power of all our cabin crew, ” he says.

Have considered the practice

the United states transportdepartement (DOT) has reviewed the arguments from the Norwegian’s opponents before it gave flytillatelsen to the company’s irish subsidiary Norwegian Air International. The company has offered changes in its hiring practices, according to the DOT.

– We expect that these will be implemented, writes the ministry in its decision.

There came strong reactions from american labor unions and elected officials after the permit was granted Friday. According to pilotforeningen Alpa plan Norwegian Air International to retrieve the crew in Singapore on thai contracts, with significantly lower wages than Norwegian employees.

Alpa will take the steps to get into this decision, and block the NAIs business model from spreading, ” says Alpas leader, captain Tim Canoll, in a press release.

Pilotforeningen in Southwest Airlines has appealed to the United states ‘ next president, Donald Trump, whether to reverse the decision.

– If the new us administration reverses this we will ask ourselves behind it. It means that a european or american companies can’t run a flags of convenience where they use employees from other countries, ” says Carlsen.

Disappointed over the government

Norway’s Flygerforbund is also disappointed that the Norwegian government has supported the English, by sending letters to the U.s. government and by that government ministers have promoted the airline’s case in Washington.

– We have a national government that would be at the forefront of risking utflagging of the 135.000 european workplaces. I may not be impressed that they are heiagjeng for it, ” says Carlsen.

the Ministry has not answered E24s inquiries about the case.

Lavprisselskapenes business model is probably difficult to stop, according to professor Frode Steen, Norwegian School of economics. Many airlines have served well on langdistanserutene, but now they have to wait for tougher competition from companies such as Norwegian, he believes.

– Long distance was the last hegemony, ” says Steen.

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