Monday, December 26, 2016

Learn how to make julelefsen klinga – Dagens Næringsliv



He stands in grovkjøkkenet in the basement of the Fannremsgården and håndsmører the homemade lefsene with colostrum. Then they shall be dried and stored in klingkorga, which was made to Kjersti Evensdatter Gorset in 1846, great-grandmother to Jon Fredriks father.

- Råmelken contains extra a lot of fat and proteins, which provides a osteliknende and the glistening layer on top. Under tørkestekingen begins lefsen to bubble. It is almost a terteliknende consistency with layering, explains Skauge.

Most do not have access to raw milk today, but you can make something similar with a mixture of eggs and milk. He emphasizes that the klinga is høytidslefser. His paternal grandmother told him with blank eyes about juledagsmorgen; how her mother came up from the basement with klingkorga.

- Grandmother used to add lefsene between the humid kleder julekvelden. Here in Orkdal came people the tradition of the old catholic times, when festdagene not started before the first christmas day.

In the advent was fixed, and julekvelden here eat one mjølksaup – a thin risgrøt with cinnamon and sugar to the starter and lutefisk. You should also go with simplere clothes before christmas, to notice the difference. “Jultufsan”, called the grandmother. She used to go with the worst underwear until the days of christmas, and used like the worst bed linen with holes in.


the Farmer thinks it is food for thought that many start festspisingen in good time before christmas, and that there is little difference when christmas comes around. On Fannremsgården eating it not the rib before the days of christmas.

Christmas is also the time for a extra stately festgrøt. A dobbelgrøt of mølsgraut and rømmegrøt on top on the table. In rømmegrøten stock Skauge a pattern after the paternal grandmother called the krine. He draws ditches where it poured fat from the rømmegrøten. On top of this added a layer of cinnamon. Women on the farms had their own pattern.

- Several have drawn up the pattern of his for me, ” he says.

When lefsene is dried, finished, stored the of the storehouse, where it is dry and airy. For Jon Fredrik Skauge is one of the most important to test out the old konserveringsmetodene for food, and find out how they can be useful for the future.

I sent the dried klingan that was one and a half years old, to the laboratory testing. They were just as fine.

But lefsene farmer stock now, will probably be eaten up before easter, together with jønnbrødet, which is a kind of flat krumkake, and goroen. The old gorojernet he uses, has the pattern of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. And in the barn waiting Drople, Kronborg and the other cows that the human dad to put up the christmas tree this year also.


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