Friday, August 14, 2015

- Is always gambling – Dagens Næringsliv

With the current oil price is not Ivar Aasen development profitable. Now try Karl Johnny Hersvik in The Norwegian finding more oil.

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The waves pounding against the 200 meter tall bright yellow steel installation where platform to Ivar Aasen field in the North Sea will be built. The world’s largest jackup rig “Maersk Interceptor”, which stands for drilling, looms at sea.

The Norwe- gian Exploration is always gambling. But the discovery rate is relatively high in this area. We are pleased that Lundin has found more oil in the Edvard Grieg field, and we hope you will find more, says chief Karl Johnny Hersvik in the Norwegian.

Friday the company started production drilling on Ivar Aasen on Utsira High in North Sea.

815813.jpg The Norwegian will drill two new wells next year, a little over two mil from the field, hoping to find additional resources.


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