Sunday, April 26, 2015

Manipulation error gave 250 million in late fee – DinSide

Your page Paying bills on time is known as extra important when it comes to demands from the state, the annual fee, NRK license and student loan from the Loan Fund. If not, late charges that stings the scrotum – even if you pay on time, but enter an incorrect amount.

It got Dagbladet journalist Eivind Pedersen experience when he entered the wrong amount in your bank and thus paid 50 million for small to Customs, within the deadline.

Read also: The state earns half millard on reminders

Amount Miss gave full late fee


EXPENSIVE: sliding payment of NRK license is also costly.

When Eivind Pedersen would pay the yearly nominal 3.060 million, entered him in the wrong amount, namely 3.010 million.

Thus emerged a new requirement from Customs, par 50 crowns he paid too little, and the additional fee of 250 dollars.

– It is too bad that one poor law-abiding car owner, who believe that everything is okay when it juts out over 3,000 dollars on the due date shall encumbered with a penalty which is 500 percent higher than the feiltastede fifty tag, says Pedersen, who also got some error in the online bank payment method.

– When the system is made with the input of CID number, which, furthermore, contains 21 digits, so goes a consumer assume that everything is in order when your payment is accepted, says Pedersen.

Read also: Norwegians prefer to enter CID number itself

Therefore, one must pay the entire leek fee

What is the reason why you get such a high purring when entering a little too small amount from the payment of the annual fee?

Jan Small, Acting Head of Administration at the annual fee office in Oslo and Akershus, told DinSides that the rules are such that when the annual fee is not paid entirely before 20 March, will be imposed surcharge of 250 kroner. The only exception is those who pay annual fee of 435 million for electric vehicle, vintage, moped and tractor, escaping with a surcharge of 50 million.

– I have great sympathy for the people experiencing it as unfair that they have to pay the entire premium charge, when they have not tried to evade anything from Customs. It is simply the way that the rules are very rigid, says Small.

SMASHING HARD creditors: You do not easily away if bills to the state remains unpaid. (Photo: Colourbox)

SMASHING HARD creditors: You do not easily away if bills to the state remains unpaid.

He shows that the rules for payment of the annual fee and surcharge is warranted in the Storting Resolution and taxpayer regulation. A possible change of routines to Customs requires a new decision, explaining Lie.

Therefore, no payment stopped

The reason for the payment of the annual fee is not stopped online banking if you enter the wrong amount, such was also the case for Eivind Pedersen, according Small that KID number is not related to the amount.

– KID number is attached to the vehicle, identification number and check digit. Therefore you get no error messages in the online bank about amount is not correct, says Small.

Read also: you do not pay on time, they can pull you in wages

DinSides and Dagbladet are both owned by Aller.


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