Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Not everyone gets vacation whenever they want – Aftenposten

Aftenposten job experts answer questions about careers, job and management. Ask your questions to the experts!

Q: How common is it that the employer lays holiday (I work as an architect)? Is it constructive personnel policy to determine three weeks summer?

Business expert: As the boundary between work and private whispers out it will become increasingly more common to that employee has great ability to influence or determine the time for the holiday season. At the same time many employers had to exercise its right to control (a control law that governed both by the Holidays Act and the general management right, as an employer has when it comes to operations of the work) to determine the vacation times. It may be due to seasonal absence / reduction of duties or the need for a rigorous workforce planning. In addition, there are jobs that closes completely – or that plugs into a sort of “sleep state” with minimal staffing needs. On such jobs, we get enough to withstand the employer decides holiday time for us.

If there is constructive personnel policy to determine three-week summer vacation, will be divided opinions. Through the media we have heard that companies like Netflix and Virgin Group has entrusted to their employees to decide when and how long they will take vacation. Under the important proviso that it does not go beyond the job that one takes vacation. For the conscientious such an arrangement almost become a “straitjacket” that gives less opportunity to take time off. For whoever easier on responsibility to the employer this may initially seem like a paradise. But the joy may be short-lived because it will probably go sharply over career and opportunities to remain in his job for whoever does not take responsibility. But the scheme can with good leadership provide more satisfaction and greater responsibility among employees. Something most employers want. “Freedom with responsibility” systematized.

Thor Simonsen is the HR Director of Manpower and answer questions about personal and HR.

Q: We have just received the deposit scheme at work. How much constitutes management costs? Employers have also negotiated favorable conditions for us in a separate savings scheme for those of us who want to save something extra even for retirement. Is the same charges will apply it on the job or is it even better terms?

Business expert: I would assume that in any case not higher administrative costs in the pension scheme the employer pays the (pension scheme) than in the private savings scheme you mention for those who want to save a little something extra for yourself. Whatever you need not worry about the administrative costs in the occupational pension scheme, since the employer pays all administrative costs related to this. This follows from the law. On savings scheme as established for those of you who want to save something extra is of course yourselves covering all costs. That the employer has negotiated favorable terms for you this is obviously an advantage.

Alexandra Plathe

Q: I have now worked half a year in an engagement in a Norwegian state enterprise. Ms. Ellingsen and management has decided that it should become a permanent position. Therefore it must be advertised, and of course I intend to apply for this, but are interested in some tips for both application and interview. I reckon that it required more of me in an interview after which they know me from before. But what should I emphasize in application and interview?

Business expert: Basically, you have an advantage in relation to the other applicants in that you already have in-depth knowledge of position. You know the goals and tasks that are central to the position, and that you have knowledge about the organization and know your colleagues.

To prevent job interview is for casual and bearing in direction by taking shape as a nice chat among colleagues, it may be wise if you focus on your job and your qualifications. This applies both to the content of the application and interview. Try to maintain a caseoriented and formal approach to both the application and interview. Explain why you believe you meet the criteria and qualifications that are assumed in the text of the advertisement and any job description. Remember also to convey that you are motivated for the job, even though you’ve been in it for a while already. Wish you luck!

Helene Tronstad Moe

Q: I was sick last week and employer already called me three times to check if I’m able to work. I think it’s a bit intrusive and want to be in peace until I feel good enough to go back to work. What can I do to skip the hassle of the employer?

Business expert: The employer is in compliance with the Working Environment Act required to follow up sick leave and direct dialogue with the employee employment opportunities and adaptation measures that may be relevant for that job opportunities will be realized as early as possible and as much as possible. The law has no deadlines for this for some weeks, but there is nothing to prevent the employer engages earlier than required by law and follows up frequently, as long as your doctor has not written declaration that the work is not possible with adaptation measures. Many doctors prescribe this routine on sick messages, but it should be after an assessment.

Disease Conditions may change frequently , and therefore it may be appropriate that the employer rings three times within one week. This is related to what you are communicating about adaptation needs and employment opportunities, as well as a follow-up is concluded. When a follow-up is enshrined among yourselves, there is less reason for the employer to call you so frequently, unless there is an initiative in following up.

It’s positive that the employer follows up and wants you return to work far harder it is for the many who feel that the employer does not contact and is indifferent to their monitoring duties during sick leave. Wish you good recovery, and that you get the fastest possible working again! Work is healthy!

Attorney Henning M. Heitmann

Q: I asked what plan we have at work and received feedback that there is minimum scheme. What does it mean?

Fancy expert : I would assume that you are covered by statutory minimum scheme (so-called mandatory occupational). The scheme was introduced in 2006 and imposes most employers to have a pension plan that includes retirement and freedom of contributions. The minimum annual contribution is 2 percent of salaries between 1-12 G. G is national insurance base and constitutes pt. kr. 88,370. Do you pay on such kroner 388,370, will be paid an annual contribution of 2 percent of NOK 300,000 (388,370 to 1 G)), ie NOK 6,000 for you.

How much this will give you in annual retirement depends on the size of the total deposits, returns and payment period. You also have what is called freedom of contributions. Many people misunderstand and think that this provides a continuous payments in case of disability. It’s wrong. Waiver only ensures that you will still accrue retirement (saving of 2 percent) should you be longstanding illness / disability.

Alexandra Plathe

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See also:

How do you succeed in the job interview

You thought it was best to sit passively and wait for a response when the job application was submitted?

Current legislation injuries pension

Published: 28.apr. 2015 8:40


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